Monday, January 25, 2016

Why is Donald Trump Still Whining About Megyn Kelly’s ‘Unfair’ Question?

Will the next President of the United States be the type of person who harbors resentment about a legitimate question regarding the defense of his character? The same question in another way: why is Donald Trump so easily shaken by Megyn Kelly and pretty much anyone else who he deems doesn’t treat him fairly?

He has swatted away the feeble attacks that the other Republican candidates have lobbed at him, but there’s a huge difference with the attacks that will come if he’s nominated. The mainstream media is 90% liberal. They want him to be the nominee so they can unleash hell on him in the general election. Why? Because they want a continuation of the policies of their anointed one, President Obama.

If he can’t handle Megyn Kelly asking him how he would handle their attacks, how does he expect to handle their actual attacks? If he believes that she was being unfair, all of the bluster and false campaign promises exuding from his ego-driven ambition to be President will be laughable once the real battle begins. He’s easily shaken. He’s worse than John Boehner and Howard Dean combined when it comes to criticism. He thinks so many people are unfair to him and he handles this unfairness very poorly.

Now, he’s considering boycotting the upcoming debate because Megyn Kelly is still going to be a moderator. Why is he so afraid? How can any voter expect him to handle the hot seat in the Oval Office if he can’t handle the hot seat at these debates?

Let’s be very clear. He’s making a huge deal about a question that wasn’t unfair at all because, as with all bullies, his biggest fear is being challenged. People like Trump are great at dishing out the attacks but they cower at the prospects of having to take their own medicine.

What Kelly asked Trump in the Fox debate last year was 100% legitimate. The Republican nominee has to be able to handle tough situations without being a weak child. If he can’t handle Megyn Kelly asking about his history with women, how will he survive the onslaught of attacks from the Democrats if nominated? Answer: he’ll fail miserably and produce another Democratic White House.

via Soshable

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