Friday, January 22, 2016

Ramsussen Poll: 70% of Republicans don’t think Palin endorsement will benefit Trump

Sarah Palin Former Conservative

With much fanfare and hoopla, Donald Trump accepted the endorsement of failed GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin this week. Many are saying it damaged her reputation more than it helped him. A new Rasmussen poll backs this up by showing a mere 30% of likely Republican voters think it will be a benefit.

This lines up nicely with national polls that show Trump hovering around 30%. Does this say that Trump’s supporters like the endorsement and other don’t care? Did Palin’s star in the political sphere run out when she decided not to run for President in 2012? Could it go back even further to 2008 when many Republicans blamed her unwarranted and unsuccessful entry to the GOP ticket as a reason for the rise of President Obama?

As with the majority of polls, it really doesn’t tell us much. Without being able to cross-reference it to the original intent of voters, there’s no way to tell if it pulled more Republicans into his camp or if it took more away from him. It should also be considered that only 6% fewer Republicans believe that the endorsement actually hurt his campaign.

With a likely promise of a cabinet position such as Energy Secretary, few believe that Palin, once touted as a conservative, is really on board with Trump’s liberal escapades. This is about political expediency for both of them and most Republicans see it for what it is.

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