Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ted Cruz Shows How Great Presidents Handle Attacks: No Tantrums

When one compares the “unfair” question that drove Donald Trump to boycott the Fox News GOP debate to the questions and attacks that Ted Cruz was getting from every possible angle, it’s easy to see that Trump crumbled under the lighter version. Cruz faced much tougher scrutiny from Megyn Kelly and addressed them like an adult rather than throwing a tantrum like Trump.

For Trump, the mere mention of his past attacks on women was enough to send him over the edge. For Cruz, Kelly came prepared with video and very poignant questions, not just for him, but allowing openings for other candidates to attack as well. It was effective; Cruz was forced to defend himself. In the end, he came out as the most Presidential of the candidates.

Following the debate, he was Kelly’s guest. He didn’t berate her or talk about different places where she may have been bleeding, as Trump did. Instead, he took his knocks and by the end of the interview had Kelly acknowledging that his record on amnesty was exactly as he has claimed all along.

It wasn’t just the moderators. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie all fired very direct attacks on him. With no Trump at the debate, Cruz’s status as the other frontrunner made this an inevitability. Perhaps his best line of the night came following an attack when he described how he would truly rebuild the military and fight ISIS by rebuilding the economy first like another President, Ronald Reagan.

Ted Cruz GOP Debate 1

The President of the United States is going to face heat from every angle. Can we really afford to have someone who bails out at the first sign of unfairness or someone who handles it with a level head and a sharp intellect to actually solve the problems?

via Soshable

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