Monday, January 4, 2016

Shocker (to some): Trump’s First TV Ad is Brilliant for His Base

For someone who uses new media and the podium to harass, insult, and bully competitors and journalists, it’s amazing to see Donald Trump put out a television ad that actually stays very true to the issues that brought him to where he is today. He got all of the necessary hot buttons in without having to attack a single Republican.

He did attack “politicians,” something he has done throughout his campaign. In that quick attack, he highlights Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. He then goes after radical Islamic terrorists by brandishing their image and calling them for what they are. From there, he highlights his plan for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration. At the end, he delivers the message of stopping illegal immigration by building a wall and making Mexico pay for it.

His final note, of course, was to reiterate the slogan he “borrowed” from Ronald Reagan.

Anyone who is surprised that he stayed so focused on his message, pushed all the right hot buttons, and didn’t attack his competitors are probably the same people who felt his campaign wasn’t serious. It’s serious. He’s smart. This ad works.

If there’s one complaint, it’s that he’s a bit too consistent. We learned nothing new, nor did he highlight any of the lesser-known aspects of his policy proposals such as taxes or infrastructure. We assume those are coming. In the meantime, this ad acts as an ideal way to solidify his base by repeating what he’s consistently said all along. That was the mission and it gets a clear “mission accomplished” badge.

With $2 million in campaign funds pledged per week to get this ad out in early voting states, anyone who didn’t know he wants to take out the Islamic State, pause Muslim immigration, and build a wall on the southern border will certainly learn these things before February voting starts.

via Soshable

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