Friday, March 4, 2016

After Trump Flip-Flops on Foreign Worker Visas, Has Jeff Sessions Lost All Credibility?

For years, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions has been one of the shining beacons in Congress for fighting the illegal immigration problem in America and for defending jobs that are being given to immigrants. One of his biggest fights has been to prevent the importation of “high-skilled immigration” for the sake of filling jobs in tech fields. Now, Donald Trump, the man Sessions endorsed for President, has flip-flopped completely, even going against what it says on his own website about immigration.

Nobody would believe that Sessions has changed the view he’s fought so hard to uphold in Washington DC, but will he lose credibility for being so easily fooled? More importantly, is it possible that Sessions has abandoned his fight for the sake of political expediency through an offer by Trump to be in his administration? It’s conspicuous that Sessions was named as Trump’s Chairman of National Security the day of the debate before Trump made his flip-flop official. Is Sessions in line to be Trump’s Secretary of Defense?

Here’s the flip-flop itself:

At least Trump’s not trying to hide it. This puts Sessions in an uncomfortable position of fighting for something that his chosen Presidential candidate is squarely against. Ironically, his last three Tweets tell the story of what Sessions claims to want but that are the exact opposite of what Trump now supports.

Jeff Sessions Immigration

If Sessions has any honor, he’ll abandon Trump’s commitment to supplant American workers by importing “high-skilled immigrants” who are taking their jobs. America cannot continue the Trump/Clinton plan to bring in immigrants when so many American citizens need those jobs.

The post After Trump Flip-Flops on Foreign Worker Visas, Has Jeff Sessions Lost All Credibility? appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven

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