Saturday, September 26, 2015

How Old are the Republican Candidates?

One of the hardest pieces of news for me to believe was when I learned that President Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s. He wrote a letter to America nearly six years after leaving office, but reports started coming in that it had an effect on the latter days of his 2nd term in the White House.

Age has always been a concern for candidates. We have to look at where they are today, how old they’ll be in four years, and even how old they’d be at the end of a second term. Health science is progressing and it’s easier to keep a President fit, but in these turbulent times it’s important to know that failing health wouldn’t put the country in danger.

This year, we have an odd mix. There are plenty of Republican candidates in their 40s. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is 67, several years younger than Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. The Democrats seem to be the “old fogies” this election cycle.

Here are the remaining major GOP candidates ranked by the age they would be when they take office on January 20, 2017. Add eight years and you’ll know where they’ll be if they win a second term.

  1. Marco Rubio – 45
  2. Bobby Jindal – 45
  3. Ted Cruz – 46
  4. Rand Paul – 54
  5. Chris Christie – 54
  6. Rick Santorum – 58
  7. Lindsey Graham – 61
  8. Mike Huckabee – 61
  9. Carly Fiorina – 62
  10. Jeb Bush – 63
  11. John Kasich – 64
  12. Ben Carson – 65
  13. Donald Trump – 70

Joe Biden would be 74 and Bernie Sanders would be 75 when they took office if either of them won the election. Is the GOP positioned to relate better with younger voters?

The post How Old are the Republican Candidates? appeared first on Conservative Haven.

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