Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Truth About September 2015 (and why it will not/did not bring the Rapture)

So many videos and articles are coming out proclaiming all sorts of things that are supposed to happen in September, 2015. We do not believe that the end of the world or the Rapture will occur at that point, so it’s important to warn people about the warnings ahead of time as well as to have a point of reference after the fact.

Below is the transcript from the video we made on the topic. Then, we have the video itself.

For a couple of years, there’ve been a ton of videos made and articles written talking about September, 2015. It’s an important month as it marks the fourth of the blood moons in the tetrad that will occur on Sukkot, September 28. Much speculation has been given to Yom Kippur and the Day of Atonement starting September 22nd and ending September 23rd. People are even pointing to the Pope coming to America, the conclusion of Jade Helm 2015, and the economic collapse that is “scheduled” for the Shemitah.

I’m not going to downplay the amazing series of events that all seem to be culminating in September. However, I’m very concerned with all of the conclusive statements that are being made in the name of warning. As believers in Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, we must know three important things:

  1. First, signs and prophecies are designed for recognition rather than preparation. The problem with preparation, as strange as it may sound, leaves people unprepared. Our will cannot be allowed to supersede the Will of the Father and when we go through setting dates and announcing coming events, the nature of which we have zero control over, we’re doing a disservice to the calling of discipleship.
  2. Second, this is another example of people proclaiming that the Rapture will occur on or around September, 2015. As I’ve said before, the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture is non-Biblical and potentially dangerous to the fortitude of believers whose faith can be shaken when it does not come to pass. If you’re watching this before September, 2015, I strongly urge you to stop waiting for the Rapture and to instead prepare yourself spiritually for the tribulation that is coming by wearing the full Armor of God at all times and helping others to hear the Gospel.
  3. Third, it’s important that you understand the concept of preparation. If we are indeed in the end times, then it’s extremely important that you trust your Father and our Lord Yeshua, that you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through these times, and that you focus on today. Give no thought to tomorrow. Be prepared on a spiritual level to face whatever is put before you, the challenges, trials, and tribulations that may be directly ahead. Your priority list should have higher things than gold, water, and ammunition. Those things are important for this life and this world only. Your only requirement is to prepare yourself, your family, and all who you touch in a way that is meaningful. With that said, once you have your spiritual fortitude rooted firmly in the Bible, then the preparations of this world might not necessarily be a bad idea of the Holy Spirit compels you to do so.

With all of that understood, the question then becomes, “What’s the point?” Why would we have the blood moon tetrad? What are all of the worldly signs seemingly pointing towards September 2015 as an important part of world history, perhaps even the end of the world as we know it? To answer these questions you must understand God’s prophetic timeclock and why the adversary is in such a hurry to rush people towards a prophetic end. The adversary knows how easy it is to distract us. He is aware that we as a people can be easily shaken to not heed the warnings before us.

If the signs of the sun and the moon are truly intended to mark a significant point in history, then our understanding of these things becomes ever so important. Rather than listening to Bible scholars, conspiracy theorists, or end times eschatologists, turn instead to the Lord. Pray, fast, pray some more. Read your Bible constantly in every free moment that you get. That doesn’t mean to quit your job and become a hermit but it does mean that every moment spent watching reality TV or playing games on your Xbox could have been spent deepening your connection to the Holy Spirit, to worshiping our Father and living life as Yeshua has pronounced throughout the Bible.

Whether you’re watching this video before, during, or after September 15, know that every moment wasted on the distractions of this life will be time that you’ll never get back. Today, regardless of when you’re watching this, is the time to expand your Biblical understanding and to worship the wonderful Creator who breathed life into us all.

These signs are designed to keep us firm in our beliefs so that we will not be deceived by the world or the adversary who controls it. So often in the Bible it talks of gnashing of teeth. Those who face the second death will be angry. They’ll feel betrayed. They’ll go through eternity thinking that they were given a raw deal but the truth of the matter is this: you have no excuse. Read Romans 1 thoroughly and know that no person has an excuse when it comes to the judgment at the end.

The Bible is the only truth that you need. If we’re in the end times, then there will be so much compelling evidence of a false reality that the vast majority of people will be deceived. The way the world is going, it would appear that we’re in the great falling away from the truth that is foretold in the Bible. You cannot allow yourself to be caught up in this deception. That is why these signs are appearing.

We have all been warned. September 2015 may or may not be the time of a tremendous world event, but if you’re heart and mind are steeled to the truth of the Bible, the worship of our Father, the honoring of our Lord and Savior, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then there is nothing that will be put before you that you cannot overcome, even if overcoming it means martyrdom.

The post The Truth About September 2015 (and why it will not/did not bring the Rapture) appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.

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