Sunday, November 1, 2015

Why John Kasich (and every other candidate) should care about blogs

John Kasich Blog

When Red State went after John Kasich for his appeasement of mainstream media and his gushing over the “great job” that CNBC did during the debate, Presidential candidate John Kasich said that he didn’t care about blogs. That’s a big mistake for him or anyone else who doesn’t realize that this is where a good chunk of Americans get their opinions.

Red State is a strong conservative blog because it allows people to voice their opinions in ways that are clearly obtuse to John Kasich. It’s likely that he wishes for the good ol’ days when the American people only had a voice through letters to the editors of newspapers. He probably wishes that conservatives couldn’t go to Red State, Breitbart, social media, or write on their own blogs about their perceptions regarding politicians and policies, but that’s where we are today and it’s not likely to change before the nomination is secured.

It’s through these websites that the voters can finally speak their mind. More importantly, other voters can read about what others are thinking rather than simply listening to the talking points of mainstream media. Candidates like Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz should be all over these blogs hearing what the people are saying and even responding to them in a way that is meaningful. If one were to listen to mainstream media, Donald Trump will get the nomination with Ben Carson possibly giving him a run for his money. It’s the blogs that are saying that this won’t happen.

No, there won’t be a thousand comments or hundreds of people sharing this particular blog post on social media, but it will reach some. That’s the beauty of blogging. One doesn’t have to have an audience like CNN or Fox News in order to reach people. When you look at all of the blogs and all of the voters reading them, the whole is more influential than anything else on the internet when it comes to determining the winner of an election. Barack Obama recognized this long ago. Hillary Clinton is starting to see it. When will the Republicans recognize it?

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