Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Lunacy of Our Election Process Puts Too Much Emphasis on Iowa and New Hampshire

When the nominees are in place, I’ll go into the other crazy aspect of the electoral college that makes my vote meaningless. For now, I’ll discuss why the use of primaries spread out over months is utterly ludicrous.

As a California Republican, I literally have zero vote for President. By the time June, 2016 rolls around, there’s a pretty good chance that the GOP nominee will be all but locked in. Since the Republicans will absolutely not win California in the general election, my vote will be meaningless next November as well. How can we consider this process logical, fair, or remotely intelligent when many people have absolutely no influence on the outcome?

Then, there’s Iowa and New Hampshire. There’s a reason that some candidates spend dozens of days in these states while only coming to California for the occasional fundraiser. The voters in these first two primary/caucus states have exponentially more influence over the Presidential election than the vast majority of Americans. Their vote literally counts more than mine. They don’t have special voting knowledge. They haven’t done anything to earn their spot of having “supervotes” compared to my meaningless votes other than the fact that they live in a state that the system has deemed to be more important than mine (and probably yours, depending on where you live).

There is no argument that can be made to prove to me that it makes sense to have a system like this. Before anyone thinks that it’s sour grapes because I live in California, keep in mind that I would be griping just the same if I lived in Iowa or New Hampshire. The system is completely broken. The people in those states will have hundreds of opportunities to meet the people who are trying to lead this country while most people will be lucky to have a single opportunity.

This all made sense back in the 18th century when communication and travel were much slower and the size of the country was much smaller. Today, it makes absolutely zero sense. I’m certain that someone can find a logical, legal way to fix this system, but apparently nobody’s trying hard enough.

Chris Christie has spent 44 days in New Hampshire. Have you seen him in your state? Is your vote less important than the vote of someone in New Hampshire? Unless you live in Iowa, the answer is yes, and that’s simply not right.

via Soshable

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