Thursday, November 19, 2015

Despite Donald Trump calling Michelle Malkin a ‘dumby’ she’d still take him over Marco Rubio

Michelle Malkin

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin has had mini-wars with Donald Trump over the years. He’s called her names, insulted her intelligence, and generally bashed her birth all the way through to her adult, articulate, firebrand self. With all this, she’d still take him over Marco Rubio.

Since starting his run for President, Trump hasn’t really gone after Malkin very much even though she’s been critical. Perhaps it’s because they share a common perception on illegal immigration in the United States and are both very vocal about the necessity to stop this problem. That could also be the reason that Malkin is so vehemently against Marco “GangOf8” Rubio that she would vote for someone who has repeatedly insulted her intelligence over the years.

There are three takeaways from this.

  • Trump’s past might not be as important to conservatives as liberals would have us believe.
  • Malkin is an adult who will do what’s right for the country rather than hold old grudges.
  • Rubio is so moderate that many Republicans fear he’s being molded as the next Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Bob Dole establishment candidate.

Immigration is an important issue to Republicans. Hopefully, they will see through what Rubio has done for political expediency and recognize that Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson should be ahead of him for a reason.

Here’s the video from The Blaze. We didn’t create it, so we can’t be held responsible for the annoying music that makes Malkin difficult to hear at times.

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