Monday, November 9, 2015

The softest CNN interview ever given to a GOP Presidential candidate

Donald Trump Interview

CNN’s State of the Union is known for asking people hard questions, often cornering election candidates on issues and events that can break their candidacy. When Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner, took his turn on the show, it was a completely different situation.

If one didn’t know better, they might believe that the questions were pre-screened, possibly even handed over to the host from the campaign itself. There was nothing too hard. In fact, the only pressing that was done was to try to get Trump to say that he would put boots on the ground. Even that one was a gimme.

While we won’t go so far as to say that mainstream media wants Trump to be the GOP candidate, it definitely falls into the realm of minor conspiracy theory when the questions seem designed to give the guest a pulpit from which to make his campaign pitch. Here’s the video. What do you think?

Was the interview too weak? Does Trump have the media scared to push him too hard? Is he destined to win the nomination for nefarious reasons? These are the types of question you apparently won’t get on CNN.

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