Saturday, October 24, 2015

After Obama, the Country Desperately Needs Christian Values in the White House

There was a time not too long ago when I wrongfully believed that strong Christian faith was important but not necessarily crucial for a Presidential candidate. It wasn’t that I felt faith was secondary. I simply though that the office of the President of the United States could not do much to supersede the faith and values of Americans. President Barack Obama proved me to be very wrong and it’s imperative that we correct that in the coming election.

Unlike many conservatives, I do not believe that President Obama is a Muslim. He claims to be a Christian and some of us take that at face value. Just because he’s sympathetic to Muslims and against Israel does not mean that he prays to Allah. I find it much more likely that he’s lukewarm in his faith and not a conscientious follower of the Bible. He wants to be a uniting force between religions and follows a secular mindset. That concept is actually more dangerous than if her were actually a Muslim because it gives license to non-Biblical ideas. As a result, gay marriage is now accepted by American society and backed up by the Supreme Court.

The last seven years have demonstrated how the non-Biblical ideals of a President can permeate throughout the population. When he was elected, over 60% of Americans were against gay marriage. Now, the polls are showing that the exact opposite is true with over 60% supporting gay marriage. This is the danger that I didn’t recognize before, the danger of a President’s belief system trickling down into society’s mindset.

It isn’t just gay marriage. It’s also the fundamental shift in worldview that allows for concepts like racism, hatred towards American exceptionalism, and reliance on the government to solve our problems to creep into the thought processes of the common person. The Christian Conservative movement has been accused in the past of being at the forefront of hatred and many representatives of the movement proved to be wolves in sheep’s clothing pushing bigotry and hatred. However, the core of Christian Conservatism yields brotherly love, independent thought, and notions of personal responsibility that would fight the hatred we’re seeing in America today.

In other words, true Christian Conservatism is exactly what the country needs if we’re going to fight bigotry from the extremes, whether it’s the police-hating Black Lives Matter movement or the everyone-hating Westboro Baptist Church. By seeking common ground in the precepts of the Bible to guide the country towards unity, we can finally be where we were always meant to be in leading the nations as a beacon of worldly light. That’s not to say that everyone in the country must be converted into evangelicals. It simply means that with faith-driven leaders fighting for the people, we’ll be able to overcome the challenges that have been created during the Obama administration.

The coming election is a crossroad for the country that represents extreme divergence. The left is polarizing their base further to the left. The right must do the same. It’s time for the nation to choose whether we are going to be a liberal nation or a conservative one. Democrats have no true middle-leaning options with Jim Webb out of the picture. Republicans still have moderates like Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and John Kasich as possible nominees.

A President cannot push the country towards the extremes in faith or secularism, but the office has the power to shift perceptions as we have seen with President Obama. The only way to correct this course is with a true conservative Christian in the White House.

Ted Cruz Ben Carson

via Soshable

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