Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sat7 Offers Hope in the Middle East through Jesus Christ

Iran Satellite Television

It’s challenging to know what to support and what not to support when it comes to Christian causes. There are those who would abuse the donations and help that true Christians want to offer. There are others who are not fully involved with the true mission in this world and who do more to “help” people rather than spread the Word of God and bring people closer to repentant faith in our Lord and Savior.

Sat7 is, upon first inspection, trying to be truly helpful. In Iran, for example, Christians can expect to be persecuted, hurt, and even killed. This scares many who are still attached to this world from exploring the truth of the Gospel. Others quietly proclaim their faith in closed areas but are unwilling to boldly fight for it. It is a situation that can be both terrifying as well as exciting; being born again under these circumstances requires extreme levels of courage, but perhaps that makes it even more rewarding. I do not have a first hand experience through which to speak.

Check out these videos about Sat7 and their mission. If you believe that they are true and worthy, visit their website and find out how you can help.

The post Sat7 Offers Hope in the Middle East through Jesus Christ appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.

via Judeo Christian Church

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