Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump Lies About Cruz. It Gets Debunked. He Deletes Tweet. Then, He Continues Spreading the Lie.

The world of politics is one big dirty game when things are normal. When a man like Donald Trump is inserted into the equation, it turns into a combination of mud wrestling and a bloodbath. There are always casualties when Trump gets involved in anything. In his run for President, the casualties are truth, decency, and American values.

It’s ironic that Trump’s latest whopper was about another candidate’s honesty. He told crowds in South Carolina that Senator Tom Coburn called Ted Cruz dishonest. He Tweeted it as well. He and his team spent most of the day spreading the idea that one of the most respected members of the Senate condemned Cruz’s honesty, a narrative that he’s been trying hard to build up since his embarrassing loss in Iowa.

There’s a problem. Senator Coburn never said it. In fact, the quote that Trump repeated multiple times actually came from liberal blogger Allen Clifton on a site called “Forward Progressives.”

One might think that the Presidential thing to do would be to issue a correction against the false allegations. An apology should be in order, but nobody has any illusion that Donald Trump would ever apologize to anyone for harm that he does to them. It’s just not his way. Instead of correcting, he pushed the narrative further. He doubled down. The “Cruz is a liar” narrative is his bread and butter. He won’t waste an opportunity over something pesky such as the truth.

Trump is doing everything he can to promote this narrative. There are two unfortunate things about all of this. First, there are multiple occasions just in the last couple of weeks that he’s spread lies about lies. Second, his supporters eat it up because they refuse to actually look into anything beyond what their Pied Piper spews. Let’s take a look at some (though not all since we don’t have enough space) of the other debunked lies of Donald Trump:

  • “Cruz stole votes from Ben Carson in Iowa.” – This has been debunked, though nobody will report it as such. The reason is because every news outlet searched for examples of people who changed their vote based upon the Cruz team reporting the news from CNN that Carson was leaving the campaign trail… which he was. However, nobody was found. If you were voting and you were misled to change your vote, do you think that you would be silent about it? Even if you aren’t the type of person who would allow the press to find you, can you imagine that over 6,000 voters would all remain silent? The CNN report sent through the app did not change the results of the election, but that’s still part of the narrative pushed by Trump and his supporters.
  • “Cruz lies about Trump promoting socialized medicine.” – This is arguably the most egregious dishonest statement by Trump. He absolutely said that he wants socialized medicine. In September, he went on 60 Minutes and declared his healthcare policy. Today, he pretends like he never said it. Again, his supporters eat it up.
  • “Cruz is for amnesty.” – If the previous statement is the most egregious, this is the most ludicrous. I’m not going to even address this directly. It you’re reading this and you believe that Ted Cruz has, at any time in his career, supported amnesty, you need to do your research or you’re a Trump supporter who is already lost in his sales pitch.

If Trump says it, his supporters believe it. When he’s proven to be a liar, he doubles down on the lies so his supporters won’t attempt to learn the truth. It’s a vicious cycle that’s working wonders. Republicans must unite around Cruz before Trump’s lies become the representation of the GOP as our nominee.

via Soshable http://ift.tt/1Qk8ijj

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