Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hapless Jeb Bush falls below Chris Christie in national polls

Jeb Bush and Chris Christie

This time last year, Jeb Bush was considered to be the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican nomination for President and Chris Christie was watching his political future disappear with Bridgegate. What a difference a year can make in the financial fortunes of two Republican Establishment favorites.

For the first time since the nomination process began, Christie has overtaken Bush in the Real Clear Politics national poll average. Granted, they’re both still under 5% and barely considered challengers in their own moderate lane let alone as serious contenders for the nomination, but it’s a good sign for Christie who has been rising steadily in New Hampshire. Bush, on the other hand, may be done before he even made it to his first caucus.

Christie Beating Bush

The former Florida Governor and current New Jersey Governor haven’t been going head-to-head on too many issues, so it’s not necessarily a shifting in the vote. Both have spent considerable amounts of time in New Hampshire, the first primary after the Iowa caucus, and both are still chasing Marco Rubio to win the moderate lane.

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