Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bush Super PAC finally spends money well with attack on Rubio’s record

It’s been depressing watching Jeb Bush and his Super PAC millions fail. I’m not a Bush supporter, but watching the squandered opportunities is still sad since he’s in the best financial position to take votes from the other Republican Establishment patsies Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. Finally, his Super PAC put out an ad that’s worth watching.

It’s too little, too late for Bush who has recently fallen below Chris Christie for the first time in national polls. That doesn’t mean his Super PAC isn’t going out without a fight and they’ve turned their attentions once again towards the junior Senator from Florida.

As the ad contends, Rubio has been a non-factor in the Senate. His only notable accomplishment was failing to deliver the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. This might be a good thing since if he had gotten his way, he might not even be in the lead among moderate Republicans at this point. The ad also attacks Rubio’s absence in Senate committee meetings following the Paris and San Bernardino attacks, a fact that should give pause to anyone who thinks Rubio is tough on terrorism or fighting the Islamic State.

Jeb Bush might be done, but there’s still work to be done in taking down Marco Rubio. Neither should be considered for the Presidency and hopefully Bush will contribute to the country’s future by pointing out the many flaws of his protégé.

Here’s the video:

The post Bush Super PAC finally spends money well with attack on Rubio’s record appeared first on We Heart World.

via We Heart World http://ift.tt/1PvtDEv

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