Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Why Breitbart Turned Populist

There was a time not too long ago when Breitbart.com, the site that was supposed to continue the conservative fight that Andrew Breitbart fought before his death, could be counted on to be a strong source of material for those who lean very right. Things have changed. They’ve adopted much more of a populist view. Is it all because of Donald Trump?

While Trump would certainly claim that he’s the cause of everything that he mentions, there are more factors for the Breitbart business model. They’ve performed well as a news site under the Obama administration and would probably do even better if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders were to be elected, but the powers that be at Breitbart are betting against that notion. They believe the Republican will win and if it’s a Republican that sits in the White House for at least four years, the publication must be prepared to be a voice of the Populists.

Those who followed Andrew Breitbart before his death know that this would be an insane notion if he were still running the show. He would make the decision that helps America and the conservative cause. The current management thinks differently. They’re running it like a business and Obama has been great for business. In preparation for the change to another President, they’re betting on it being a Populist Republican. They’re banking on it being Trump.

Many who noticed the uncanny shift towards supporting Trump and his liberal perspectives last year started thinking conspiratorially. Did Trump buy them off? Despite the clear support for Trump without making an official endorsement, I have to believe that they were not bought. It’s more likely that they feel he’ll either be the next President or he’ll lose to the Democrats. A Populist Breitbart would be prepared for a Trump victory. If the Democrats win, it will be easier to shift back to conservatism. Either way, it makes business sense for them to support Trump.

Nobody can know how Andrew Breitbart would react, but based upon his conservative perspectives that ran contrary to the ideas that Trump has been putting out there on the campaign trail, we have to hope that he would stick to his guns and keep the publication conservative.

The post Why Breitbart Turned Populist appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven http://ift.tt/1QpiiUQ

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