Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How Trump Responds to ‘Pressure’: The #TrumpTantrum

This post isn’t for Trump supporters. I’ve learned over the last month that he can do literally anything to demonstrate his inability to be an adequate President and you will support him even more. This is for those with an open mind who are considering Trump as a valid option.

He’s not.

His weapon of choice when handling even the most inane criticism is the “Trump Tantrum.” It’s a form of chaotic discourse that sucks all of the intelligence out of the room and replaces it with fodder for the trolls. We’re seeing it in play with the Megyn Kelly debate debacle. She asked a reasonable question, one that was far less aggressive than what he’ll face on the general election campaign trail, yet his response has been nuclear. To say he has the temperament of an Kindergarten student would be an insult to five-year-olds.

Here’s the second saddest part of this whole ordeal. He isn’t hiding it. He’s wearing his infantile mentality like a badge of honor. How he handles himself on the campaign trail is supposed to be at least partially an audition for the role of President of the United States. As with everything he does, his apologists will say that they’ll vote for him because he’s “keeping it real” rather than folding to false facades that politicians like to erect.

Now, let’s discuss the saddest part about the Trump phenomenon. It’s working. Anyone who believes that this tantrum will cost him his supporters does not understand their mentality. Trump does. As he said, he could shoot someone and not lose a voter. It’s true. On the surface, Trump’s inability to handle pressure without going nuclear would seem like a disqualifier to anyone who’s not under the influence of his magic spell. To those under the influence, every disqualifier is something new to spin and defend as a virtue rather than a detriment.

If you supported Trump yesterday, you’ll likely support him even more today after his tantrum. If, on the other hand, you’re a discerning individual who holds Trump as one of your options, I hope this latest debacle disqualifies him from consideration.

Let’s end take a moment to admire some of the replies on Twitter.

Some are pointing to the obvious conclusion:

Others, predictably, are loving on Trump and taking it out on Kelly for having the gall to ask a question that will DEFINITELY be asked by the Democrats if he wins the nomination:

via Soshable http://ift.tt/1QrdUov

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