Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Conservatives Must Prepare Their Children for College

You have to admit that liberals are brilliant. Their ideologies are unable to stand against critical thought so they’ve systematically taken over the two most important components of adult thought leadership: the media and colleges. Below is an example of how our children are indoctrinated at university.

Before we watch the video, we have to recognize the two areas where they’ll be most voraciously consumed by liberal professors and even fellow students. The first is obvious; conservatism is hard to maintain when the majority of professors are liberal and a good chunk of them are activists who are in college mostly as a venue for indoctrinating future leaders. The second is actually even more obvious as their faith is not only challenged by most but militantly attacked by many.

Now, let’s watch the video:

In the professor’s defense, the incident he was describing wasn’t exactly fake. It was over a year earlier than expressed and happened in Georgia. Granted, it didn’t happen as he described, but the truth is secondary to liberals when on stage for theatrical mind control sessions.

As a parent, it’s important that I set a great example by staying true to my conservative perspectives. It’s not a matter of saying that taxes should be lowered and gun rights should be protected because I said so. I make it a point to talk to my children about issues, to get their perspectives, and to help them not only come to the right conclusions but also to be prepared to defend their positions. The same holds true for our Judeo-Christian faith. For this, reading the Bible is enough, but that doesn’t mean that we should stop there. Making sure that they understand the reasons that the adversary is going to put stumbling blocks in their way in college can help them discern when it happens.

Things are bad today and it’s today that we must be actively pursuing. The future will tend to itself. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t prepare them. As parents, we are responsible for our children’s perspectives today and helping them to maintain their conservatism and grow in their faith through college and beyond.

via Soshable

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