Monday, January 11, 2016

Ted Cruz is the only hope against Donald Trump

Ted Cruz Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump supporters make up about one-third of those polled. The other two-thirds are for other candidates, but there’s a catch to this polling. A good percentage of those who do not support Trump aren’t just supporting another candidate. They’re firmly anti-Trump. It’s these people who fall into the anybody-but-hillary-and-preferably-not-trump camp that should be taking a long look at Ted Cruz for their vote even if he’s not their top choice.

If there’s one thing that should be praised about Trump’s candidacy, it’s that he’s put his very large spotlight on issues that are of major importance to Republicans, most notably illegal immigration. Trump’s trumpets have been blaring on the issue and can account for the majority of his popularity. Nevertheless, his other policy proposals outside of immigration are much too liberal for many mainstream Republicans, let alone conservatives, to embrace for the sake of immigration.

According to the article:

Currently at 35%, Trump has too many negatives to go much higher, but he can go lower.  Voters not already in his camp are truly anti-Trump.  They love to watch him scorn the media, but his screwball remarks make them nervous about November.  Nominating an unelectable Trump would forfeit the best opportunity to elect the first conservative president since Ronald Reagan.  Can you say “President Hillary Clinton?”

Furthermore, Trump has no history as a conservative and nobody can predict what he might do in office.  He is a risk that most GOP voters — currently 65% — are smart enough not to take.

Here are some of the biggest complaints from Republicans about Trump’s platforms and history:

  • Pseudo-conservative tax proposal: On the surface, he’s lowering taxes and that’s good. Dig deeper and we realize that his tax plan is populist at best and possibly even liberal if the right pieces don’t fall into place. It’s borderline socialist in that he takes from the “rich” upper-middle class and doesn’t allow any taxes for the poor. While Cruz has similar provisions for not taxing those below a certain threshold, it’s a flat tax beyond that threshold.
  • Clintonesque Foreign Policy: If one were to compare the stance of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on foreign issues, particularly in the Middle East and China, it would be hard to find differences. He talks boldly about going after China and of “bombing the ___ out of ISIS,” but beyond the talk tracks his actual proposals are closer to Clinton’s than any of the Republicans.
  • Affirmative Action: Given Trump’s stance on border security, he’s often called a racist. However, he’s been a big proponent of affirmative action his entire life and as late as November still maintained that he supports it.
  • Eminent Domain: Opponents of the government’s right to take land away from private citizens for the betterment of the state often don’t realize that this is completely Constitutional. However, Trump has made it his practice throughout his career to use the loopholes of laws surrounding eminent domain, bankruptcy, and slander to better his business, not the public interests. One notable case was when he almost succeeded in literally taking away a widow’s home against her will so he could build a parking lot for limousines at one of his casinos.
  • Historically Liberal: From supporting the Clintons and other liberal politicians to being pro-choice, anti-military, and “best identified as a Democrat,” Trump has been able to “evolve” to conservative ideas just in time to state them on television before an audience that won’t look into an entire life spent as a liberal before it became politically expedient to be a conservative.

Marco Rubio should have been the alternative, but it turned out that he’s almost as lazy at campaigning as he is at being a Senator. Jeb Bush has the money but lacks the drive. Chris Christie could have beaten them all in 2012 but after embracing President Obama and having Bridgegate, he’s not really viable. Ben Carson had a chance but blew it.

Ted Cruz is the only candidate who has a realistic chance of beating Trump. He’s definitely not the Republican Establishment’s choice, but unless they want to destroy the party with a brokered convention or accept Trump as their nominee, they had better get behind Cruz sooner rather than later. If they wait too long, Trump may end up being the nominee. Thankfully, the numbers back Cruz.

One does not have to be a Constitutional conservative Christian to like Ted Cruz. They simply have to look into his history and see that he’s the best candidate available to beat Trump and Clinton.

The post Ted Cruz is the only hope against Donald Trump appeared first on Uberly.

via Uberly

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