William Kristol. Thomas Sowell. Michael Medved. Erick Erickson. These are just some of the conservative patriots who are saying what Donald Trump’s supporters should have realized long ago. He’s a stunning liberal. He’s not just a moderate Republican. Many of his policies are left of Hillary Clinton. Some of them, particularly on “fair” trade, are aligned with Bernie Sanders.
His supporters haven’t seen this yet, for some reason. They haven’t been able to look beyond the “strength” that he exudes. It’s not a true strength – not strength of character, not strength of intellect, not strength of conviction – but his supporters are enamored by his willingness to speak his mind and his promise that he can’t be bought.
The problem is that he can be bought. In fact, he has been bought many times during this election cycle. Case in point: his desire to increase ethanol mandates and raise subsidies. He made that announcement this week. If Iowa wasn’t the first state to go to caucus, there is no chance that he would even know what the corn subsidies were. To cater to voters and to the governor whose son works for the corn lobby, he threw out a flippant, liberal policy proposal. This, my friends, is how Donald Trump gets bought.
Rush: Trump Supporting Ethanol Subsidies ‘Reeks Of Political Insiderism’ [AUDIO] https://t.co/2ysvUhXDIA via @dailycaller
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 20, 2016
People must understand that buying a President has nothing to do with money. They have no need for money whether they’re a billionaire or not. They are bought by endorsements, backroom deals, media coverage, and cronyism. Buying a President isn’t like giving cash to a corrupt Chicago mayor or a candidate for a state house. Buying a President is the ultimate game of Let’s Make a Deal with cronyism at the center. It’s a trade of favors. It’s promises of policy adjustments just as we’ve seen Trump doing right now in Iowa.
It’s for this and MANY other reasons that the National Review has brought together conservatives who care about the future of the country to pen articles against Trump. In fact, their cover story is actually titled, “Against Trump.” This is the start of the last stand to stop this madness before it does actual damage to the country.
Thomas Sowell penned an important piece that discusses why Trump’s ability to make deals is not a Presidential attribute. Saying that Trump’s history of deal making qualifies him for President is like saying that a real estate mogul can properly run an airline. Trump already tried that. It took him a whopping three years to demonstrate how poorly prepared he was for running an airline. He knows even less about politics and that should terrify everyone.
Donald Trump's Dealmaking Is Wrong for America https://t.co/yP32z4IapT
— ✯✯US VETERAN✯✯ (@Mike_USPatriot) January 22, 2016
There are plenty of articles about why Trump is wrong for America with a symposium that breaks it all down for us nicely. I strongly encourage you to read it, share it, and come to your own conclusions.
You should also read the cover story:
A #MUST read before you vote. "Against Trump" Finally, someone is speaking the truth. https://t.co/YQvaPSllvc #TCOT #PJNet #WakeUpAmerica
— JD Rucker (@0boy) January 22, 2016
It should be noted that these articles did not come without a price. In fact, many of the authors and the National Review itself have made great sacrifices by speaking out. The National Review lost its sponsorship of the February GOP debate; they were uninvited by the RNC as a result of their choice. They knew it would happen. They all realized the risks. They should be commended for doing what should never have had to be done: waking Republicans, conservatives, and Americans up.
Donald Trump’s combination of liberalism and cronyism has the Republican Establishment rushing to his aid and Democrats crossing their fingers in hopes of running against the only candidate weaker than theirs. If you’re a Trump supporter, you owe it to the nation to become informed about what Trump truly represents. You’ve been hoodwinked by the best salesman in politics.
The post National Review: Why RINOs Embrace Him While Conservatives Want to #DumpTrump appeared first on Conservative Haven.
via Conservative Haven http://ift.tt/23irotM
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