Sunday, August 10, 2014

Social Media Marketing: Another Thing to Love About Responsive Website Design

Responsive for Social

As a good chunk of the internet is finally starting to switch to responsive websites, let’s put another nail in the unresponsive website design coffin. For social media, consistency between mobile devices and desktops is imperative.

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest can send a good measure of traffic to websites, particularly if appropriate campaigns are being run on them. Creating landing pages that are “social-appropriate” can be a challenge when there are two variations of a website running, which is the case with adaptive websites that present different pages for the same URL depending on the device through which they’re called. If the goal is to send traffic to the website through social media, responsive is an ideal solution.

Here’s an example of a good campaign that went bad:

Good Campaign Gone Bad

By most measures, this campaign was doing well. They had a valid social media contest that (thankfully) didn’t require people to like the page in order to win. They were driving traffic to their website. The only problem is that the website did not have a corresponding page with the appropriate widget for mobile devices.

On the internet, a great number of people are using their smartphones and tablets as their primary method of surfing the web. On social media, mobile devices are more prevalent than desktop. If you don’t have all of your content available on both desktop and mobile, you have more of a problem than your social media marketing. If your content is not rendering properly on all devices, you have an even bigger problem. It’s definitely possible to have an appropriate website presence with technology other than responsive and I will be looking at such technology soon, but the safest bet is to go with responsive websites. Your social fans will appreciate it.

via Soshable | Social Media Blog

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