Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mark Correll Delivers Strong Speculation on End Times


There is and always will be speculation about Bible prophecy. Many believe that the signs are more clear today than every before when it comes to believing that we’re living in the end times. We are given signs that we’re supposed to look for and many of them seem to be coming true more now than every before.

We’re always very careful to not use the word “proof” when it comes to Biblical prophecy. It is within the hearts of all of us to see the truth of our existence and our place in the world as it applies specifically to us as individuals. To some, these and other signs represent incontrovertible proof. To others, it won’t matter how specific Bible prophecy seems to be – they simply won’t believe without major help.

We stay to the center, not because we are against polarizing but because when it comes to prophecy, we cannot be sure what we’re seeing and if it’s actually happening the way it seems. With that said, much of what Mark Correll talks about in the video below makes and awful lot of sense.

Check it out:

The post Mark Correll Delivers Strong Speculation on End Times appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.

via Judeo Christian Church

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