Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chris Rosebrough from @piratechristian has Joel Osteen Figured Out

Joel Osteen

It’s hard to not like Joel Osteen. As a person, he is loaded with smiles. He’s encouraging, well-spoken, and visually impressive. The biggest problem with him is that his messages of hope, inspiration, and encouragement are based on shifting the teachings of the Bible into modern self-help activities. He is so easy to follow because his teachings are appealing to the earthly body. He preaches prosperity, happiness, and success rather than repentance.

The messages are brilliant. They make people feel good about their lives. It does not, however, lead people to the Word of God. It’s affirmation. It’s not the truth and compassion that our Lord has given us. He promotes the concept of doing things for ourselves. The truth is that our works, hard though some try, are not capable of giving us eternal life. Pursuit of the things that Osteen preaches leads to eternal damnation. We don’t need spiritual guides. We need Jesus. That’s what Joel Osteen should be preaching.

Chris Rosebrough from Pirate Christian Radio put a good perspective on Osteen’s teachings in a show last year. Here’s the video – definitely worth listening to and sharing with those who follow Osteen.

via Judeo Christian

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