Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Power of Music is Being Best Used by the Enemy


The satanic, pagan influence on many of our most popular modern musicians is well documented. We’ll touch on them, though there are plenty of more comprehensive references. Here, we want to discuss the subtle strategy the adversary is using, why it’s working, and how to fight it.

It’s important to understand that the massive push that is occurring today goes far beyond the evils that have been perpetrated in the recent past. There has always been music with sinful messaging, even satanic roots. This was punctuated in America and across the world with the rise of rock n’ roll, rap, heavy metal, and other forms of modern music that have been popular for over 50 years. Without doing a study, we can say that the “evil” songs were easier to spot and avoid than they are today.

Keep in mind that music is a tool for good and evil. No type of music is inherently evil. There are plenty of examples of when any type of music was used to promote the Kingdom of God or to share the message of the Gospel. It’s not the type that matters. It’s what the artist does with it.

The Power of Music Itself

Every ancient culture embraced music in some form. Scientists have demonstrated how dramatic of an effect it can have on the listener, both consciously and subliminally. The Bible speaks of

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