Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why are Celebrities Heralded for Coming Out but Bashed for Changing Their Minds?

Antoine Dodson Not Gay

Antoine Dodson shot to fame after a home invader tried to rape his sister. He was interviewed by the local news channel and his tirade went viral. It was remixed, auto-tuned, and mimicked. There were t-shirts, bandanas, and interviews on national talk shows like George Lopez.

Shortly after stardom found him, he made no effort to hide that he was homosexual. He was very public about his love for Gucci, his strong sense of fashion, and his feminine mannerisms.

Earlier this year, he announced that he was no longer homosexual. He said that he was reading his Bible and that he was becoming a “Hebrew Israelite” that believes in Jesus. He is holding to the commandments and laws of God. His theology is not the topic of this post, however. It’s in the reaction from the media that is most concerning.

When someone comes out as being homosexual, they are often called courageous. Today, it’s arguably more dangerous from the perspective of material success in this world to denounce one’s homosexuality. As he posted on his Facebook profile:

“I’ve lost so much(materialistic things), but in return I’ve gain truth and understanding. At first I didn’t understand what was happening in my life. I’ve lost so called friends and family. It just felt like everything was going wrong in my life. But the Most High is awesome and he have his way of doing things. As the days went on my tears begin to dry up and the understanding of what was going on in my life seemed clearer. I started to realize as I began to walk with the Most High more and more that sometimes you will lose everything that you ever know or known to discover your truths. Truth really is the best gift one could give another. So what I don’t have the things the idols do. I have one thing they don’t have and that’s truth and I walk in it. Be blessed everyone and know that the Most High will always work in you favor even if it seems bad. Just wait for the outcome, I guarantee it’s awesome. Praise to the Most High, much love to the Son the messiah the lamb Amen.”

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Dodson’s change was met with harsh skepticism. The “journalist” made it very clear that she did not believe in the reality of what Dodson was saying and attempted throughout the interview to paint his sudden shift as unlikely. One listening might believe that she was trying to denounce his denouncement of homosexuality.

“So Antoine, you are literally trying to pray the gay away,” she asked him in a condescending tone.

Today, one will not get attacked for announcing that they are homosexual, at least not in the media. Publicly, people are shifting towards acceptance and understanding being the way that they want to be perceived.

Today, one will get attacked for announcing that they are no longer homosexual. This is just one example of an interview where Dodson had to defend his choice. Listen to the sentiment. Understand the implications.

via Judeo Christian

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