As far as mainstream media and the Republican Establishment are concerned, Donald Trump has already won the nomination. Many realize that this isn’t as certain as they’re playing it to be, but the agenda requires that they act like it’s a foregone conclusion. Otherwise, voters might actually believe that he can be beaten, in which case Ted Cruz may still be around after the SEC Primary.
That’s the last thing they want to see happen.
The polls will say that he doesn’t have a chance. What the polls don’t take into account is that the late deciders are seeing three things play out if they’re paying close enough attention:
- Donald Trump is unhinging himself at every opportunity. From his failure to acknowledge that he knew who David Duke was on Sunday despite talking about him on Friday to his upcoming fraud trial that will derail his aspirations in the general election, many voters who were strongly considering him will change their minds at the last minute.
- Marco Rubio’s candidacy is looking more and more like a ploy to secure the nomination for Trump. Voters are realizing this and seeing Cruz as the only viable anti-Trump.
- Ted Cruz is being vindicated left and right about the lies that Trump fabricated. Moreover, his position in Texas will give him an instant leg up in the delegate count. If he can get Oklahoma and other states in line as the trends show, he can come out of Super Tuesday with big wins and tons of momentum.
With everything finally coming together for Cruz, the mainstream media and their Republican Establishment handlers are doing everything they can to keep the narrative focused on the eventuality of Trump’s nomination. He’s both the media’s and the Establishment’s boy, though for different reasons.
The media looks at him as the only chance their Democratic cronies have of winning the general election. All other GOP candidates poll ahead of Hillary Clinton. Trump has lost to here in 14 of the last 16 head-to-head polls and they were taken before his KKK missteps and before the focus turned to his Trump University fraud. The Establishment realizes that it’s either Cruz or Trump and they’ll take the malleable, controllable Trump over the one guy who has shown very clearly that they cannot control.
If the media and the Republican Establishment have their way, those who would vote for Ted Cruz out of support or because he’s the only candidate that can stop Donald Trump will stay home out of futility. They want you to believe your vote doesn’t count. We will find out soon if they were right.
The post Ted Cruz can Win #SuperTuesday if Voters Don’t Fall for the Media’s Trump Trap appeared first on Conservative Haven.
via Conservative Haven
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