Monday, February 29, 2016

Pray for America. Pray for Ted Cruz.

The country and the world hasn’t been in such a precarious situation as the one we’re in now. Two terms for Barack Obama has brought this nation to the brink. We must have a strong leader who can bring conservative Christian values back to the White House and return us to the proper path that we’ve strayed from since Ronald Reagan left office.

Just as Daniel prayed for his nation as detailed in the Bible, so too must Americans pray for the only viable candidate remaining who can pull us away from the edge of the precipice. Whether you like Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, or John Kasich, there’s only one GOP candidate who has an actual pathway to defeat Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. That man is Ted Cruz.

We are instructed to pray daily for God’s Will to be done in earth as it is in Heaven. If you prefer to pray generally, so be it. If you are willing to ask for favor, then it is our firm belief that Ted Cruz is the viable candidate who can lead this country from a Constitutional perspective and through a Biblical worldview. Cruz has not made his living off of the sins of others; the more that people gamble away their savings or spend time in Trump’s casino strip clubs, the more money he makes. Cruz has openly asked for God’s forgiveness and praises Him for blessings. Trump has openly admitted that he does not. Cruz is unashamed of saying the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The one time that Trump has ever mentioned Jesus Christ publicly was in one of his books and it was done so in a negative connotation.

There’s no need to try to convince anyone of Cruz’s positives or Trump’s negatives. Either you see the truth or you’ve fallen for Trump’s Pied Piper song. However, if you’re one of the millions of Americans who are against a Trump nomination or Presidency, now is the time to hit your knees and pray for Ted Cruz. The other candidates no longer have a chance of beating Trump. Cruz’s chances are fading quickly; if he does poorly during Tuesday’s “SEC Primaries,” Trump is, for all intents and purposes, locked in as the GOP nominee.

If you are a believer who holds to the Biblical worldview and you’re against the concept of Donald Trump being the GOP nominee, we humbly ask that you say a prayer today for Ted Cruz. Now more than ever, America needs deliverance. May God’s Will be done.

via Soshable

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