Thursday, February 25, 2016

If Trump Runs the Country Like He Ran Trump University, Trump Air, or Trump Mortgage, We’re Doomed

There are literally dozens of examples of Donald Trump’s poor business decisions. Those alone shouldn’t be grounds to not vote for the guy; everybody makes mistakes and rich people have the cushion in order to make those mistakes more often. However, there are three prime examples in Trump’s history that should terrify prospective voters.

In real estate, he’s a giant. That’s not saying much considering he was born into a $400 million real estate empire, but we’ll still credit him for those successes. In entertainment, he’s brilliant. He’s clearly demonstrated a penchant for making a television audience love what he’s doing and saying. Once we get outside of his comfort zones, the mistakes mount up. Considering he’s asking America to trust his judgment on issues that he knows absolutely nothing about, it’s in his adventures in other areas that he knew nothing about that we should able to discern our future.

Trump University: The Scam

Trump University

To many of the students that paid as much as $35,000 to learn how to get rich quick from a man who was born rich, the “university” that Trump built and promoted turned out to be fraudulent. They were made promises and their class action lawsuits claim that he promises weren’t kept… not even close.

This will have an affect on his ability to campaign, but he hopes that he’ll have the GOP nomination locked up before anyone looks very closely at what he’s done. He should be pleased to note that most of his fawning mainstream media cronies are sweeping the story under the rug.

Thankfully, not all of them.

Trump Air: The “Believe Me” Failure

Trump Airlines

Of all his failures, this one might be the one that hits closest to home with the current Presidential campaign. Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

“A successful business man wants to take his experience to an endeavor that he really knows very little about. He isn’t worried and earns support by telling people, ‘believe me, I’ll make this industry great again.’ He has ideas that sound exciting and different from what the industry has been doing for years. Unfortunately, his inexperience proves disastrous as his leadership fails, his ideas flop, and his goals crumble. In less than three years, he abandoned the sinking ship and licked his wounds by returning to real estate and entertainment.”

Running an airline is complex, but it’s not even in the same league as running the country. His failures at Trump Air are a precursor for what we can expect if he sits in the Oval Office.

Trump Mortgage: The Failed Advisers

Trump Mortgage

One of the responses that Trump has when asked how he can get on-the-job-training on complex geopolitical issues is that he’ll hire smart people. Unfortunately, his history of hiring the right people is shady at best and downright ignorant at worst. Case in point: Trump Mortgage.

The “expert” that Trump tapped to be his company’s CEO had 6 days experience as a mortgage broker. Six. Days.

*BONUS* – USFL: The Embarrassment

Trump USFL

When Donald Trump convinced the other USFL owners to abandon the successful direction they were heading, some worried that he was leading them down a dark path. They bought into his sales pitch, tried to move the USFL to a fall season, and followed his lead to get rich by suing the NFL.

Trump’s lawsuit was technically a success because he won. Of course, the judgment on his behalf forced the NFL to pay $3.00. In case you think you’re reading that wrong, the NFL was forced to pay Trump 300 pennies (plus interest!) in his lawsuit. The USFL fell apart a year later and nearly everyone blamed Trump for taking something that was doing well and tanking it in record time.

Donald Trump is great at real estate and entertainment. Every time he tries to take his brand and leadership style to other endeavors, his failures are epic and the carnage that is left is spectacular. As the GOP nominee, he will destroy the party. If he somehow makes it to the White House, he will destroy this country. It’s just in his nature.

The post If Trump Runs the Country Like He Ran Trump University, Trump Air, or Trump Mortgage, We’re Doomed appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven

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