Thursday, November 26, 2015

Why We’re Supporting the Imbecile Alan Grayson for Senate

In the ugly world of politics, it’s important to pick your fights based upon the goal of ultimate victory. The race for the Democratic nomination for Senate in Florida is so heated, so conspicuously volatile, that we have two important reasons to support Congressman Alan Grayson.

Those who know us are aware that we’re extremely conservative. Why, then, would we be supporting a bid by a liberal Democrat? The first reason is political expediency. Grayson’s opponent, Patrick Murphy, is formidable. He defeated Allen B. West to win a seat in Congress and has demonstrated a moderation that is appealing to many Florida voters. In essence, we see Grayson as a loudmouth lightweight whose nomination would ensure a Republican will win the space being vacated by Presidential candidate Marco Rubio.

The second reason is more maniacal. You see, Alan Grayson is the picture-perfect Democrat. Let’s analyze some of the allegations laid upon him from CQ Roll Call:

First there was the revelation of Grayson’s involvement in three hedge funds, two of which are based in the Cayman Islands, that bear his name. It’s the type of activity Grayson has decried since he was sworn in to Congress in 2009.

It’s always ironic when people are exposed to the hypocrisy of many Democrats. Keep in mind that one of Grayson’s biggest rallying cries has been against Wall Street, hedge funds, and the rich elite that Democratic voters love to hate. Nevermind that he’s worth over $20 million and is the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. He fights against those who handle money in ways that he has decided to employ himself.

Alan Grayson Ex-Wife

Then, there’s the story of his ex-wife:

Grayson eventually annulled his marriage of 25 years with his ex, Lolita Grayson, but not before round after round of public name calling and negative news stories — including one report that Lolita and the couple’s children were allegedly on food stamps, despite his wealth.

While we understand that Democrats don’t always appreciate the sanctity of marriage nor the responsibility of a man to take care of his wife and children, but Grayson’s example is a little extreme even for liberals.

Congressman Alan Grayson

Lastly, there’s Grayson’s unquenchable thirst for attention. He loves making headlines. He loves taking on those evil Republicans. He loves to see his name in print and he adores the idea of people seeing his face on television. The most recent attack on Ted Cruz’s eligibility works perfectly with the narrative about his political life that he’s created up to this point.

In 2009, Grayson said Republicans’ plan for overhauling the country’s health care system was to “die quickly.” In his 2010 re-election campaign, Grayson called his opponent, GOP Rep. Daniel Webster, “Taliban Dan.” Grayson also sent out a fundraising email in 2013 comparing the tea party to the the Ku Klux Klan.

Democratic operatives compare Grayson with businessman and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump — who is being rewarded by voters in the polls for his candid remarks, but whose penchant to speak whatever’s on his mind often lands him with a flurry of negative media attention.

In our ongoing quest to expose the most idiotic liberals, Alan Grayson ranks very high. That’s why we’d love to see him nominated by the Democrats in Florida. His presence would mean that the Republicans wouldn’t need to worry about losing Rubio’s seat.

via Soshable

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