Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Is America Ready for Donald Trump to be Our Identity?

With Donald Trump leading in the polls and many political pundits starting to change their tune about his chances of winning the Republican nomination for president, voters need to start asking themselves one question: is Donald Trump’s personality what we want representing our country to the rest of the world?

Donald Trump is polarizing to say the least. Some would say that past Presidents such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and John F. Kennedy have been strong personalities that also polarized the country in the eyes of other countries. For example, Reagan was well known to have been hated by our enemies and adored by our allies. Is Trump the next natural progression? Does he represent the 21st century variation of polarization in an atmosphere that geopolitically is ready for a bombastic America?

The answer to both of these questions is, “no,” at least for the majority of Americans. At a time when we need someone more like Ronald Reagan, there are too many people strongly considering a reality TV star. That’s not a stab at Trump’s past. It’s about what Trump represents today. He’s taking many of the concepts that candidates like Ted Cruz espouse and he’s turning them on their heads to give a perception about them that doesn’t make any sense at all. Is border security a huge problem? Absolutely. That doesn’t mean that Trump’s “straight talk” is the right way to solve the problem. In fact, it runs very much counter to a solution. Do we have a problem with radical Islam creeping into the country and committing a major terrorist attack? Yes. That doesn’t mean that we have to promote the registry of people of any faith nor does it mean that we have to have surveillance at some mosques. That’s not America.

The media is finally starting to call it how they see it.

His many supporters obviously believe he has all of the answers. They see Trump as the ultimate representation of no holds barred straight talk. A variation of the question posed earlier is whether America wants to be viewed condoning the type of attacks that Trump levels on opponents, the media, and even parts of the American population.

Nobody doubts that Donald Trump says what he means and means what he says. The question is whether or not he says it out of true sincerity or for the sake of political expediency. He knows how to touch on the nerves that inspire many Republicans such as immigration, national security, and economic growth. Can his rhetoric be justified by actions? Is he saying the right things while knowing that much of what he proposes simply cannot be accomplished?

The core question isn’t whether or not he can accomplish what he says. He cannot, as 99% of those “in the know” realize outside of people like Ann Coulter who really don’t care. The core question is whether or not Republicans are willing to support the ideals that Trump represents.

via Soshable

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