Monday, November 30, 2015

Political Experience and Political Skill are Not the Same Thing

There are the outsiders and the insiders. There are the lifetime politicians and the people wanting to hit the political perspective for the first time. There are the experienced and the skilled. This election cycle is proving that a candidate’s experience doesn’t necessarily have much to say about his or her skills.

Political skill matters. To some extent, it can be said that political experience matters as well, but only as far is it aids in political skill. Otherwise, it’s just a piece of a resumé. Let’s break down a few of the candidates who are breaking the paradigms and proving that being experienced doesn’t mean that they have proper political skills and being inexperienced doesn’t mean that they don’t have the skills.

Campaign Skill and Experience: Trump vs Bush

This time last year, if you were to ask political pundits who they thought would run the better campaign for President between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, it would be as close to unanimous as possible that Bush would be the better campaigner. He had the contacts, the pedigree, the name, and most importantly the experience in running a campaign to make him the obvious choice.

As has been clearly proven this election cycle, experience has done nothing to help Bush. In fact, one can argue that his campaign team has botched his early frontrunner status as badly as anyone with the possible exception of Scott Walker. Trump, on the other hand, has made more “mistakes” than any candidate in recent memory. He’s said more “campaign killing” things than anyone in US Presidential campaign history. He’s run a terrible campaign… except for the fact that he’s winning.

1st Term Senators: An Insider, and Outsider, and a Man in the Middle

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul are all first-term Senators running very different campaigns. They have the same basic experience, but they’re being positioned completely differently from the others. We’ll look at Paul first. He isn’t an insider. He isn’t an outsider. Nobody really knows what he is other than being a very good Senator. Unfortunately, that has proven to be a bad thing, apparently, since he’s on the verge of being relegated to the kiddie table at the next debate and has a campaign that is going nowhere.

Despite being in his first term, Rubio is being positioned as the Republicans Establishment’s choice. This title is normally given to someone with vast political experience like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, but Rubio has picked up the mantle because none of the other Republican Establishment favorites were able to get it done. Bush, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, and Chris Christie might be much more experienced and more of the stereotypical establishment favorite, but Rubio is their guy going forward. Why? Because he’s doing something that the others haven’t done. He’s demonstrated that he’s extremely adept at political expediency. He will say and do whatever it takes regardless of his Tea Party pedigree and that’s something the Republican Establishment cherishes.

Then, there’s Ted Cruz. He’s been in politics for the better part of his adult life, but he’s a rebel. He doesn’t bow down to the Republican Establishment. He doesn’t bow down to his cronies in the Senate (to the point that he really doesn’t have many cronies left there anymore). He’s an insider… except he’s not. He might be a bigger outsider than Donald Trump in that he is unwilling to play the Washington cartel’s games. On paper, he’s similar to Paul and Rubio. In reality, he’s much more like Trump or Ben Carson. The only real difference is that he has experience to match his political skill.

The Unpolitician

In an election that is turning all of the rules upside down, there’s Carson. Like Trump, he’s said things that should have ruined his campaign, but it’s still chugging along nicely. He’s slipping in the polls, which means that his lack of experience might finally be starting to translate into a perceived inability to govern properly, but he’s still well ahead of most of his seasoned adversaries.

This is going to play well for Trump, the most politically minded of the unpoliticians, and Cruz, the most anti-establishment of the experienced politicians. When Carson drops out, it’s not going to help Rubio or any of his Republican Establishment buddies like it will help the other two renegades.

What it All Means

It takes a certain level of skill to navigate the primary process, the general election, and eventually the Presidency, but don’t assume that a lack of experience means a lack of skill. If this election is going to prove anything, it’s that the candidates who have had the most training for President aren’t necessarily the best choice to take on the role.

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McCain, Graham call for boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria

John McCain Lindsey Graham

The rise in influence of the Islamic State has many people on both sides of the American political aisle calling for more from the Obama administration. It’s almost universally accepted that the current status of our war on the Islamic State is feeble and not working, but the question remains about whether or not to put United States troops on the ground or to instead assist those in the Middle East who are already fighting them.

Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham (who is running a campaign for the GOP nominee for President) are calling for 20,000 troops to be sent to the Middle East to assist in taking down Daesh (the Arabic name for the Islamic State).

“The only way you can destroy the caliphate is with a ground component,” said Graham. “The aerial campaign is not turning the tide of battle.“

On that, we agree, but we do not believe that it needs to be US troops doing the fighting on the ground.

It’s the wrong move. It’s easy to feel hawkish in this political atmosphere, but it’s not necessary. There are already people on the ground who, with a great deal of United States support, can defeat the Islamic State. As we proposed last week, supplying the Kurdish Peshmerga is the right move.


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Ronald Reagan on the Rule of Law Under God

Ronald Reagan on the Rule of Law Under God

Moderate Republicans and a huge percentage of Democrats downplay the need for the rule of law under God to be acknowledged. It’s not really a religious matter that begs the question about the separation of church and state. Christian conservatives like myself embrace the need for religious freedoms and do not want politics to be influenced by religion, but we also must be aware of the importance of values that flow through our laws as a direct result of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

Just as church must not influence state, so to must state not influence church.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

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Karl Rove doesn’t Care About Ben Carson Winning. He Cares About Ted Cruz Losing.

There are worse people to have influence on this country than liberals, believe it or not. The moderate Republican Establishment has been systematically attempting to destroy the conservative movement for years with more effort put in by them than the Democrats and Karl Rove is among the worst in the group.

I don’t believe that Rove hates America. I think he has bought into the false notion that people like Mitt Romney and John McCain are better suited to win an election and run the country than people like Ted Cruz who believe in conservatism as the core belief that can turn this country around. He’s now going so far as to loosely support Ben Carson by giving him access to his “rolodex” of Republican donors in an effort to put the conservative vote behind someone that Rove feels cannot win the nomination.

Mainstream media latched onto the narrative that Rove was doing this to fight Donald Trump. They took to this narrative hook, line, and sinker as Rove had planned. So far, only Erick Erickson has caught onto the truth that Rove has no fear of Trump but rather sees Cruz as the likely winner in the conservative lane and therefore the biggest threat to his chosen Republican Establishment poster boy Marco Rubio.

It isn’t strictly about his goals to put another moderate up as a sacrifice to the Democratic election machine. It isn’t some lame adherence to the insanity that people like Bob Dole, McCain, Romney, and Rubio have the best chance to win. It’s personal with Rove. He truly hates Cruz. He has attacked Cruz in the past and despite being addressed by the Cruz campaign and proven to be a liar by conservative media, he will do anything in his power to prevent Cruz from ascending to the White House even if it means putting his chosen stooge up to lose to the Democrats.

Karl Rove doesn’t want Carson to win. He doesn’t think that either him or Trump have a realistic shot at the nomination. He also knows that if either or both would fade, that Cruz would be catapulted to the lead and would not be likely to release it. This scares people like Rove more than any other candidacy, even Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. It would be devastating to his do-nothing group of moderate Republicans who keep big government big and corporate America rich.

To Rove, a Cruz Presidency is more dangerous than a Democratic Presidency because it would reveal that Rove’s Republican Establishment has been wrong since 1989. It would demonstrate that success on the campaign trail doesn’t require milquetoast candidates and it would show the world that a strong, conservative leader can do more than a Bush or Clinton any day of the week and twice on Tuesdays.

Karl Rove feels that Ted Cruz will debunk the tenets of the Republican Establishment. He would rather lose the general election with Rubio than to win the White House with an actual conservative.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

If Trump or Carson Falls, Cruz is their Supporters’ Second Choice

A recent Economist/YouGov poll reveals that over 1/4th of Donald Trump’s and Ben Carson’s supporters would shift to Ted Cruz should they fall out of the Presidential race. This not only reflects what the Cruz campaign has hoped and what political pundits have been saying for a while. It represents the reality of a GOP race that is leaning heavily towards disruptive candidates over Republican Establishment candidates.

Cruz would get 27% of the fallout votes, followed at a distant second by Marco Rubio at 15%. Carly Fiorina, the other candidate with no political experience, was third with 12%.

Rubio, the recent adoption by the Republican Establishment as their poster boy ever since Jeb Bush failed to inspire support, is further hit in the gut by something that most pundits weren’t expecting. In a head-to-head matchup against Trump, Rubio would lose by 14%. This goes against conventional wisdom in a race that has been anything but conventional.

For Cruz, the other piece of good news is that he and Carson led the field of being the second choice with 11% and 12% respectively. Trump was below Rubio and even Bush with 7%.

All of this means two things: Trump is in the lead but may not be in control while Cruz and Rubio are primed to be the last two men standing when the race heats up into April and May. If the Republican Establishment can batter their way to forcing another one of their candidates to the top, we will see Rubio as the likely winner. If the disgust from the base towards the Republican Establishment continues, Cruz will be the nominee.

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Blaming the Planned Parenthood Attack on All Conservatives is Like Blaming ISIS on All Muslims

The rhetoric is still rhetoric even if it comes in the form of righteous indignation.

In comments, social media posts, and even mainstream media stories, I’ve found a clear trend that the attack on Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs is being labeled as a direct result of vocal right-wing mouthpieces who espouse the defunding of Planned Parenthood, protection of gun rights, and a pro-life worldview. This annoys me because the argument, when brought up in regards to radical Islam and calls for advances of the tenets of the Koran, gets quashed as generalizing a group based upon the actions of a small minority within the group.

Robert Lewis Dear might represent a microscopic portion of the conservative movement. I say “might” because despite assumptions made by nearly everyone, we are not certain that he was a right-wing extremist Christian nut job as many are claiming him to be already.

For the sake of expediency, let’s assume he is. We know he’s an extremist and a terrorist by definition. He’s probably conservative. He might consider himself a Christian. He’s likely insane (again, by definition). Does that mean that the conservative movement that pushes for gun rights and wants to defund Planned Parenthood is to blame for breeding this monster?

No. Alternatively, we cannot claim that Muslims who support the Koran and the ways of life it attempts to produce are to blame as a whole for the rise of radical Islamic terrorists like the Islamic State. In a similar fashion, we cannot say that the bigoted actions of Westboro Baptist Church are a result of the teachings of the Bible or that they represent the body of Christianity.

Crazy people do crazy things. Most of the time, they are stopped, whether by intervention before they go over the edge, law enforcement foiling their plans, spiritual experiences that change their perspectives or the most likely scenario. That most likely scenario is that the evil in the heart that drove Robert Lewis Dear to commit his acts are present in other people but they are either logistically or emotionally incapable of following through with their desires.

Americans can be diligent without living in fear. Conservatives and liberals will push as far to their respective worldviews as they can through the various means of communication at their disposal. That shouldn’t stop because of insanity. That cannot be halted because of tragedy. That must not be withdrawn because circumstances demand politeness.

To blame conservatives for the actions of individuals or groups is as prejudiced and ignorant as blaming Muslims for the the Paris attacks, the genocide being attempted by Boko Haram, or the caliphate being initiated by the Islamic State.

The President will use this incident to push his gun control agenda. Mainstream media will use this to highlight extremism as being a result of conservative talking points. Liberals will blame Christianity regardless of Robert Lewis Dear’s perspectives on religion. None of them will allow a tragedy to be wasted.

As conservatives, we must not allow spin to quiet our perspectives. As Americans, we cannot allow the actions of a deranged man to dictate doctrine or politics that will affect the masses.

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Showing Real Support for Law Enforcement Means Condemning When One of Them Goes Rogue

Having anti-police sentiment is too rampant in American society. All too often, the bad guys are awarded martyr status and the cops who rightfully take them down are condemned. We must support the law enforcement officers who are protecting us, but that means calling out when one of them commits a crime.

Blind support is not proper support. We must be unwavering in our support for law enforcement and that means not supporting those who do wrong. That seems to be the case in Chicago where a police officer shot a teen armed with a knife 16 times. The situation was tense but if there was a time when a stun gun was appropriate, this was it.

Dashcam video released this week shows that Laquan McDonald was armed and dangerous. He was walking around the streets with a weapon acting erratically after an alleged robbery. He needed to be stopped. He just didn’t need to be killed.

Charges have been filed and we won’t know the outcome until Chicago Police officer Jason Van Dyke has his day in court, but the initial response to the video seems to be righteous. It did not appear that McDonald was lunging or acting as a direct threat to anyone. He was clearly disobeying commands and should have been stunned.

We are completely supportive of law enforcement. We believe in and are grateful for their protection. When things go wrong and officers act criminally, we have to show our support through condemnation of heinous acts.

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If the Islamic State Infiltrates Syrian Refugees, They’ll Come Through Canada

With so much attention being given to the risks of Middle East refugees having Islamic State sympathizers or active terrorists in their midst, it’s amazing that the most vulnerable point for the United States is not being discussed. Politicians are acting to stop refugees from entering directly and attention is being paid to the southern border, but it’s the border with Canada that is by far the biggest risk for incursion.

There are three major problems that should have conscientious Americans looking to the north. None of the three issues are currently even on the radar as a concern, at least not in mainstream media. Let’s look at them:

1. Canada is Bringing in 25,000 Refugees and Their Vetting Process Sucks

In America, the expectation is that around half of the applicants for refugee status will be rejected. The vetting process the Obama administration has enacted is rigorous by some standards but still isn’t considered strong enough to screen terrorists. As bad as we think it is here, it’s much worse in Canada.

Keep in mind that the 90% mark they describe is a goal. They want to achieve 90% acceptance rate as a way of making things tougher. Seriously. In the last 22 months, they’ve had 1,128 cases and have rejected two for a 99% acceptance rate.

They will be bringing in 10,000 refugees before the end of the year and another 15,000 by the end of February.

2. The Border is Huge

It’s extremely challenging to cover all of the land that divides the United States from Mexico. Canada’s border with the United States is twice as large even if you don’t include Alaska. The land is also more hospitable for crossing, meaning that there are far more entry points that an Islamic State sympathizer or full-blown terrorist could use to gain access to America.

US Canada Border

This goes both ways as well. We have to assume that the Islamic State is smart. They’ve demonstrated their abilities in the last couple of months with very challenging terrorist attacks in France, Egypt, and Lebanon. With this understood and based upon the vastness of the border, it wouldn’t be hard for them to use Canada as a staging ground where they can store supplies outside of the reach of US law enforcement.

3. The Border is Even Less Protected than the Mexican Border

There is no question that the 18,000 border agents covering the Mexican border are undermanned. They are spread so thin that the border is extremely porous, accounting for millions of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States.

To the north, where fewer people have been considered a risk of entering the country illegally, there are only 2,200 border agents. We haven’t heard of plans to increase these numbers once the thousands of Middle East refugees come to Canada later this year and early next year.

If you do the math, that means that about 88% fewer agents are trying to cover a border twice as large as the one to the south.

It isn’t just the government that is watching the border. We briefly covered a brave set of Americans who were helping in Arizona and we know there are other citizen groups who help out at the Mexican border. Now, more are starting to watch out for the northern border as well.

Unfortunately, we only really hear about this through Canadian media. American mainstream media is all but silent on the issue.

Do not underestimate the Islamic State the way so many world leaders (including our own) has done. Yes, we need to do something to help the refugees and there are possible plans that make perfect sense. However, blocking them from coming to the United States directly will not stop them completely if the Canadian border is left unprotected. Since we know that the Islamic State is smart, isn’t it prudent to realize that they would have thought of the Canada holes already?

Even if you’re not opposed to accepting refugees, the combination of an unprotected northern border and 25,000 unvetted refugees coming to Canada should make you wonder why nobody’s talking about this.

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Ted Cruz is ‘not the establishment but doesn’t need on-the-job training’

There are many of us, perhaps millions, who believe that the Republican party as a governing force has been the lesser of two evils. We fear what the Democrats are doing to destroy the country but we’re angry about what the Republicans aren’t doing to repair the damage. This is why Donald Trump and Ben Carson have been so popular. It’s why so many people are willing to tell pollsters that they support either of the anti-establishment candidates.

Thankfully, there’s a third candidate who would stand in stark contrast to the ineffective Republican Establishment that has been harming the party and not fixing the country appropriately for the last decade. No, I’m not referring to Carly Fiorina, a candidate who has a lot of positive qualities but who doesn’t possess the truly conservative ideology necessary to fix the problems. As regular readers are likely aware, I’m referring to Senator Ted Cruz.

In an article on National Review that referred to another article on Politico, I saw a quote from a diligent and conscientious conservative that really hit home about what I’ve been feeling the last few months. The author, Jay Nordlinger, ended up singling out the exact line that caught my attention as well. It was from Iowa voter Marilu Erdahl who drove 2.5 hours to be at the event so she could decide who would earn her vote.

“We need someone who knows the ropes, who’s not the establishment but who doesn’t need on-the-job training.”

She chose Cruz over Trump or Carson for this very reason. He might not be seen as the anti-establishment outsider that endears voters to Trump or Carson, but his actions clearly demonstrate that he is. The funny part about it is that the very action that demonstrated this – his government shutdown of 2013 – is the action that many in the Republican Establishment point to as a reason to not vote for him. They condemned him for putting the party in a bad light, for destroying their chances of retaining the House and winning the Senate. Of course, a year later the “disastrous” shutdown was demonstrated to have helped the Republicans win the Senate and extend their lead in the House.

Ted Cruz Anti-Establishment

History has a funny way of proving the Republican Establishment wrong over and over again. If it weren’t for the fact that history makes the Democrats look even worse, we might not have a party anymore. Again, lesser of two evils.

Ted Cruz is definitely against the Republican Establishment, the “Washington cartel” as he calls it. Over and over again he stands up for what’s best for America even if it goes against the horrible backroom deals that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell concocted. The difference between him and the other two anti-establishment candidates is that Cruz knows the game and plays it very well for the sake of the country even if it means making enemies along the way.

He doesn’t need on-the-job-training.

Many of the concepts that Trump and Carson promote are righteous and important. They should be discussed. They should be fixed. Cruz knows that Trump’s wall must be built and he knows that illegal immigrants must be appropriately handled through things like E-Verify. He knows that religious liberties must be protected despite the trend in America that’s coming from both sides of the aisle. He has shares many of Trump’s and Carson’s ideas. The thing that makes him superior to them as a President isn’t just that he has experience. It’s that he has realistic approaches towards solving the problems. Some of the things that Trump and Carson promote sound great on the campaign trail but are utterly impossible to implement.

Cruz, Carson, and Trump share ideas about what needs to happen to fix the country. Of the three, only Cruz has the proper conservative plan that can actually become a reality.

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Instead of Running for President, We Should Hope to See Secretary of Defense Rick Perry

In case you hadn’t heard (and you probably haven’t since it’s not really news), a Super PAC is forming to try to get former Texas Governor and two-time Presidential candidate Rick Perry back in the race. Their hopes are to have a brokered convention which is, for all intents and purposes, impossible at this point.

Before we get too deep into it, let’s say for the sake of those who support Rick Perry that he definitely can never win the nomination or the Presidency. If you’re holding onto hope, get that our of your head.

Rather than shooting for the White House, it’s time for the conservative to do what he was probably always born to do: become Secretary of Defense. According to Wikipedia, his military experience gives him a nice, albeit small resume for this position:

Upon graduation from college in 1972, Perry was commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force and completed pilot training in February 1974. He was then assigned as a C-130 pilot to the 772nd Tactical Airlift Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base. Perry’s duties included two-month overseas rotations at RAF Mildenhall in England and Rhein-Main Air Base in Germany. His missions included a 1974 U.S. State Department drought relief effort in Mali, Mauritania and Chad, and two years later, earthquake relief in Guatemala.[20] He left the United States Air Force in 1977 with the rank of Captain, returned to Texas, and went into business farming cotton with his father.

What’s much more important to know about Perry is that he’s hawkish without being obtuse. He believes in military might and supporting our defense in the best possible way. That’s something that could play out very well in this particular time period due to the harsh conditions that are present around the world.

Rick Perry was never going to be President, but he does have the skills and the attitude to serve his country well as the ideal DefSec in these troubled times.

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Prepare for Desperate Attacks from the Left as Ted Cruz Rises

In a bubble, there are two candidates that the Democrats fear. Some see Marco Rubio’s boyish charm and knack for political expediency as appealing to independents, putting him as a top target. The other target, Ted Cruz, represents the two things they fear the most. That’s why you can expect to see very hot attacks against the Texas Senator in the weeks leading up to Iowa.

On one hand, Cruz represents the type of candidate that can expose Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. He has stayed more true to his ideology throughout his career than any other candidate, a sharp contrast to the ebbing and flowing of Clinton’s perspectives. This alone would make him dangerous to her, but add onto that his debating skills and his polarizing views that run in contrast to hers and it spells a danger the left simply doesn’t want to have to face.

It’s more than that, though. The second reason that they fear him over all others is because he is using Obama’s 2008 playbook. They know it works, obviously, and they know that Clinton doesn’t possess the passion that Cruz has now and that Obama had in 2008. More importantly, he has the same basic profile as Obama. Both ran as first term Senators in large starts. They both graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School after editing the Harvard Law Review. They are have polarizing views even within their own parties that put Obama to the left and Cruz to the right of the standard party lines.

In short, Ted Cruz is the last candidate that the Democrats want to see facing Hillary Clinton or even Bernie Sanders and they will do whatever they can to smear him in the coming months. In an ideal world for them, they would be able to hold their ammunition to attack the nominee after their campaign shifts to the general election, but they won’t risk that with Cruz. They won’t hold back the way they’re holding back with Donald Trump, the candidate they want to run against. With Cruz, they’ll try to destroy him before he has a chance to talk to the general electorate.

For the last two election cycles, this has played out so that the chosen Republican Establishment moderate will get the nomination. For the last two election cycles, the strategy has been disastrous. While the left continues to put up polarizing personalities, the right puts up milquetoast.

This year, it can’t happen. Ted Cruz isn’t just the best chance the Republicans have of defeating the Democrats next November. He represents the best chance the country has of prospering. I like most of the things that Donald Trump has to say, but the Democrats will destroy him. That’s why they’re so focused on his bombast rather than his policies. They realize that his bombast can propel him forward as the nominee even if his past and his policies will be annihilated in the general election. That’s what the left wants. That’s what mainstream media wants. Their goals are aligned.

They will roll out stories calling Cruz a Muslim-basher. They will point to conservatives that Republicans respect as attacking Cruz. They will call into question his eligibility with leftist firebrands like Alan Grayson. They will attack everyone they can associate with him.

Even though they view Rubio as a different risk, he’s still easier for the Democrats to beat than Cruz. Prepare for wave after wave of attacks. Prepare to defend him and to remain stalwart in your support. Don’t let the left, the mainstream media, or the Republican Establishment convince you otherwise.

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Socialism will Continue in Venezuela if Opposition Candidates Keep Getting Murdered

It’s difficult for Americans to understand the corruption and violence that comes with socialism. Despite the altruism associated with it and snazzy phrases like “income equality” used to build support, socialist nations around the world invariably fall to chaos and hardship when the governments maintain power long enough. This is very evident right now in Venezuela.

The country is in the process of collapsing. Polls suggest that the people want to stop the free fall that has culminated 16 years of socialism, but the government seems bent on making sure that doesn’t happen. They’ve gone beyond jailing opposition leaders or threatening candidates. Now, they’re just going out and killing them in broad daylight at campaign rallies.

Before anyone comes out and declares that it could have been a shooting perpetrated by very ambitious pro-government lone wolfs or, as the government is declaring, an attempt to frame the socialists to garner support for other candidates, keep something in mind. The only people who would lose if the elections were fair would be the current United Socialist Party of Venezuela and President Nicolas Maduro.

The successor to Hugo Chávez, Maduro has made no attempt to hide his willingness to suppress, intimidate, or physically remove any threats that could pull him out of power. Despite the complete economic failure of the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, the mismanagement of funds that always occurs when socialism has enough time to do its damage is crippling the country and hurting the people. They are carrying trash bags full of money in order to buy toilet paper. Strife has turned to violence and violence has turned to desperation.

It’s easy for a conservative to point to socialism as the culprit. There is true evil involved in this collapse as well, but the two core causes of the chaos in Venezuela are linked. You see, socialism by its very nature is evil wrapped in a thin blanket of altruism. It seems to make sense to people that if you take from the rich and give to the poor that everything will be okay, but it’s always a temporary fix. Whenever you make it unbearable to succeed and reward complacency instead, the people who work for the country stop doing so and the people who are not working for the country see no reason to help out.

As a concept, socialism makes sense. Unfortunately, it’s the type of concept that only makes sense if everyone is willing to participate to their fullest extent. The nature of socialism prohibits it from ever working in a world of free-thinking humans. Venezuela is seeing this first hand right now.

via Soshable

From C to V: The Differences between Prius Models

2016 Toyota Prius C

Many know that Toyota led the charge with developing a practically priced, and attractive hybrid car, but what most people don’t know is all of the different models Toyota now offers of their hybrid, the Prius.  There are a lot of letters floating around out there attached to vehicle models, and often it just adds up to the equivalent of a jumble puzzle.  The letters attached to the different models can make it somewhat difficult to differentiate what car you actually want to buy, as it’s easy to become confused about which features are offered with each model.

There are three different models of Toyota’s best-selling hybrid offering.  First, there is the Prius.  This is the standard model; the continuation of what they initially released back in 2000 for U.S. sales.  Next up on the list is the Prius c, a sportier and smaller model of the regular Prius, with a slightly smaller price tag as well.  Finally, last on the list is the Prius v, the super-sized version of Toyota’s hybrid offering.

Now that we’ve got the letters down and we’ve figured out the smaller and obvious differences between each Prius model, we can delve further into the more subtle nuances of each particular vehicle.  Each one of the three models offers different standard features, varying gas mileage estimates, and an array of seating accommodations that set each one apart from the others.  Choosing your Prius is going to be largely based on exactly what you’re looking for in terms of carrying capacity and what comes standard.  While it still may seem somewhat overwhelming, it’s easier than it looks to select your vehicle.

The base model Prius comes in four different trim levels numbered two through five, seven different colors, and a pretty expansive array of options.  Each model, from Prius Two to Prius Five, comes equipped with a 4 Cylinder, 1.8L Hybrid Engine.  Leading in its field in terms of aerodynamics, the Prius offers one of the lowest drag coefficients on the market.  Perhaps this is part of the reason for the outstanding gas mileage that the Prius offers in comparison to others in its class.  Made to carry up to five passengers, head clearance and leg room shouldn’t be an issue in this model, as it offers up nearly 43 inches for your legs.

The Prius c is the fun-sized version of the hybrid darling.  Offered in ten fun and youthful colors, the c is clearly made for a good time.  Now, it features a smaller engine, weighing in at 1.5 liters, and gives up a little bit of space in terms of leg room, but it’s not any less than its predecessor.  Released on the Prius scene in 2011, this model is offered in four different trim levels.  What you give up in space and engine size, you’ll make up for with the gas mileage and price point.  The lowest priced vehicle in the Prius family, and the highest gas mileage on the road, the c is meant for maneuvering in tight spaces.

If you’ve always wanted a Prius, but there was never enough space, 2011 was a lucky year, as Toyota released the Prius v.  The v is the big daddy in the Prius family, offering nearly thirty-five cubic feet of cargo space, and folding seat to allow for even more storage if need be.  The backseat is clearly a priority, as the seats not only recline but slide forward and backwards to get more leg room or give more cargo space.  While you would think that upping the size of your Prius would sacrifice major numbers when it comes to gas mileage, you would be wrong.  Averaging 44 plus mpg, the v will have you passing gas stations left and right.

When you’ve made the decision to go hybrid, Toyota would be a safe bet, as they possess the distinction of being the first mass-marketed hybrid vehicle.  Each member of the Prius family boasts their own particular traits that make it desirable.  Depending on what you need, there’s a Prius out there.  Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or simply reduce the amount of times you’re filling up, you can’t go wrong with a Prius.

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Congressman Alan Grayson uses Ted Cruz to draw the spotlight onto his own campaign

Alan Grayson Florida

Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson is having a hard time with his own party after failing to get strong support for his Senatorial campaign from major Democratic backers. Most support Patrick Murphy, the “sane” one between the two. Now, the political firebrand is trying to draw headlines by attacking GOP Presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s eligibility to even run for the office.

It isn’t just endorsements that aren’t going his way. In the money battle, Murphy is outpacing his foe, bringing attention to the controversial past that has followed Grayson his whole career. From an ugly divorce after 25-years of marriage to having questionable hedge fund practices that go against the very principles he claims to uphold, Grayson has been trying to remind voters that he is willing to go after anyone, anywhere, regardless of how ludicrous his actions might seem. He’ll do whatever it takes to get headlines and interviews.

The attacks tend to swerve towards whatever the topic of the hour is and right now the topic is Ted Cruz’s rise in recent GOP polls. The Texas Senator has shot up to a virtual tie with frontrunner Donald Trump in Iowa and is making moves in the national polls. Grayson, seeing an opportunity to turn headlines his way, has gone on the offensive. This is how he operates, choosing to say whatever it takes for political expediency. He’ll go after his ex-wife, his competitors, banks, businesses, and even gang members.

He’s been called the Democrats’ Donald Trump. Now, he’s trying to live up to the name by being as bombastic as possible even at the expense of his own party’s integrity.

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Why We’re Supporting the Imbecile Alan Grayson for Senate

In the ugly world of politics, it’s important to pick your fights based upon the goal of ultimate victory. The race for the Democratic nomination for Senate in Florida is so heated, so conspicuously volatile, that we have two important reasons to support Congressman Alan Grayson.

Those who know us are aware that we’re extremely conservative. Why, then, would we be supporting a bid by a liberal Democrat? The first reason is political expediency. Grayson’s opponent, Patrick Murphy, is formidable. He defeated Allen B. West to win a seat in Congress and has demonstrated a moderation that is appealing to many Florida voters. In essence, we see Grayson as a loudmouth lightweight whose nomination would ensure a Republican will win the space being vacated by Presidential candidate Marco Rubio.

The second reason is more maniacal. You see, Alan Grayson is the picture-perfect Democrat. Let’s analyze some of the allegations laid upon him from CQ Roll Call:

First there was the revelation of Grayson’s involvement in three hedge funds, two of which are based in the Cayman Islands, that bear his name. It’s the type of activity Grayson has decried since he was sworn in to Congress in 2009.

It’s always ironic when people are exposed to the hypocrisy of many Democrats. Keep in mind that one of Grayson’s biggest rallying cries has been against Wall Street, hedge funds, and the rich elite that Democratic voters love to hate. Nevermind that he’s worth over $20 million and is the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. He fights against those who handle money in ways that he has decided to employ himself.

Alan Grayson Ex-Wife

Then, there’s the story of his ex-wife:

Grayson eventually annulled his marriage of 25 years with his ex, Lolita Grayson, but not before round after round of public name calling and negative news stories — including one report that Lolita and the couple’s children were allegedly on food stamps, despite his wealth.

While we understand that Democrats don’t always appreciate the sanctity of marriage nor the responsibility of a man to take care of his wife and children, but Grayson’s example is a little extreme even for liberals.

Congressman Alan Grayson

Lastly, there’s Grayson’s unquenchable thirst for attention. He loves making headlines. He loves taking on those evil Republicans. He loves to see his name in print and he adores the idea of people seeing his face on television. The most recent attack on Ted Cruz’s eligibility works perfectly with the narrative about his political life that he’s created up to this point.

In 2009, Grayson said Republicans’ plan for overhauling the country’s health care system was to “die quickly.” In his 2010 re-election campaign, Grayson called his opponent, GOP Rep. Daniel Webster, “Taliban Dan.” Grayson also sent out a fundraising email in 2013 comparing the tea party to the the Ku Klux Klan.

Democratic operatives compare Grayson with businessman and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump — who is being rewarded by voters in the polls for his candid remarks, but whose penchant to speak whatever’s on his mind often lands him with a flurry of negative media attention.

In our ongoing quest to expose the most idiotic liberals, Alan Grayson ranks very high. That’s why we’d love to see him nominated by the Democrats in Florida. His presence would mean that the Republicans wouldn’t need to worry about losing Rubio’s seat.

via Soshable

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Of Course Ted Cruz can Win

For months, we’ve been saying that Ted Cruz is the most qualified and ideologically sounds candidate in the GOP field. We said he could win the nomination and the general election. For the first time, we’re actually starting to believe what we’ve been preaching.

It’s been a very tough eight years. The last seven have been tough for an obvious reason, but the year before President Obama was elected, it was hard for us as well. We watched as the conservative side of the Republican party continuously got pushed aside. It wasn’t just that the Republican Establishment had pre-selected John McCain as their champion. It was that the conservatives in the race weren’t really all that conservative and proved to be poor campaigners. Then, 2011/12 came around and we had a worse time. Mitt Romney was the chosen one, but it was worse than the previous election because a handful of true conservatives were pushed aside even more forcefully than ever before. The Republican Establishment had their way again.

I vividly remember vowing to fight with every fiber of my life that I could dedicate to finding and assisting the right conservative to pick up the Ronald Reagan mantle that has been left dormant since 1989. I wasn’t going to accept another Romney or McCain. This time, we were going to make a case for the best conservative in the field.

That conservative turned out to be Ted Cruz and I was terrified. On one hand, it seemed that he wasn’t just the best conservative this cycle. He was showing signs of greatness and political fortitude that would make him the best conservative in decades. On the other hand, he was already receiving enough press from both sides of the aisle to indicate that he really didn’t have a chance. We said he could win as early as June. We started believing it was possible in September. Now that we’re on the cusp of December, we’re realizing that he absolutely has a chance to win, not because of the famously brilliant campaign management that his team is doing or the infrastructure he’s put into place. It isn’t just having the most cash on hand or fairing very well with the Super PAC donations.

We believe because Republicans are starting to believe. I believe he can win because the narrative about him is turning in the right direction. From left-wing mainstream media, he’s suddenly getting the brunt of the attacks. That’s a great sign because it means they’re scared. On the right, many who thought it was impossible are starting to come around. That’s even more promising because a Ted Cruz campaign with the support of conservative media is the most powerful political campaign force the Republicans have put up since swift boats.

There is a long way to go until the general election, but if things continue to go well for Cruz, he’s the best chance the Republicans have of beating Donald Trump and then Hillary Clinton. This time, it won’t matter who the Republican Establishment crowns. Conservatives are showing that they have the power to make America truly great again.

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Arizona Senator Carlyle Begay becomes a Republican

Senator Carlyle Begay

As a minority, it has always been my contention that if more minorities really looked at the political parties through a lens of discernment, they would realize that the best ideas for all Americans, especially minorities, comes through the true progress that comes with being a Republican. Now, Arizona Senator Carlyle Begay is another initiate into this way of thinking.

Running as a Democrat last year, this switch does very little in the whole scheme of things but it’s a truly symbolic victory for the GOP. In Begay, we see the semblance of an awakening of the values that minorities often hold but that they’re unable to express through the party that is allegedly pro-minority.

Here’s his announcement:

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Yes, I’d Eat Fast Food Made by a Job-Killing Robot

As your standard technology-fearing, new-world-order-watching conservative Christian conspiracy theorist, it’s hard for me to even fathom the idea of supporting robots making my Big Mac. I shouldn’t be eating many Big Macs in the first place, but assuming I will, what does that say about the state of the fast food industry and the rise of the $15 national minimum wage rhetoric?

It has always made financial sense for businesses to use low-wage employees to support low-skill jobs such as those in the fast food industry. If wages are going to rise as most on the left seem bent to make happen, then businesses in many industries will need to be prepared for switches to the way they do business. One of those changes will be to consider (or reconsider) the option of automation. It’s an evil word to many of us, including me, but when we really look at the pros and cons, it starts to make more sense.

Let’s start with the cons:

  • Loss of jobs. This is obviously the part that I’ve always been most against.
  • Robot overlords. While I still believe that Skynet is a few years away, there’s always a chance of a burger-building death machine spawning from this.

Now, let’s look at the pros:

  • Cheaper production costs. This isn’t the case when fast food employees are making what they should be making as fast food employees, but at $15 an hour it suddenly becomes potentially cheaper to automate.
  • Cleaner burgers. I use the drive-thru the vast majority of the time when I get fast food. It’s not that I’m lazy or in too big of a hurry; depending on the drive-thru line it can be quicker to go inside. I simply want to hide my eyes from the health risks that my paranoid mind sees every time I watch them making my Big Mac.
  • Consistency. As you’ll see in the video below, those nasty burgers can be consistently nasty if built by a robot.
  • Forced skills training. The old way was to use a low-level job as either a place to support yourself through school or a launching pad that one could use to get advancements. The new way is apparently going to be to start off at $15 per hour, leaving no need for improvement. If robots replace many low-level jobs, that means that people will have to improve their education and/or work skills just to be able to get a job in the first place.

Fast Food Minimum Wage Battle

To me, it’s clear that the pros of burger automation greatly outweigh the risks of our robot overlords expediting their rise.

Here’s the video that prompted this article. Enjoy, and be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Thomas Sowell on Force

Thomas Sowell on Force

With all that’s happening in the world today, more people are waking up to the unfortunate reality that barbarism still exists. There are those who will do harm to the innocent for the sake of their unrighteous desires. This is why we have a military. This is why we must defend ourselves. This is why even in the 21st century there are still times when we must resort to force.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

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Is America Ready for Donald Trump to be Our Identity?

With Donald Trump leading in the polls and many political pundits starting to change their tune about his chances of winning the Republican nomination for president, voters need to start asking themselves one question: is Donald Trump’s personality what we want representing our country to the rest of the world?

Donald Trump is polarizing to say the least. Some would say that past Presidents such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and John F. Kennedy have been strong personalities that also polarized the country in the eyes of other countries. For example, Reagan was well known to have been hated by our enemies and adored by our allies. Is Trump the next natural progression? Does he represent the 21st century variation of polarization in an atmosphere that geopolitically is ready for a bombastic America?

The answer to both of these questions is, “no,” at least for the majority of Americans. At a time when we need someone more like Ronald Reagan, there are too many people strongly considering a reality TV star. That’s not a stab at Trump’s past. It’s about what Trump represents today. He’s taking many of the concepts that candidates like Ted Cruz espouse and he’s turning them on their heads to give a perception about them that doesn’t make any sense at all. Is border security a huge problem? Absolutely. That doesn’t mean that Trump’s “straight talk” is the right way to solve the problem. In fact, it runs very much counter to a solution. Do we have a problem with radical Islam creeping into the country and committing a major terrorist attack? Yes. That doesn’t mean that we have to promote the registry of people of any faith nor does it mean that we have to have surveillance at some mosques. That’s not America.

The media is finally starting to call it how they see it.

His many supporters obviously believe he has all of the answers. They see Trump as the ultimate representation of no holds barred straight talk. A variation of the question posed earlier is whether America wants to be viewed condoning the type of attacks that Trump levels on opponents, the media, and even parts of the American population.

Nobody doubts that Donald Trump says what he means and means what he says. The question is whether or not he says it out of true sincerity or for the sake of political expediency. He knows how to touch on the nerves that inspire many Republicans such as immigration, national security, and economic growth. Can his rhetoric be justified by actions? Is he saying the right things while knowing that much of what he proposes simply cannot be accomplished?

The core question isn’t whether or not he can accomplish what he says. He cannot, as 99% of those “in the know” realize outside of people like Ann Coulter who really don’t care. The core question is whether or not Republicans are willing to support the ideals that Trump represents.

via Soshable

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

GOP candidate surges, mainstream media attacks, rinse, repeat

GOP Candidates Mainstream Media Attack

By now, Americans should be used to the way that liberal mainstream media operates. When they see a candidate other than Donald Trump gain momentum in the polls, they immediately go on the offensive to defend their preferred Republican opponent in the general election. It’s a cycle that is so easy to spot that even many on the left are seeing it and chuckling.

There’s a reality about mainstream media that many are truly starting to wake up to but that is still hidden beneath the surface enough so that most Americans are still blind to it. Their goal is to keep a Democrat in the White House. This has been the case since the early 80s when the 5th estate had achieved a generation of indoctrination that started in the 60s. Now’s not the time to discuss this, but it’s important background information so that people realize why Trump, for all of the negative press that he creates naturally for himself, hasn’t really been the target of many direct negative attacks. They want him to be the GOP candidate and they have systematically challenged anyone who could derail their plans.

We first saw it with Jeb Bush, the former frontrunner who seemed to be Trump’s biggest competitor. They took it a little too hard, though, and pretty much destroyed his campaign. The funny part was watching as they backtracked quickly. Once they realized they had hit him too hard, you suddenly started seeing stories about how he isn’t all that bad. Eventually, they gave up once they realized they had knocked his campaign into oblivion.

When Ben Carson started rising, they were holding back at first. They saw in Carson someone who might actually be an even better person than Trump to be their sacrificial lamb at the Democratic altar of mainstream media bias. We’ll get back to Carson shortly.

Carly Fiorina had a short rise after the second GOP debate. While most didn’t view her as a real threat, some thought that she could be Trump’s kryptonite. More importantly, the couldn’t take the risk of her catching fire and steamrolling through the other nominees because she was someone who could defuse Hillary Clinton. The swift and stalwart attacks on her were even more harsh than the attacks on Bush and had an ever more destructive effect.

Carson reemerged onto their radar and they realized that he wasn’t going to be a better lamb than Trump. In fact, they saw in Carson someone who could actually take Trump down completely, so they leveled attacks on his character, his experience, and anything else they could find to draw doubt about his abilities. Now, they might be regretting the attacks because as he fades, they’re realizing that he truly might have been weaker than Trump. Still, they used all of the ammunition they had to take him down and now there’s very little they could bring up if he gets the nomination.

Marco Rubio has been rising and the attacks have been coming, but there’s been something of a pause in the attacks. They’re starting to see that Trump might self-destruct after all, leaving Rubio as a very possible replacement. The deeper they dig, the more they realize that he might not possess Trump’s weaknesses but he’s a juicy candidate ripe for general election attacks nonetheless. The mainstream media jury is still out. Some are attacking. Others are waiting to see if he emerges before leveling their harshest attacks.

Now, it’s time for Ted Cruz. He’s rising and they fear him more than anyone. They see in him the anti-Obama – young, magna cum laude at Harvard Law, 1st term Senator, very idealistic. The attacks that are coming against Cruz will be their harshest and most persistent yet. They cannot allow him to run as the nominee so there’s a very good chance that he’ll be the target of their harshest criticism from now until either the nomination is secured or he drops out.

With Trump, they realize that he offers a wealth of potential attacks in the general election unlike any candidate they’ve ever seen. They’re saving their best attacks for when he gets the nomination, at which point they will destroy him. They aren’t scared of the Democrats beating him. They’ll make sure that happens. Their only fear is that a better GOP candidate might spoil their plans before they can be realized.

The only way to keep the mainstream media from manipulating the vote is if more people wake up to their liberal agenda.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

The Best Analogy You’ll Hear All Day About the Need for Border Security

Between the influx of illegal immigrants to the risks of terrorists coming across the southern United States border, the need for security is a polarizing political topic. A group of citizens called the Arizona Border Recon have been making a stand against illegal immigration for a while but have now turned their attention towards the risks of terrorist infiltration.

Both challenges have the same solution: secure the borders. Those who oppose groups like these and border security in general often call the practice a hateful one, but one of the members of the group spoke a memorable line that really hits home that not everybody who wants secure borders wants it out of bigotry or hatred.

“You don’t lock your doors because you hate what’s outside, but because you love what’s inside,” Mark McConnell, one of the volunteers, said.

It’s a striking statement that represents what many Americans feel. We’re not against immigration. We’re against illegal immigration. We’re not against helping those in need. We’re against helping those who mean to do us harm one way or another.

Arizona Border Recon

There’s an important takeaway when you read the statement released by Tucson Sector Border Patrol. Notice that they are not condemning those who are trying to help. They are calling for safety and encouraging everyone, even those who are armed and trained, to be in contact with the authorities. This isn’t a statement calling for an end to organizations like Arizona Border Recon. It’s acknowledging that they can be helpful but that they need to be careful.

Border security work is potentially dangerous and complex; usually taking place in remote locations in very inhospitable terrain. Border Patrol agents receive extensive training and are taught to coordinate and communicate with a multitude of law enforcement officers to prevent unanticipated encounters with one another. Agents are also supported by ground-based and sophisticated aerial detection technology.  We strongly encourage private citizens and all non-governmental organizations to contact the Border Patrol and/or local law enforcement authorities to report suspected unlawful activity.

Here’s the video from KVOA-TV:

I, for one, would feel safer if I lived in that area knowing that these patriotic men and women were out there at night while I sleep.

via Soshable

President Obama Must NOT Wait Until an Attack Before Getting Serious About the Islamic State

Let’s state a fact. Some will say that it’s not a fact, but I’ll demonstrate why it is indeed a fact here shortly. The fact is this: if the United States continues with its current policy regarding the Islamic State, there will be a major terrorist attack on American soil perpetrated directly by the Islamic State or its supporters.

The obvious question would be how this can be construed as a fact. There are no indications that we’re any closer today than we were a couple of months ago to being attacked. The reason we can state it as factual is because the current policy regarding the Islamic State is no working and every day that they’re allowed to exist increases the chances of someone doing in America what they did in Paris, Beirut, the Russian passenger jet… or worse. It’s not a question of if but rather when it will be successful. With the FBI investigating 1,000 active potential Islamic State threats on United States soil, there’s no way to keep them all. Our law enforcement agencies are the best in the world but the numbers are stacked against them.

Some would say that the President will not do anything and therefore the best we can do is to wait for the next President to get into office. That’s not good enough. We’re over a year away from someone new in the White House and things are escalating with the Islamic State. It’s not just their military that needs to be eliminated. It’s their ideology. It’s the anger being felt by Muslims that are approaching the point of radicalization. It’s the risk of infiltration by the Islamic State among the Middle East refugees. It’s the tipping point that America and the world is reaching where the specter of terrorism is finding its way out of the dark corners and onto main street USA in some unsuspecting city.

There are those who say we should have been able to stop the 9/11 attacks based upon intelligence and the history of attacks that led up to the tragedy. They might be right, but if there’s one notion that should not be forgotten its that they had the unfortunate luxury of complacency. Today, we do not have that luxury. Even a decade and a half removed from 9/11, the risks are still present in the minds of law enforcement, politicians, and the general population. Add in the three major terrorist attacks in recent weeks and we should no longer allow any form of complacency.

Islamic State in America

Paris isn’t Beirut, and while it’s unfair to view the two through different filters, it’s clear that Paris is too similar to American cities to ignore. I’m personally very aware of the terrorism and radical Islamic ideology that kills people every day around the country, but I don’t fault the general population for viewing it from a different perspective. Paris is a shared perspective. If it can happen there, it can happen here.

Knowing this, there’s no excuse for waiting. There’s no reason that we should wait around for a terrorist attack to happen before acting to stop it. That’s not to say that nobody’s trying. It’s to say that the President of the United States is not trying hard enough. He has a history of underestimating the threat from the Islamic State and the American people are finally starting to realize the error in his ways. We must keep the pressure up, whatever pressure we have available to us, in order to bring the President to his senses. He’s clearly not seeing this straight. His judgment is clouded. Whether it’s by his lame duck status, his unearned Nobel Peace Prize, or by the hopes that nothing will happen until someone else takes over shouldn’t really matter. The reason is unimportant. The necessity for change is all that matters.

Even if the President gets more aggressive, an attack still might come. However, if he doesn’t change his policy, an attack will almost certainly come. We have to act which means he has to act. Otherwise, we’re playing directly into the hands of the Islamic State.

via Soshable

Anti-Trump Group Needs to Stop for the Sake of the Republican Party

Based upon my opinion of Donald Trump, one might believe that I’m in support of a certain Republican organization’s attempt to derail his campaign. I am not. In fact, I’m adamantly against it and the people who conceived of it should be ashamed of themselves.

Trump Card LLC has the goal of discouraging Trump supporters from voting at all in the primaries. This is both misguided and counterproductive. If Trump cannot be beaten by ideology and actions, he shouldn’t be beaten at all. That’s not to say I support Trump’s campaign in any way – far from it. I know with a near certainty that Trump’s nomination will assure a complete and utter victory for the Democratic candidate. The only reason that I can’t be 100% sure has nothing to do with Trump. There’s no way to know whether or not Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders might have some insane skeleton in their closet. We know that Trump has them, but there’s at least a tenth of a percent possibility that the Democrats have something monumental in their own closet. Otherwise, yes, Republican nominee Trump or Independent nominee Trump has a 99.9% chance of giving the White House and the future of the country to the Democrats.

The reason that I’m against what Trump Card LLC is doing is simple. If their tactics prevent Trump from getting the nomination, he is likely going to demonstrate his childishness in full force by running as an independent and destroying the Republican party itself. There was a time when I thought that was his intention and I’m not completely convinced that it’s not, but that’s beside the point. Trump talks about playing fair and he will construe what Trump Card LLC plans to do as unfair. Therefore, their actions will hurt the Republican party and the country as much as Trump would.

Just because I know he could never win in the general election doesn’t mean I don’t agree with some of his perspectives. He might be running a junior high student council campaign, but it’s working in the polls. The conversations he’s bringing to the table are important ones, so for that we should all be grateful. However, he should be defeated because he is revealed as being incapable of winning the general election or running the country through standard techniques such as education and by simply making candidates perform better than he is. That’s the solution. Smear campaigns may work, but that doesn’t mean that the Republican party needs to engage in them. Leave those for the Democrats. It’s our responsibility to stand on the right side of values and that means giving the American people a valid reason to vote for a better candidate.

There is a right way and there are many wrong ways to handle Donald Trump. Rather than focusing on a smear campaign to expose his liberal tendencies or his infantile solutions, true conservatives should appeal to the voice of reason. If we can’t get other Republicans to see things through the proper perspective, then the party itself is in no condition to run the country in the first place.

via Soshable

Saturday, November 21, 2015

5 Reasons Ted Cruz is the Perfect GOP Candidate to Defeat Democrats in 2016

This is arguably the most crucial Presidential election of this generation. In fact, a win for Republicans this time around may have more of an effect on the country than Ronald Reagan’s in 1980 or Bill Clinton’s in 1992. Both caused dramatic changes to the way that America operated, but neither will be as important as what happens next year.

Ted Cruz is a man of seconds. He’s viewed by many as the most conservative overall candidate, but that’s the extent of his polarization. Otherwise, he’s the right combination of being the second most this or the second most that. It’s a combination that would bring certain victory in a general election regardless of whether it’s the likely opponent of Hillary Clinton or if Bernie Sanders can mount a serious opposition.

An article on liberal MSNBC points out the five areas where Cruz is second to another candidate. Combined, they make for a very potent campaign. Here are the five “seconds” that combined reveal Cruz as the top choice.

1. Carson’s Evangelical Appeal

Ben Carson Ted Cruz

Even though recent controversy about Ben Carson’s foreign policy knowledge has turned a good number of evangelicals way, he has been the chief recipient of the evangelical vote. This is where Cruz, the second favorite among evangelicals, has the power to unite them towards voting.

2. Trump’s Outsider Appeal

Ted Cruz Donald Trump Outsiders

Donald Trump is the outsider many Republicans love. Unfortunately for him, he’s proving that he’s such an outsider that he’s actually alienating himself from those who want at least a smidgen of political sense. Sure, those who support him wholeheartedly will never see the errors of his ways, but how he’s handled Carson and more recently John Kasich demonstrate an immaturity that will scare most voters away from him.

Cruz has made many enemies among Washington DC insiders, which makes him ideal for those who find his outsider status appealing while still wanting a semblance of political know-how. Cruz has both going for him.

3. Rubio’s Minority Status and Campaign Discipline

Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Campaign

Marco Rubio has had the fact that he’s missed so many Senate votes come across as a negative despite the fact that he’s missed fewer than candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton when she was a Senator, and John Kerry. The reason he’s missed the votes is because he’s been running a very solid campaign, attending fundraisers and rallies in an effort to solidify his spot as the Republican Establishment’s frontrunner.

Next to Rubio, Cruz has been nearly as dedicated. He’s made more Senate votes and spent less time on the road, but not by much. He has a better ground game and infrastructure than Rubio, though, so one could argue that he’s running an even better technical campaign, but for the sake of this article we’ll call him a close second.

Then, there’s the Hispanic heritage aspect, a factor that will play a role in the general election.

4. The Rand Paul Libertarian Votes

Rand Paul Ted Cruz

There was little doubt that Rand Paul was going to pick up his father’s mantle and be the voice of the Libertarians in this election. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t really do that, at least not definitively. Even before he sunk near the bottom on the polls, he was already being criticized by much of his base who were starting to see Cruz as the more Libertarian option even if he’s never claimed their philosophy by name.

5. The Money Factor, a la Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush Ted Cruz

Cruz has raised the second most direct money for his campaign. Only Jeb Bush has raised more through his Super PACs. Most importantly, he has the most cash on hand. While he’s not the best at direct fundraising (yet) nor is he at the top of the Super PAC fundraising, he’s right where he needs to be.

The Right Combination

America is going to need a candidate they can trust in order to turn the tide away from the liberal agenda that we’ve experienced for the last seven years. Cruz is best positioned to do that in the general election. The only question is whether or not he can do it in the primaries first.

via Soshable

The Significance of Luke 4:25-30

What was the significance of Luke 4:25-30?
Prior to these verses we read about Jesus taking the book of Isaiah and reading a portion of chapter 61 in a Synagogue in His home town.  After He finishes reading, He gives the book back to the attendant and tells them that very day that passage was being fulfilled in their ears. What a remarkable statement.

After this the people thought how great was this teaching asking, wasn’t this the son of Joseph? They were mocking Him not believing someone like this could be teaching such great things with such authority and ignored the message completely. Because of this Jesus proceeds to remind them of a time that foreshadowed what was to come.

Following the passage of Isaiah, Jesus goes on to tell them prophecy relating specifically to them. He says that they would tell Him the proverb, “Physician, heal yourself!” And that which they heard Him do in Capernaum do in His home town.

We know that He did not perform miracles at home because they did not believe Him to be the Messiah. He later tells His disciples in Matthew 13 that “a prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and household.” Jesus knew what they were thinking when He was teaching them in the Synagogue. But, it’s what He says after predicting what they would do that causes a dramatic turn of events.

Jesus goes on to say in verses 25-29:

I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon. And there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed—only Naaman the Syrian.

All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff.”

What just happened?

It would seem that we need a little history to know what it was that offended them to the point of wanting to throw Jesus off a cliff, quite a dramatic change of thought in such a short amount of time.

To fully understand the significance of these passages, let’s take a closer look at the widow in the land of Sidon (in current day Lebanon), and Naaman in Syria.

The obvious is that both these places were not in Israel and were in fact considered Israel’s enemy. Additionally, Elijah and Elisha performed miracles for a goy (Gentile). Bringing to remembrance these facts could explain the outrage, but the history will give us a much better understanding.

Sidon, the mother city of Tyre was a place where trade was abundant and many dwelled, despite its battles. It has been an occupied city throughout its history, first the Assyrians – then the Babylonians, Greeks , Romans, and so on.

During the time of Elijah Ahab was king over Israel. Ahab married Jezebel through an alliance being she was a princess from Sidon – daughter of the King of Tyre. She successfully encouraged Ahab to abandon his worship of Yahweh all together and even persecuted the prophets of Israel. If it weren’t for Obadiah most of the prophets would have been killed.

King Ahab's PalaceThe worship of Baal and Astarte/Asherah (male and female deities) became popular throughout Sidon during Omri’s reign (Ahab’s father). But, it was during Ahab’s reign it became prevalent. Archaeological evidence found at Ahab’s ivory palace shows that he filled his house with these false gods, inside and out.

Many times king Ahab and Elijah clashed over the false gods that Ahab worshiped. You may remember the incident where Elijah challenges the false gods of King Ahab’s table to consume an offering. He asked that 850 of the false prophets come and see what their gods could do. They of course failed.  Elijah then proceeded to douse the offering with water to show the observers who the true God is. The offering was overwhelmingly burnt up, including the ground that surrounded it.

The king of Israel saw Elijah as a trouble maker and rejected his authority as a prophet, as did many of the people. It was Elijah who warned the king of the drought. After three and a half years Elijah asked for rain and only then did the drought cease.

the_widow_of_zaraphathIt was during this time of drought that the prophet performed the miracle of replenishing the oil and flour for the trusting widow who fed him instead of her son. But, when her son dies she blames the prophet. Elijah then asked God to restore the life of the child if it be His will. Once the child was resurrected the widow proclaimed Elijah to truly be a man of the one God and that the word of the Lord from his mouth was truth.

We see through this story that a Gentile woman realized what the king and people of Israel did not. And because of her obedience and faith in the prophet of Israel she saw an incredible miracle that no one in Israel had received up to that point, resurrection of the dead.

Subsequently Ahab was killed in battle by an arrow as prophesied by Elijah. Scripture tells us that dogs (the Septuagint translates it pigs) came and licked his blood. Later Jezebel was eaten by dogs after being thrown out a window.

Syria was also considered an enemy of Israel during the time of Elisha. In it was the city of Damascus in the region of Aram. Syria had conquered Israel with the help of Naaman. Naaman, an Aramean, was a chief commander in the Syrian King’s army and thought of as a great and honorable man. However, he was a leper.

Naaman was told that a prophet from Israel could heal him, therefore he wrote a letter to the king of Israel asking him to cleanse him of his leprosy. Once the king read the letter he tore his clothes asking, “Am I God, to kill and make alive again?” The king thought the letter was written to provoke him into a quarrel since he was clearly not able to heal.

When Elisha got word of what the king had done, he wrote the king asking to send Naaman to him so that he will know there is indeed a prophet in Israel.

Naaman washes himself in the JordanAfter Naaman finally agreed to obey Elisha and wash himself seven times in the Jordan river, he was healed. Naaman then realized and proclaimed that there was only one true God, the God of Israel.

Once Naaman realized who the true God was he had a request of Elisha, forgiveness. Elisha obliges his request and Naaman is forgiven. He tells Elisha that he will never offer sacrifices to any other god from then on.

Again, we see another Gentile who receives blessings because of their faith and obedience. Although they were reluctant at first, both finally obeyed because they had faith in the prophet’s words. In this case Elisha not only healed a Gentile but granted him forgiveness. Indeed a foreshadowing of what was to come.

This shows that it is through faith and obedience that God’s mercy is received, regardless of who it is. Not because it is necessarily deserved, but because He has the power to forgive and bless whom He chooses. As John the Baptist said, “from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham.” This is contrary to what the Jews believed and did. And those listening to Jesus’ words would not want to remember as it would further validate His message.

There is no doubt that the people whom Jesus was speaking to in the synagogue recalled the bitter memory of them rejecting the prophets and where two Gentiles who by faith received miracles from God, the forgiveness of sin and resurrection. To tell those people that God would not turn to them to receive miracles because they refused to listen and believe was too much for them to hear.

The prophetic story of both Elijah and Elisha would later transpire into nearly all of Israel rejecting the Messiah and the words of the prophets who spoke of Him. As a result of their disobedience and lack of faith God would raise up children to Abraham from all nations. For it was too little of a thing for His Son to save Israel, rather He would save the world.

The post The Significance of Luke 4:25-30 appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.

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The Refugee Plan that Makes Way Too Much Sense for Most Politicians

The topic that is polarizing the United States right now is the Syrian refugee issue. Most Democrats (though not all) want to allow them into America with the current “screening” process in place. Nearly all Republicans want some measure of action ranging from revising the screening process to completely halting the refugee process altogether.

Before we go into the details of a common sense plan that would work, let’s address the extremes within both parties. The Democrats that believe it’s okay to operate the process exactly the way it currently sits are being naive. We were calling attention to the fact that the Islamic State was taking advantage of the refugee crisis well before the terrorist attacks in Paris proved this to be true. Now that it’s confirmed, their defense of blind allowance of refugees is untenable.

The Republicans cannot embrace a complete isolationist perspective, either. We can’t simply say, “not our problem.” It is absolutely our problem with the Middle East being so pivotal to the future of our country and even if it wasn’t, we are the leader of the world. We are able to help and we absolutely must fulfill our responsibility to help those who need help.

That doesn’t mean opening our borders. It doesn’t mean acting stupid. It means that we must be smart about how we help, but we must help nonetheless. Of course, we don’t have to do it alone. This is where Saudi Arabia comes in.

Saudi Arabia and Jack Sprat

The Saudis do not want non-Muslims in their country, which means that they can sort through the refugees to identify Christians. If that doesn’t spark the clarity in your own mind of what we must do, then I’ll elaborate.

Some Republicans have suggested allowing Christian refugees in while denying Muslim refugees. If the Saudis can be persuaded to allow refugees, they’ll want the exact opposite of what we want. What that means is that with a proper infrastructure and international funding, we could “pull a Jack Sprat.”

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.

His wife could eat no lean.

And so between them both, you see,

They licked the platter clean.

The basic details can be seen in a previous post about the radical idea to solve the refugee problem. Here are are the basics:

  1. Compel Saudi Arabia to take on refugees. Remember, they don’t have all of the oil. They have many of the most lucrative oil contracts. There are plenty of countries such as Venezuela who would love the future benefits of those contracts if Saudi Arabia continues to be obtuse in their stance.
  2. Allow Saudi Arabia to conduct the first level of background checks. They can do it better than us. They can identify the likely Islamic State sympathizers. More importantly, they can find the Christians. They don’t want the Christians. America does.
  3. Those who are identified as likely Christians will then be vetted by the FBI. That doesn’t mean that all of them will be Christians nor does it mean that being a Christian means that they definitely aren’t terrorists. It does, however, reduce the chances of Islamic State infiltration.
  4. Christian and secular organizations in the United States will be given responsibility to help the refugees. They will assist and monitor with assistance from law enforcement. The American people can help as long as they’re comfortable with the vetting process. Otherwise, it will be hard to get enough support.
  5. The goal is to eventually return nearly all refugees to Syria once stability is brought to their ravaged lands.

The first objection from politicians will be that Saudi Arabia cannot be compelled. This is ridiculous. They have held the world at bay for decades and it’s time for them to contribute more than money to solving the situation for their fellow Muslim brothers. They have a population density of 36 people per square compared to Germany at 591 per square mile. They have no excuse to not step up.

Nobody in the US government has ever wanted to call out Saudi Arabia. Now is the time. The world hangs in the balance and the United States must act. That doesn’t mean we have to act alone.

via Soshable