Saturday, July 29, 2017

If you’re near the border, you can (and should) be asked about citizenship

There’s a problem at the border. People are coming across illegally. That’s not news. What may be new to people is that law enforcement can ask people within 100 miles of the border whether or not they’re here legally.

It sound Draconian and in many ways it is. “Show us your papers!” However, it’s not nearly as bad as it’s being played by the media, nor is it unreasonable. We are a sovereign nation (for now) and as such it’s important that law enforcement has the ability to at least ask the question.

Here’s the problem. We’ve come to the crossroads with law enforcement where people on both the right and the left have complaints about how the law is enforced. There are righteous complaints about certain practices by law enforcement (don’t get me started on civil asset forfeiture) but there are even more ridiculous complaints. This is where we get to a story in San Diego.

As reported by College Fix:

According to The San Diego Tribune, the English, art, and theater teacher told a BP officer that “she believed she did not have to answer their questions,” whereupon she was informed she had to answer the query about citizenship but not others.

One agent showed Parmely a card detailing immigration law and a US Supreme Court decision noting the BP can “operate checkpoints within 100 miles of the border and […] ask questions about citizenship without warrants.”

The key phrase here is “ask questions about citizenship without warrants.” People often get up in arms about warrants. Much of the angst is self-inflicted by law enforcement as there has been tremendous overreach over the last couple of decades with warrantless… well… everything. However, when it comes to asking questions necessary to ascertain a situation, the thought that law enforcement must present a warrant before being able to ask them is ridiculous.

This particular teacher was trying to make a statement against discrimination. While it’s almost certainly true there’s discrimination near the border and around the nation when it comes to people who have the potential based upon their appearance or accent of being an immigrant, the notion that law enforcement can’t even ask the question is ludicrous. This teacher made the wrong statement at the wrong time in the wrong way.

Here’s the video:

There’s a fine line between holding law enforcement accountable and attempting to obstruct their ability to enforce the law.

The post If you’re near the border, you can (and should) be asked about citizenship appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven

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