Saturday, September 8, 2012

One More Reason to Condemn YOLO

Don't embrace "YOLO". Don't let your friends, kids, students, siblings, or anyone you know embrace YOLO. There are definitely religious reasons to oppose it, but the fact that it represents encouragement of idiotic actions should be enough to make you want your loved ones to avoid it.

Five men are dead in a car accident that happened moments after the driver Tweeted "yolo".

Is that the reason? Is this the example that should shock kids (and adults) into condemning the concept? No. Common sense is the real reason. What happened to Ink2flashyy and his friends is just a tragic tale to drive the point home.

As I posted on Soshable:

I’m angry about this. I feel sorrow for the families of the victims. I have fear for my own children, not because they embrace YOLO (one of them said she preaches “OLOY” to her friends – “Only Losers Obey YOLO”), but because the poor choices that people are making as a result can harm the innocents who are not being stupid but are caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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