Sunday, October 11, 2015

I Finally Understand Why Hillary Clinton Can’t Be President

There has been something about Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that has bugged me for 24-years. As a lifelong Democrat and someone who like President Bill Clinton despite his misogynistic ways, one would think that I would embrace his wife with even more fervor. I haven’t.

It actually scares me to think that she could be the nominee. I knew in my heart that I didn’t want her to win against Barack Obama in 2008 (I was a Dennis Kucinich supporter, if you must know), but I never really knew why. It wasn’t trust; I didn’t trust candidate Obama very much, either. As it turned out, he’s had less of a trust issue than I had anticipated and more of an effectiveness issue than I could have imagined, but this isn’t about him. It’s about Hillary Clinton, the mysterious nagging feature about her, and why she can’t be President.

While watching this week’s news cycle, it finally came to me after all of these decades. In fact, it hit my like a Randy Johnson fastball to the head, only without the concussion. In a nutshell…

Hillary Clinton wants to be President for the sake of being President, not to fix the country.

In that way, she reminds me of Donald Trump. I look at Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz and I see an earnest desire to be President in order to do what’s right. While I don’t agree with Cruz or Carson, I respect their motives. With Trump and Clinton, I see three similarities that are dangerous and should prohibit them from ever winning the White House if the American people aren’t suckers for their sales pitches.

  1. They have no convictions of their own. Never have I seen candidates change their positions more often than these two. They have a very clear willingness to say whatever their political advisers tell them that the uninformed voters in America (of which there are way too many) are itching to hear. Build a wall. Black lives matter. Obama’s a Muslim (wait, they both said that).
  2. They are driven by ego rather than principle. It’s not important to them that they make campaign promises that they can keep. It’s only important that they make campaign promises that can get them into the White House. For some candidates (maybe even most), this election is about the country. For Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, this election is about them.
  3. Failure after failure after failure… Donald Trump, despite his billions, is very much like Google. He did one thing very well by taking his father’s millions and turning it into billions through real estate. Then, he failed miserably at pretty much every other big idea he ever had. I could write a book about his failures, but this is about Hillary. Her failures are more subtle. It’s really not what she tried to do and failed at, though there are many of those. It’s what she accomplished. As First Lady, US Senator, and Secretary of State, one would think that she could list something impressive that she has accomplished. I wasn’t on the list to get a copy of her book but I haven’t seen anything that stands out.

I’m a Progressive but this is a conservative blog so I won’t try to sell you on Bernie Sanders. I will, however, give you conservatives the satisfaction of knowing that some of us Progressives would rather see Ben Carson or (gulp) Ted Cruz in the White House than the unprincipled and incompetent Hillary Clinton.

The post I Finally Understand Why Hillary Clinton Can’t Be President appeared first on Conservative Haven.

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