Sunday, October 25, 2015

Are Donald Trump supporters starting to see through his rhetoric?


Donald Trump Rhetoric

Since he first announced his decision to run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, Donald Trump has been building up passionate and vocal supporters. Nobody, not even Hillary Clinton, has been able to build up the social media groundswell of support that Trump has. Now that we’ve had four months of his speeches, attacks, and policy shifts, are supporters starting to second guess him as their first choice?

The polls are painting different stories. Some show that he’s rising. Others show that his support is shifting, particularly among conservatives who view him as more moderate than they originally believed. He’s still very right when it comes to immigration, but on nearly all other issues he is much closer to the center than other candidates, even Jeb Bush.

The video below is an exploration into the realities of Donald Trump’s candidacy. Will voters listen or will the Republicans nominate their third consecutive moderate failure?

The post Are Donald Trump supporters starting to see through his rhetoric? appeared first on Uberly.

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