Before going into a solution regarding the current refugee crisis in the Middle East, let’s debunk the one complaint that will certainly come from anyone reading this. Money is not an issue. If the wealthy countries of the Middle East, Europe, and the United States wanted to make the necessary investment into solving this problem, the money could be pulled together in a single day.
The second objection would be that “it’s their problem” and that taxpayers should not be footing the bill. That, too, is an absurd objection because the money that is wasted every day by the wealthy countries of the world could quickly be redirected to this cause which is much more important. In other words, nobody’s taxes would have to be raised. We might not be able to give the Department of Agriculture a single intern that costs the American taxpayer $2 million, but I’m sure they won’t fall apart as a result.
With those out of the way, let’s look at this situation from a practical perspective. First, we have to put aside political correctness and accept that there is a distinct difference between Christian refugees and Muslim refugees. Their situations are different even if they’re crossing the borders in the same groups.
Next, we have to look to the world of business for a concept that has helped many companies achieve greatness in the face of opposition. It’s a concept called BHAG: big hairy audacious goals. This is not a problem that can be solved without shooting for something huge. We’re in an emergency situation that will affect the entire planet. At its current pace, it will not be solved before it’s complete beyond being salvageable. We must act with an urgency that hasn’t been seen since the first Gulf War when Kuwait was invaded.
Once we accept that, we can build the first tangible portion of the solution: a reception city. This would almost certainly need to be in Syria or Turkey. It would need to be set aside as a long-term but temporary large area of land that is controlled by (and I regret saying this, but it’s the only acceptable solution) the United Nations.
Everyone must go there first. It would be a city, one that can accommodate millions of people. It would need a strong military presence to maintain order and to keep the Islamic State and other entities from having influence over the city.
Funnel everyone, even many of those who are already in Europe, to this city. There, families are kept together. Maintaing quality and quantity of lodging, food, and security would be paramount.
They say Rome wasn’t built in a day and this would take many days to build, but a concerted effort by the nations of the world could make this happen very quickly. For those with the third objection that we don’t have enough time to make it happen, it could be done in stages. Tents, then barracks, then apartments could be built very quickly to make it viable for a large number of people. Saudi Arabia already has enough air conditioned tents to help. They should be helping.
If you can get the refugees together in a safe place, they can then be sent throughout the world to the most appropriate places where they’ll be able to rebuild their lives. Screening would be challenging, but this will allow for the politically incorrect but absolutely necessary step of documenting and tracking them. The “bad guys” are using this crisis to infiltrate the west. This wouldn’t prevent all of these nefarious actions, but it would make it easier to maintain a certain level of control over the potential negatives associated with taking on refugees with evil goals.
Again, most would say that it’s impractical. They would say that it would be too hard from a financial and logistical perspective. If they would take a moment to see what this crisis represents and how it is already getting out of hand, then perhaps they will see the need to take extremely drastic actions now rather than dealing with the repercussions later.
There’s no easy solution with this situation. People compare it to the post-WWII situation, but this is actually much worse. Concerted and dramatic efforts must be made now before it’s too late.
via Soshable
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