Saturday, November 30, 2013
Rolling an F16 while firing flares

Friday, November 29, 2013
Matte Black Aventador. #ThatIsAll

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Inspiration for Characters on The Simpsons
The Simpsons creator Matt Groening took a lot of inspiration for his characters from actual people in his life. This is most easily seen by taking a look at the people listed in the obituary of his mother, who died April 22, 2013.
Recognize any names?
Margaret Groening died peacefully in her sleep on April 22, 2013, in Portland. Born Margaret Wiggum on March 23, 1919, in Chisolm, Minn., Margaret was 94 years old.
Margaret’s parents, Matt and Ingeborg Wiggum, met on the boat coming to America from Norway. They settled in Everett, Wash., where the paper mill “smelled like money,” and Matt worked as a machinist.
As high school valedictorian and Miss Everett, Margaret’s highest honor was being named May Queen of Linfield College. She graduated from Linfield in 1941 and married classmate Homer Groening, whom she chose because he made her laugh the most.
Margaret taught high school English before starting a family, and her love of language was apparent in the many Double-Crostics she completed (in ink).
Margaret and Homer supported the Oregon Symphony, the Portland Trail Blazers and many local yarn shops (Margaret was a talented needlework artist).
Besides Homer, Margaret was preceded in death by her oldest daughter, Patty, who died in Jan., 2013. She is survived by her brother, Arnold; her children, Mark, Matt, Lisa and Maggie; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
The family thanks the wonderful caregivers from Visiting Angels and the hospice nurses from Housecall Providers. Special appreciation also goes to loyal friend, Grace Clark.
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via Uberly http://uberly.com/entertainment/inspiration-characters-simpsons/
#Thanksgiving is the hardest day of the year when you're on a...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Just the Facts… About Internet Marketing
Statistics can be a wonderful thing. They can show us information that can guide our decisions and bring us to see things in better focus. They can distract us, taking us down an incorrect path based upon lack of understanding. They can entertain us.
This infographic from Yoda London can likely do any of the three. As with any set of numbers, if you torture them long enough, you can make them say anything. For example, seeing that 93% of online experiences begin with search engines can be useful in that it highlights the importance of SEO. It could also be detrimental if misunderstood as “online experiences” could mean just about anything. It entertains (if you’re a search geek like me, at least).
Check out the graphic:
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/just-the-facts-about-internet-marketing/
My wife's #Thanksgiving deviled eggs. Yep, they were wiped out a day before.

Porsche 911 against an amazing background.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
#Dreaming of a #Jaguar E-Type Roadster.

Joshua 1:9


Monday, November 25, 2013
Autocross Corvette… 1966 C1 coupe

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Savory leg of lamb. #Yumz

Forgiato C7 Corvette Widebody

As a child... this game... hours.

Saturday, November 23, 2013
Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and of good courage
Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
There is no better companion than the Lord. He is with us and because of this, we should fear no challenge. That is not to say that we will win every battle… it is not ours to know which battles we are to win and which we are to lose, but we will always win as long as we keep Yeshua in our hearts even if we don’t know what victory really looks like in this life.
The post Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and of good courage appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://judeochristianchurch.com/joshua-19-strong-good-courage/
Deep fried macaroni and cheese with a chipotle bacon and garlic aioli

Matthew 5:17 – I am not come to destroy…
Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Yeshua was misunderstood so greatly by most of the people of His day. Even His disciples often took His words and actions the wrong way. One of the things that He makes abundantly clear in His Teaching is that He did not come down to earth to be contradictory to the law as laid down by His Father but rather to bring it forth more readily unto the whole world.
The post Matthew 5:17 – I am not come to destroy… appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://judeochristianchurch.com/matthew-517-come-destroy/
Had to explain the significance of this truck to my 15-year-old.

Friday, November 22, 2013
Grass-fed #burger - the top thing I'm going to miss while on my diet.

The deadliest seat in the world

Thursday, November 21, 2013
Why SEO is More Important than Ever
There are those who have been spreading (indefinitely, it seems) the thought that SEO is dead. It never ends, the thought (hope?) that search engine optimization has reached its conclusion. The main reason for these calls is, of course, when “experts” in search marketing start to find that their techniques don’t work anymore. Nothing will make someone believe a practice is dead more than finding out that they’re processes aren’t working.
Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for the rest of us), SEO is alive and well and growing in importance every day. The reasons are many, but here’s a quick breakdown:
- Mobile visibility is driving clicks on the go. Many people are no longer doing the majority of their searches on desktop computers. The computers in our pockets are doing just fine (sometimes better) at delivering the information we need. Mobile’s continuous onslaught on our time and eyeball share means that SEO today must maintain a “mobile-first” mentality. If you can make it rank well on mobile, you can make it rank well on desktops.
- The vision is pretty much set for the near future. Google and Bing are known for frequent updates and since 2011, Google has sent out some big ones. We will see a slow down on the major updates and a focus on tweaks for quality and adjustments to fight spammers. The gameplan is right there in front of us, which means that those who are good at SEO can duck their shoulders down and start barreling through the line.
- Competitors are increasing but true competitors are diminishing. Everyone is getting into the SEO game, but there’s only a handful that truly get it. By focusing on quality of content, links, and social signals, SEOs are able to succeed. Once you introduce shortcuts (and the majority of them do) you lose the effect. This is a benefit to those doing true SEO because it allows them to rise to the top more easily.
Don’t get trapped in the SEO-is-Dead mentality. SEO is alive and well in its purest form. Bad SEO is dying. This is a good thing.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/why-seo-is-more-important-than-ever/
These are just so cool. Mazda RX-7 Veilside Fortune...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Breakfast cupcakes

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Porsche Number 1. This is how it all started. #HistoricalAwesomeness

Monday, November 18, 2013
Bacon and Goat Cheese Salad with Pomegranate and Figs. #Fooding

Wouldn't 'standing out on the battlefield' defeat the purpose?

Sunday, November 17, 2013
How to Handle Complaints on Social Media
There’s a rule when it comes to handling complaints and bad reviews on social media. The same rule applies for compliments and good reviews, but those are easy. Handling the complaints can be challenging and you may not want to do it, but as a rule you must reply to everyone who is talking to you publicly whether it’s good or bad.
This is an absolute rule. There are a couple of extreme situations when you don’t reply, but they are so rare that I hesitate to mention them for fear that it could downplay the message that you should reply to everyone.
There’s another rule that is unfortunately getting broken just about every day by many social media and reputation management companies. Canned responses should never be used. Every response should be personal, written by an actual human and not repeated. It’s better to make a short, sincere response than anything that came out of an automated system. People can tell. You will never appear more insincere as a company than when you reply to someone talking to you on social media with a form letter.
In this infographic by Pardot, we have a chance to take a look at five of the most prominent “complainer types” on social media. If you can identify the category that a complainer falls into, you’ll have a better opportunity to handle it appropriated. One does not have to be a psychologist to understand personality types. You just have to open your eyes and ears before opening your mouth.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/how-to-handle-complaints-on-social-media/
The newly designed tie-fighter

Saturday, November 16, 2013
Home Defense Choices
Life presents tough choices, sometimes. When it comes to defense, most people rely on alarms or even firearms to keep themselves and their families safe. There are those who prefer a good Louisville Slugger, of course, but at least they’re not like those who have no form of defense other than their screams when invaders come. In today’s society, screams often go unanswered even when they’re heard.
Of course, there are the lucky ones have can choose mythical beasts as their form of protection. If you’re ever out in Adrian, Michigan, you might find yourself getting to make a very tough choice.
The post Home Defense Choices appeared first on Uberly.
via Uberly http://uberly.com/weird/home-defense-choices/
Dealer Authority: A New Venture in Automotive Internet Marketing
Change is good, sometimes. We all have those moments in our lives when we just want to branch out on our own. This is my moment.
I’ve been working for TK/KPA for the last seven years. I have absolutely nothing but positive to say about the company. They’ve treated me better than I probably deserved and I believe we’ve had a mutually beneficial relationship – both parties have grown as a result. I plan on referring KPA for many of the services that I do not offer because looking at it from the inside and seeing what else is out there, I know that they have what it takes to help their dealer clients find amazing success.
With that said, the company is still a growing corporation and I have wanted to operate in more of boutique situation for a little while. As a result, I am launching my own automotive internet marketing firm that will focus on premium social, search, and content marketing services. Dealer Authority is not for every dealership. The expectations are high and the costs will match. For the vast majority of dealers, the power I’ll be bringing to the table would be overkill. For truly aggressive dealers wanting to make a huge impact on their marketing efforts, I’m here to help.
Check out the website, get a feel for the direction that I’m heading, and make a choice: are you ready to get aggressive?
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/dealer-authority-a-new-venture-in-automotive-internet-marketing/
Blue Mountain Resort in Ontario is Hannibal Lecter's favorite

Friday, November 15, 2013
Because Bill Murray, that's why

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Old Kentucky Fried Chicken Promo Pic

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I really do need to get out to the #ocean more often.

Fox in the wind

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Polyphasic Sleep Can Add 5 Hours to Your Day
It’s not for everyone. Naps might be a luxury to many in the world and a requirement for some, but they normally do not do enough to change the way that people function within their given sleep schedule. The different types of polyphasic sleep schedules might be appealing to some, particularly those who are busy but do not want to hurt their health as a result.
The idea is this: take lots of naps. Don’t have long stretches of sleep, but instead take several naps spread out through the day in a schedule that gets the person most of the benefits of a good night’s sleep but without all the time required.
In the infographic below by Pischke, we examine the various types of polyphasic sleep, the benefits and drawbacks, and some tips for those wanting to give it a shot.
The post Polyphasic Sleep Can Add 5 Hours to Your Day appeared first on Uberly.
via Uberly http://uberly.com/weird/polyphasic-sleep-can-add-5-hours-day/
A Quick Emergency Supply Checklist
There are websites, magazines, and even television shows that highlight the lives and times of preppers. While it’s not the ideal life for most, it’s something that those involved value tremendously. When the world starts to crumble, the preppers want to be ready for whatever is thrown at them.
In this little, simple emergency food supply checklist, the folks at Food Protection have put together some mini-prepper information that will help those who aren’t fully embraced in the lifestyle to still make it through many of the potential disasters that may be coming in this world. They also have a PDF that explores it all further. You don’t have to be a full-blown prepper to be properly prepared.
The post A Quick Emergency Supply Checklist appeared first on Conservative Haven.
via Conservative Haven http://conservativehaven.com/quick-emergency-supply-checklist/
Captivity is Terrible for Orcas
The post Captivity is Terrible for Orcas appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://weheartworld.com/captivity-terrible-orcas/
5 Quick Blog Post Title Tips
Titles can make or break a blog. The good ones rock and can draw in an audience that you normally wouldn’t have because of the sharing component. People like to share things that sound interesting on social media and titles can be the difference. In many ways, it’s more important than the content itself.
The one out of the group that I think is most important is #2. This is no longer a world where generalizations or all-encompassing posts are regularly effective. That’s not to say that they can’t be, but as Google and Bing improve their ability to narrow down results to exactly what people want and as people get used to the search engines presenting them answers to even the most obscure questions, it has grown ever-important to solve a problem with nearly every post. In the case of this post itself, the problem could be as simple as someone searching for “blog title tips”. Hopefully, in the next few days, Google and Bing will show them this article.
Search and social sharing are the two most important components of driving new traffic to your blog. If you they can’t find you or they’re not being presented your content in their social streams, they aren’t going to become a visitor. It sounds too simple, almost a “duh” moment, but it surprises me how often this portion of content marketing gets missed.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/5-quick-blog-post-title-tips/
Assault Jeep

Monday, November 11, 2013
The Importance of Water for Health
It doesn’t take a genius or health nut to appreciate water. We drink it in abundance every day… at least we should be. The health benefits are unquestioned; water is God’s ever-important universal ingredient for life.
In the infographic below from Get Skinny Be Happy, we take a look at the scientific reasons why you should always be drinking plenty of water. Dehydration isn’t just bad for you in general. There are specific ailments that can arise from not drinking enough of it.
The post The Importance of Water for Health appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://weheartworld.com/importance-water-health/
Obamacare is Off to a Good Start with 3% of Enrollment Target
It’s a good start… if you’re one of those who is against the program. With over a third of the 2013 enrollment time time behind us, we’re not at a third of the enrollment projections. We’re not at a third of a third of the enrollment projections. We’re not even at a third of a third of a third.
The numbers are in for the 12 states that are having the most success with their healthcare websites and those numbers aren’t exactly thrilling. While it’s good that 49,100 people are signed up for health insurance, that’s tiny compared to the target of 1.4 million. While the numbers were expected to trickle in gradually, they’re downright weak according to Avalere President Dan Mendelson.
“The technical problems of the website and enrollment generally are causing the administration to go much slower on the positive messaging that is necessary to build enthusiasm for the law and that’s an issue,” Mendelson said.
According to Reuters:
The 49,100 enrollments also include Medicaid sign-ups in Hawaii and Rhode Island, which did not provide a break-out, Avalere said. It based its numbers on public and press reports for the above mentioned states as well as Connecticut, the District of Colombia, Kentucky, Maryland, Nevada, New York and Washington.
Read More: Reuters
The post Obamacare is Off to a Good Start with 3% of Enrollment Target appeared first on Conservative Haven.
via Conservative Haven http://conservativehaven.com/obamacare-good-start-3-enrollment-target/
5 Types of Infographics
In the ever-changing world of online marketing, one of the tools that has stayed relatively consistent in its results over the past few years is the infographic. I remember first getting started with building and marketing infographics back in 2008. Things haven’t changed a whole lot since then.
Two things that have definitely changed are the saturation and the search value. The industry is so saturated today that it’s nearly impossible to get the same type of exposure now that we once saw a few years ago. It was once possible to get a great infographic in front of millions of people by having it published on major blogs and websites. Today, the saturation has made it to where getting one posted to Mashable or the NY Times is extremely challenging.
The search value has changed as well. Google is very well aware of the use of infographics for inbound links and they’ve taken measures to make sure that this ultimate form of “link baiting” is not overpowered. That’s not to say that there’s no search value. It’s still there and is very strong. The days of “build an infographic and rank higher instantly” are behind us.
Here is a breakdown (in infographic form, of course) of five of the most common forms of infographics. Click to enlarge.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/5-types-of-infographics/
This memorial can only be seen perfectly on at 11:11 on Veteran's Day