Wednesday, August 31, 2016

If Voter IDs are Racist, Everything Requiring IDs should be Considered Racist

Leave it to politicians to politicize common sense. That’s what happening on both sides of the aisle when it comes to voter identification, though Democrats are pressing the bounds of politicization much further. The latest example is the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to address a North Carlina voter ID law struck down by a lower court.

The Democrats say such laws are racist. They know that minorities are less likely to have valid forms of identification, so they make them the victims of laws that require identification in order to vote. They stop with voting, though. They don’t point out that the same should apply to buying age-restricted items like tobacco or alcohol. There are other situations that require identification, but we’ll focus on that one.

By law, one has to present a valid form of identification in order to purchase restricted items. If progressive sensitivities (aka their liberal agenda) say that voting is a right that should not be taken from someone just because they don’t have proper identification, shouldn’t the same be said about buying beer? Cigarettes? If someone is a U.S. citizen who has chosen to not get valid identification, why should their right to purchase items be removed based upon racial discrimination? They should just be able to go in and say that they’re of a valid age just as a voter can in North Carolina today.

If that doesn’t make any sense to you, it’s because you can’t warp your brain to the way that a liberal is required to think.

One might wonder how the Republicans are politicizing it. The reality is that they have a solution. All they have to do is set a law declaring acceptable forms of identification for all age-restricted activities. Buying alcohol or tobacco would be included. Entering premises that cater to adult patrons such as bars, casinos, or strip clubs would be included. Some things, such as buying a firearm, require two forms of valid identification. And yes, voting should be included on the list because it’s age-restricted as well.

The challenge in doing this is two-fold. First, it would mean consolidating individual laws listing requirements for specific age-restricted activities into one which would be a much larger task than most realize. The second reason is catering to special interest groups. Oversight in many industries such as alcohol and tobacco is already established and appreciated. Changes, even for the sake of preventing voter fraud, are frowned upon by these groups. With the solution staring them in the face, they refuse to act upon it.

Would voter ID laws affect minority voter turnout? Yes. Is that bad? If we don’t politicize it and isolate it outside of the concept of voter fraud, then again the answer would be Yes. Once voter fraud is brought into the equation, everything changes. In Crawford v. Marion County Election Board (2007), the Supreme Court upheld an Indiana state law that required all voters to present a photo ID. The majority opinion found that the burden placed on voters was “offset by the benefit of reducing the risk of fraud” and that the law was “eminently reasonable.”

This same argument was made and failed in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. There’s a good chance it wouldn’t have failed in the Supreme Court, but we’ll never know because they were too busy to consider it.

via Soshable

Monday, August 29, 2016

Colin's safe space.

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Best Weiner tweet of the day.

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Feed the meter, meet the "leader."

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HuffPo Terminates Journalist, Deletes Story Questioning Hillary’s Health

Communist-style state-run journalism is alive and well in the United States. We’ve seen the Trumpeters at Breitbart and Drudge make a mockery of their “conservatism” by hopping on the Trump train hard. We’ve seen CNN this week fire Dr. Drew after he questioned Hillary Clinton’s health. Now, Huffington Post has joined the attack on dissenting views by terminating David Seaman and removing his stories that also questioned Hillary’s health.

For the record, I am not a Donald Trump supporter. I’m also not a Hillary Clinton supporter. Lastly, I’m not one who has bought in fully to Clinton’s failing health conspiracy theory. With that said, I’m also not blind to the fact that her coughing and odd behavior should warrant an independent health evaluation (which, to me, should be a requirement for every Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate, but I digress).

With all of the appropriate disclaimers out of the way, let’s look at the censorship occurring at the Huffington Post. This isn’t the first time it’s happened. They censored a review of Vaxxed and have been prolific in their use of Orwellian comment controls. They’ve deleted many stories in the past, though this one is arguably the most perplexing since it addresses an issue that’s vibrant right now. Whether you believe that Hillary is in good health or not, it’s valid to question it.

For posterity, we will post the article that was deleted. We do not own the rights to the article and if Seaman would like us to take it down, I’d gladly do so and link to wherever he ends up posting it instead. I just don’t want it to be lost in the dungeons of HuffPo’s trash folder for nobody to see. After the article, I’ll continue with my commentary as well as show a video with the journalist’s reaction.

Hillary Clinton’s Health Is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)

Hillary Clinton: Stronger Together. How strong? Well, the great woman’s health is excellent, superb even. Her heart and mind one hundred thousand times stronger than the strongest beams of steel that built our great American cities more than a century ago. Her soul a shining exemplar of selflessness, service, and humility, her footing sound… wait, are we talking about the same person here?!

The same Hillary Clinton who recently became the latest unintentional star of YouTube, with a truly endless upload stream of videos purporting to show Hillary Clinton wildly seizing up when several reporters begin questioning her at once? Yes, the same Hillary Clinton who became the star of this Paul Joseph Watson video, attracting 3,554,177 views since it was uploaded on August 4th:

I realize some readers might be wondering after watching Paul Watson’s video… how is she strong, or healthy, after seeing all that?

Look guys, I need to keep my job and platform. A lot of people read the Huffington Post and AOL properties. We all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons.

Just ask longtime broadcaster Dr. Drew Pinsky. “CNN has canceled Drew Pinsky’s HLN show, Dr. Drew On Call, just eight days after Pinsky made comments on a radio show questioning the health of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Pinsky’s show, which is six years old, will air for the last time Sept. 22,” The Daily Beast reported.

But what do you think? Is Hillary Clinton strong and wise and healthy? If so, why does Paul Watson and the team at Infowars want to hurt her feelings? They should know better over there: Americans are allowed to vote for anyone they want this election season, and support anyone they want, so long as that person is Strong Hillary Clinton.

Stronger Together. Together, Stronger. Or something.

The Huffington Post editorial staff has full control over their website. If they don’t like a story, it’s within their power to remove it. No law was broken and journalistic standards of ethics were arguably maintained. However, the article isn’t spewing out wild accusations. The video referenced in the article has millions of views and over 40K likes. This was not an article that was removed because the site wants to maintain a journalistic standard. It was removed because they didn’t like what it implied. It was removed because they believe at least one of three things:

  1. Hillary is totally healthy and questions about her health are reproachable
  2. Tim Kaine is healthy enough and would make a great President if Hillary had to step down for her health
  3. Hillary’s glorious light of approval might dim on the site if they allowed the article to live

If you’re a publication that lives and breaths on opinions, there are better ways to handle a situation like this. The best thing to do is to post an editor’s note. It can be bland saying that the views expressed in the article belong solely to the author and do not represent the opinions of AOL, the Huffington Post, or its editors. They could have been more harsh and said that they completely disagree with the author’s assessment but for the sake of journalistic integrity they’ve allowed the post to remain. Instead. they took China Road. They didn’t like it so they removed the story and terminated the author.

On the scale of journalistic integrity, I’ve always held HuffPo somewhere in the middle. This incident pushes them down to the realm of bottom feeders.

Here’s Seaman’s reaction. Warning: strong language is used here, kiddos, because this guy is as upset as they get right about now.

via Soshable

Sunday, August 28, 2016

All major credit cards accepted

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Trump Will Sell His Version of Amnesty to His Supporters and They’ll Forget They Every Wanted Deportations

It’s not news to most of us that Donald Trump has performed an almost flawless 180-degree back flip on deporting illegal immigrants. It was the staple of his campaign for a year. It was the very issue upon which he launched his successful bid to win the GOP nomination.

Now, he’s going to deport “the bad ones” which, assuming that he’s talking about those who have committed crimes other than being in the country illegally, will account for about 180,000 of the 11-12 million illegal immigrants in the country today. That means that he went from wanting to deport 100% of the illegal immigrants down to under 2%. It won’t matter, though. We’re finally starting to see the real motivation for his supporters.

During part 2 of Sean Hannity’s town hall interview with Trump on Fox News, Trump did something amazing. He used a variation of push polling to convince the audience that THEY wanted amnesty. Keep in mind that he repeated over and over again that it’s not amnesty and that they won’t become citizens, but at the end of the day it all means the same thing. People who are here illegally will continue to stay here and have the vast majority of the benefits given to citizens and those who have been granted amnesty.

The push poll didn’t start out very well for Trump. Even after loading the question in his first poll, the majority of his supporters still replied that illegal immigrants, including the “great people” who have been here for “15 or 20 years,” should be deported. To someone of lesser skill, this might be bad news. Not Trump. He’s the best salesman to ever run for President. He persisted with his “poll” until he got the results that he wanted. Eight times he polled the crowd.


By the end, there was literally ONE man in the audience willing to say that these “great people” should be deported. He stood up at Hannity’s request and as the camera focused on him, we saw the lone voice of opposition in a sea of fools who had just been conned into denying their political perspective for the sake of their chosen one…

…and that’s the point. Many conservatives are saying that this is going to hurt him. It will not. He’s going to rise in the polls. I’m not Nate Silver, but I would say that at this point he should be considered a slight favorite to win. Why? Because his base will not leave him and Hillary Clinton is just that bad. Millions of Independents and right-leaning Democrats who were held up by his harsh tone towards immigration will now have the excuse they need to dump Hillary.

What about the wall? Some are saying that he’s going to eventually backtrack on that as well. They point to an instant a few weeks ago when he said he was “almost 100%” certain he’d get the wall built. They perceived this as an early sign of flip-flopping, but it wasn’t. He’s simply facing the reality that he’ll still have to sell the wall to Congress in order to have it built and funded. He will absolutely, positively NEVER back down on the wall even if it takes three or four Presidential terms to get it built. This is his monument. He doesn’t want another library like other Presidents. He wants a big, beautiful, and unique reminder to generations in the future that says, “Trump was here.”

A word of advice to fellow NeverTrumpers: it’s time to stop talking policy against Trump to his ardent supporters. He’s not a man of policy and neither are they. There is no promise other than the wall and his intention of increasing spending that will stick. Everything else he proposes from his SCOTUS list to being pro-life to protecting the 2nd Amendment to defending Israel can change at any moment. In fact, here’s even better advice: stop talking to his ardent supporters altogether. They cannot be reached. This is the clearest example of a cult of personality that American politics has ever seen. The only thing that can stop him is to focus on the conservatives and Independents who are only considering him because they believe Hillary is worse. It’s a waste of time to attempt any discussion with his full-blown supporters.

If he can change the perspectives of a huge room full of people in eight minutes with a push poll, he’ll be able to do or say whatever he wants from a policy perspective and his followers will never leave him. They’re hooked on his authoritarianism, not his policy proposals. They’re lost and chances are they’ll never come back. The GOP is their party, now. It’s time to start a new party.

via Soshable

Politics aside, you have to love a headline like this on multiple levels.

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Monday, August 22, 2016


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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Drunk Olympic lies matter.

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

I used to...

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Hang a right.

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What Is A Christian?

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Friday, August 12, 2016


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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

To Save SCOTUS, Trump Must Lose Bigly

Arguably the most prominent argument made by pro-Trump conservatives is that Hillary Clinton will load up the Supreme Court with activist liberals if she’s the President. This is partially true, but there’s a more important thing to consider: the scenarios. Let’s look at those scenarios to understand why the best-case-scenario among likely outcomes in this election cycle for the Supreme Court is if Trump loses by a huge margin.

First, we have to understand the dynamic behind how Supreme Court Justices make it to the bench. It’s a three-step process that starts with the President and ends with a vote by the Senate. The process is detailed nicely by Paul Caputo. The important thing to note is that control of the Senate by a particular ideology will have a huge impact on the confirmation of Supreme Court Justices today and going forward. It didn’t used to be that way; even originalist Antonin Scalia was confirmed 97-0 in a day when Senatorial decorum character rather than ideological reasons for blocking a nominee. Today, decorum will only play a small role. Character will still be an issue, but partisanship will be the deciding factor.

In other words, for a President to get an extreme ideologue in one direction or another such as Clarence Thomas or Ruth Bader Ginsberg, he or she would need the Senate to be controlled. Otherwise, we’ll see Justices in the ideological center such as Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan appointee who is technically a Republican but whose voting record puts him slightly left of center.

With that understood, let’s look at the scenarios:

  1. Tight Race to the End: It doesn’t matter who wins if the polls are close going into election day. The way the Senatorial map is currently aligned, the risk of Trump being elected will propel Democrats to vote in fear and many Independents will “hedge their bets” on Trump by voting for the Democrat in their Senate races. Illinois (Mark Kirk) and Wisconsin (Ron Johnson) are currently very much at risk while five other Republican-controlled seats are considered toss-ups by By comparison, only Harry Reid’s seat is considered a toss-up for the Democrats and no other Democratic Senate seats are even at risk.
  2. One Candidate Leading Heavily: Unless Hillary “Teflon” Clinton can somehow have something stick to her that would compel voters to switch to Trump, the chances are high that she would be the candidate that is heavily favored if either candidate would be. Then again, this is a crazy election year, so discounting Trump leading big going into election day is not impossible. This being a year where voters are going against the other candidate rather than for their own party’s candidate, it’s very likely that a big lead in either direction would yield a Senate majority for the opposite party. If Hillary is winning big, it could be enough for the GOP to retain the Senate. If Trump is winning big, the Senate will be controlled by the Democrats in a big way.

Now, the argument by Trump supporters would be that the risk of losing the Senate is even more incentive to push for him to win. If we’re playing the odds, that simply not the case. The electoral map itself heavily favors Clinton. Again, she can have a major misstep, but let’s be honest. She’s made it through pretty much every scandal over the last two decades with barely a scratch on her armor of deceit. If we couldn’t take her down with Benghazi or the email scandal, we’re probably not taking her down at all. As such, the lack of understanding by average Americans of how the electoral college works means that the worst-case-scenario is Trump staying close in national polls to scare control of the Senate into Democrats’ hands while Hillary wins the actual election. That would yield conservatives’ worst nightmare: President Hillary and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer turning the Supreme Court into a liberal mess.

Let’s say that the polls are close and Trump wins. Some would say, “Yay!” The GOP would lose the Senate in that scenario, but at least we’ll have his list of conservative judges to throw at them until they confirm one, right? Wrong. Trump is a deal-maker. He hates losing. He’s also a liberal on most issues outside of immigration (sorry, Trump fans, but it’s true). His magical list of conservative judges is paper. If there’s one thing he’s proven in his life and particularly throughout the election process, it’s that he’ll change his mind whenever it suits him. Lastly and most importantly, it was completely under-reported that Trump will be adding names to his list of 11 conservative Justices:

Trump also said he’s planning to add to his list of possible Supreme Court justices.

“I’m actually going to expand it by three or four very soon,” he said, calling the candidates “fabulous.”

There is one hole open in the Supreme Court today and the potential for two or three more over the next two Presidential terms. Why would he need to add names to a list that already has 11? How many does he need?

If he wins the Presidency, he will probably lob one of the names at the Democrats in the Senate, determine that they won’t confirm a staunch conservative, and then he’ll find another Anthony Kennedy or worse. It shouldn’t shock anyone that in order to make a deal with the Democrats, he’ll even give them an activist liberal in exchange for other considerations. That’s Trump. It’s his modus operandi. He makes deals. That’s what he does.

The best way to prevent an activist liberal Justice is to retain the Senate. The only possible way for the GOP to retain control of the Senate is if Trump is losing very badly going into election day. Otherwise, Schumer will by working very closely with the liberal Democratic President from New York regardless of which candidate wins.

via Soshable

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dear “Conservative” Media: You Should Be Better Than This

It wasn’t too long ago when I was proud to declare that I operated a handful of conservative news sites. It was a badge of honor to wear the stripes of opposition against both the liberal mainstream media as well as the progressive slant of the vast majority of social media sites and blogs on the internet. They had the numbers but we had the high ground. Now, I have to distinguish that I’m part of the “other side” of conservative media that hasn’t devolved to the point of utilizing leftist Alinskyite tactics to try to sway readers.

Today hit home with a slew of manipulated, spun, or outright false stories hitting conservative media on what is apparently a slow news day. I’m looking at the usual suspects like Drudge, Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit, but I’m also looking at some other sites that should know better.

Let’s start with Drudge. Their current front page features an image leading to a story that rips on Hillary Clinton’s inability to climb stairs without assistance. While Hillary’s health is clearly a real concern and there are indications that she may not be physically fit for the office of President, this is not an example of it.

Drudge Report Failure

This problem with this report, as pointed out by Twitchy and CNN, is that the image was taken in February when Clinton apparently slipped on ice and was helped up slippery stairs. To all of the Hillary haters (of which I’m one), there are plenty of substantive problems to focus on when attacking her. This is not one of them and it makes conservative media look terrible.

What makes it worse is that The American Mirror, a site that is normally more accurate and respected than Drudge, was the one that tried to make this into a real problem when it wasn’t. They’re perpetuating the lie and promoting the wrong agenda.

Now, let’s turn to the realm of denial and political stretching. In this case, it’s Breitbart and Gateway Pundit, two conservative websites that have been on board the Trump Train since well before the primaries, attempting to find something, anything that will paint their liberal messiah as a winner.

Breitbart Gateway Pundit Failure

Seriously, I know you guys have some sort of interest in making sure that Trump wins the election, but you’re grasping at straws if you believe that there’s any real correlation between social media fans and votes. The election process is much more complicated than amassing likes. The act of clicking a button on Facebook is not the same as getting out and voting. Moreover, we have no view of the demographics or locations of the candidates’ social media influence. Who’s leading in swing states? If Trump owns social media in Texas, that’s not going to help him much on election day. In fact, it will have zero influence on the final result.

I’m not suggesting that social media isn’t a factor or that polls are to be trusted, but between the two, I’ll believe the state-level polls before I believe the number of retweets or a candidate’s popularity on Reddit.

The saddest part for me is that I have to sift through this junk. In an effort to do my part in bringing conservative media back up to the high ground and promoting a message of Christian Constitutional Conservatism, I tie into just about every conservative news source on the internet. Yes, there are hundreds and yes, it takes a long time every day, but it’s worth it as we build a truly conservative Drudge alternative. As a result, I have to see things like this pop up in feeds even though the sources have already been debunked.

Conservative News Feed

There are other examples that really chapped my khakis this weekend, but you get the point. There are those in conservative media who have gone down the road of manipulative journalism are not helping. You’re latching onto tactics that your liberal messiah would use. Alinksyism and Trumpism are close cousins when political tactics are in focus.

We need more. We deserve better. The origins of conservative media that drove many of us to participate are being lost in an effort to bump up page views and promote Donald Trump. I get it. This is business. At some point, America and the conservative movement have to come in somewhere on their list of priorities. It’s a shame that neither is close to the top of the list for many of these publications.

via Soshable

Thursday, August 4, 2016

#HillaryAccomplishments Trends on Twitter with Hillaryous Results

It needed to happen. The media refuses to point out that a person who has spent nearly over two decades in Washington DC has accomplished pretty much nothing, but the people know the truth (some of us, at least). Now with it trending on Twitter, we get to see just how people feel about Hillary Clinton’s lack of substance.

Here are some of the winners from this trending topic:

The saddest part is that these are just from the last hour or so since the hashtag started trending. Seriously, folks. She’s done nothing of note other than marry a bad person and staying out of jail.

via Soshable