Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Ted Cruz Simple Flat Tax Explained in 77 Seconds

For all of the good that the anti-establishment insurgent candidates, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, have done to change the conversation and turn the country in a different direction rather than the status quo political talking points normally associated with Presidential elections, one thing that hasn’t been discussed nearly enough is the tax code. It’s abysmal. It’s outrageous. Even worse, it’s only going to get worse under Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

As I’ve detailed many times, I’m against the progressive anti-growth nature of Trump’s plan and I’ve been a fan of the flat tax since before I heard the name Cruz. With that said, I’ve been extremely impressed with the boldness of the Cruz Simple Flat Tax that reduces the size and complexity of the tax code. Oh, and it reduces our taxes as well. When I say “our,” I’m not just talking about the coveted middle class, the wealthy, or the poor. I’m talking about everyone. If you’re an American, Ted Cruz will reduce the amount of money you give the United States government to waste on frivolity and fodder.

There are in-depth analyses that I’ve read and one that I’ve thought about penning that goes into great detail about why the overall economic plan of Cruz is far superior to the remainder of the candidates’ plans, but the majority of Americans aren’t interested in that sort of deep dive. In lieu of a 4000-word article, the Cruz campaign has given us a much more digestible video that highlights the things that will affect all Americans.

As with any tax cut, spending must be cut dramatically as well to finally attack our national debt and move us away from the financial precipice our leaders have hung us over for so long. That’s the biggest difference between Cruz, Kasich, and Trump. Small government fiscal conservative principles much shine through before it’s too late.

via Soshable http://ift.tt/1SefKx6

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