America is at a crossroads. The ideologies that operate in this country are polarized and yet the government itself is stuck in the “mushy middle” as we see in how legislation is handled between the Republican Congress and the Democratic President. It’s time for the ideological polls to answer the question of this generation: are we a conservative country or a liberal country?
Ever since Ronald Reagan left office, we’ve experienced a United States government that fails to compromise time and time again despite the moderates that we elect to office to combat this trend. For real progress and the advancement of America, we need to lean in one direction or the other. The middle is not about progress. It’s about more of the same.
Personally, I believe that the heart of the country is still conservative, profoundly influenced by the Bible and the Constitution above all else. Many would disagree, particularly mainstream media and the public education system, and could show evidence that during the Obama administration we’ve shifted as a country to the left. I’d love to see this played out in the Presidential election. I’d love to see Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders as the nominees.
Call it a science experiment. While I do not believe that the majority of Americans have shifted to either pole, it would be very interesting to see if the middle would prefer to see the far right or far left take the country in their direction. This isn’t just a request for the sake of science, though. The reality is that the country has always operated better when one of the ideological extremes is in power.
From a purely economic perspective, it’s in the extremes that we see progress and while I would never willingly allow a Progressive mentality to run our economy into the ground, there’s something that can be said about the left’s ebb versus the right’s flow when it comes to money. Too much of one or the other isn’t as good as the mix of the two, though that’s an artificially created instrument of fiscal irresponsibility that could be remedied by sustained fiscal conservatism over several decades, but I digress.
Unfortunately for America, it seems like Hillary Clinton may be too entrenched in the minds of Democrats to ever give Sanders a chance. Oh well. Cruz versus Clinton might be the closest we’ll ever get to the ideological cage match I envision.
via Soshable
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