Saturday, August 8, 2015

If Trump Thinks Kelly was Inappropriate, He won’t Be Able to Handle the Democrats

During the first GOP debate, Fox Anchor Megyn Kelly posed legitimate questions to Donald Trump about his past actions, particularly the way he has positioned women over the years. In response, Trump called foul, saying Kelly “behaved very badly” and that the questions for him were tougher than the ones posed to other debaters.

If Mr. Trump gets so easily rattled by these types of questions, he’s in for a shocking reception from the Democrats should he receive the GOP nomination. They will eat him alive. They will pull up things from his checkered past that will not only turn the majority of the American people away from him but that could actually hurt him from both a business and a personal perspective.

Donald Trump, if nominated, will be relegated to joke status before the election. He possesses neither the temperament nor the fortitude to properly handle the types of attacks he’ll receive from a mainstream media that already hates him and a Democratic campaign community that is chomping at the bit to get to him.

At this point, I’m not certain whether the polls are rigged through a combination of media manipulation and early non-voter enthusiasm or if so many in the Republican party are really naive enough to think that he has a chance. He has said many things that ring true. His stated positions on several matters make a lot of sense. The fact that he’s not a politician endears him to many people. However, there are two things to keep in mind:

  1. He is not equipped to win in the general election.
  2. He is not capable of being a good President if he is somehow able to win it.

This is not a condemnation of the man’s intelligence or skills. He has done enough in his life to demonstrate his qualifications to succeed in ways that only a very tiny elite have ever been able to reach. However, he does not possess the aptitude nor the stamina to win the election and he definitely does not have the conservative values required to bring this country back from the brink.

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