Saturday, February 22, 2014

Latest Iranian Nuclear Attack Simulation Features Reference to a New Holocaust

Iranian Nuclear Program

The hatred of Israel by many in Iran and its government may be stronger than any negotiating power the United Nations puts onto the country to dissuade them from building nuclear weapons. This hatred is represented in stark virtual clarity in the latest video simulating a counter-attack by Iran following a hypothetical preemptive strike by Israel and the United States.

The scenario is not very far fetched. Despite stated goals of wanting the United Nations to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for limiting their nuclear program, their actions and threats in recent weeks speak to the contrary. Earlier this month, they aired a video on the state-controlled television station showing an attack on Israel. This followed statements by speaker of the Iranian parliament Ali Larijani that Israel was a “cancer” in the Middle East. Now, they’ve aired another video that is even worse, invoking imagery of a new holocaust.

This latest video is most alarming because it seems to be rallying support for a an attack that would come as a result of failed negotiations which are currently taking place. It sends a clear statement that they want their people to be prepared to go to war with Israel at the least and possibly the United States if talks break down. Here is the video. Does anyone still believe after watching this that the country is seeking peaceful goals with their nuclear program?

The post Latest Iranian Nuclear Attack Simulation Features Reference to a New Holocaust appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven

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