Friday, February 28, 2014
When you think things are bad in your life, remember that at least you're not a dog stuck staring through the window of a butcher.

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Forget Bond's car - this is the Aston Martin I would REALLY love to own someday

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Christian Missionary Arrested in North Korea
In his second trip to North Korea, Australian Christian missionary John Short, 75, was not able to spread the message of the Gospel or hand out very many Bibles translated to Korean. This time, he was arrested.
Australia does not have diplomatic relations with the communist country but will through South Korea to negotiate for Short. It may be futile as a similar incident occurred with American missionary Kenneth Bae. After being convicted for trying to overthrow the state, Bae is over a year into a 15-year sentence and is currently performing hard labor.
Short’s wife remains in Australia and says that it is now in “God’s hands”.
According to Reuters:
Beijing Tourism Group, a Chinese firm identified by Short’s wife as the agency running the tour on which her husband went to Pyongyang, was non-committal when contacted by Reuters, and referred queries to the Chinese government.
Read More: Reuters
The post Christian Missionary Arrested in North Korea appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/OoZdYd
Latest Iranian Nuclear Attack Simulation Features Reference to a New Holocaust
The hatred of Israel by many in Iran and its government may be stronger than any negotiating power the United Nations puts onto the country to dissuade them from building nuclear weapons. This hatred is represented in stark virtual clarity in the latest video simulating a counter-attack by Iran following a hypothetical preemptive strike by Israel and the United States.
The scenario is not very far fetched. Despite stated goals of wanting the United Nations to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for limiting their nuclear program, their actions and threats in recent weeks speak to the contrary. Earlier this month, they aired a video on the state-controlled television station showing an attack on Israel. This followed statements by speaker of the Iranian parliament Ali Larijani that Israel was a “cancer” in the Middle East. Now, they’ve aired another video that is even worse, invoking imagery of a new holocaust.
This latest video is most alarming because it seems to be rallying support for a an attack that would come as a result of failed negotiations which are currently taking place. It sends a clear statement that they want their people to be prepared to go to war with Israel at the least and possibly the United States if talks break down. Here is the video. Does anyone still believe after watching this that the country is seeking peaceful goals with their nuclear program?
The post Latest Iranian Nuclear Attack Simulation Features Reference to a New Holocaust appeared first on Conservative Haven.
via Conservative Haven http://ift.tt/On7TOM
Friday, February 21, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Taking notes at conferences makes it look like you're paying attention.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Localize on Social Media or Else
Don’t worry. This isn’t one of those “feel good” stories about how social media is all about interacting with your local community. That part’s true, but you should know that already, right?
Today, let’s go over a quick explanation of how social media algorithms, especially Facebook’s, work and why you’re actually hurting your local page’s chances of being seen by having too many people outside of your local area liking your page. It isn’t just a matter of them not being interested in your content the way that locals will. It is an algorithm play that can actually prevent locals from seeing your posts.
There was a video that came out last week talking about the evil ways that Facebook advertising works and why it’s pretty much worthless. The things that the video discusses have been known by many in the social media marketing arena for some time now. However, we’ve also known that any poor execution or strategy will yield the bad results described in the video.
The redeeming quality of the video was that it highlighted something I’ve said many times: the algorithm plays on reactions. If you post something that gets interactions shortly after it’s posted by the some of the people who see the post, it’s more likely to be presented to more people. Conversely, if a ton of people see the post and do not interact with it, Facebook knows this and believes the content is not as worth as others. This is the game that Facebook has mastered and it works for the most part as long as your content and advertising strategies are strong.
One of our clients, Albany Chevrolet, posted the image above. It was pertaining to a national story about Chevrolet giving money to colleges that were participating in their environmental push. Rather than take it at face value and discuss the OEM’s initiative alone, we turned it into a localized story by highlighting the local university with the story.
It’s okay to take national stories and post them on social media, but try to put the local spin into it whenever possible.
From a reach perspective, you should be shooting for over 95% of your Facebook reach going after people within driving distance of your business. In this case, someone local will be more inclined to like the post rather than someone further away. As more people like it, more people will see it, which makes more people like it… etc.
Stop pushing for far-off fans. Stop allowing them. Put the emphasis on only the locals and you’re going to be in front of more of them.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/1jDy65s
Monday, February 17, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Volvo
As cars go, Volvo has had a long tradition of quality, building itself as the premier vehicle to buy when safety is a concern. As infographics go, the one below isn’t exactly stellar from a graphics perspective, but it gets the point across. That’s all that matters, right?
Here are the facts from the infographic:
- “Volvo” is Latin for “I roll”
- The first Volvo was nicknamed Jakob
- U.S. car safety standards are based on the Volvo 240 features
- Volvo was the first car manufacturer to make a 3-point seatbelt standard
- The Town Hall Theatre in Kilcullen, Ireland, features 120 Volvo S80 seats
Pretty interesting stuff. Check out the rest of the infographic from Volvo of Sarasota via Smythe Volvo for more interesting information about the automaker.
The post 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Volvo appeared first on Uberly.
via Uberly http://ift.tt/NVUtt0
Very Nice Text Animation of John 1:1-5
Under normal circumstances we wouldn’t feature a short video that didn’t have any commentary or expression of opinions about an aspect of religion in the world, but this video was exceptional.
Simple. Pure. To the point. One of the biggest parts of our goals for this site is to expose as many people as possible to the Word of God. Sometimes, we get so caught up in expression that we don’t allow the beauty of the Word to do the talking for us. In this case, we’re happy to let it do just that.
The post Very Nice Text Animation of John 1:1-5 appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1dzxcGs
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Two Opposing Theories on the Identity of the Anti-Christ
The evidence about the rise of the anti-christ as described throughout the Bible but most prominently in the Book of The Revelation is pretty strong from a few different perspectives. Two of the most popular theories state that the anti-christ will come from the Muslim faith or that the anti-christ will come from Rome (or more specifically the Vatican).
This is one of the most heated debates in religion. It is used to try to pull people away from both the Catholic and Muslim religions and points to evidence that either group fits too nicely into the descriptions of the Bible to be ignored. Watch the videos below and make a decision on your own. Perhaps the anti-christ will come from somewhere few are discussing.
The important thing to know is that no matter from where the anti-christ comes, being aware of what the Bible says is extremely important so that people aren’t misled into worshiping him.
The post Two Opposing Theories on the Identity of the Anti-Christ appeared first on Uberly.
via Uberly http://ift.tt/1f1qwCP
A Breakdown of Religions in America
The United States was born from a concept of freedom from religious persecution. This concept hit its peak in the 19th and 20th centuries when the United States was considered to be a strong Judeo-Christian nation. Over the decades, this has changed to allow more religions and even a lack of faith to be more of a mainstream concept in the country.
Still, Christianity is the primary religion claimed by most Americans. In the infographic below, we take a look at a breakdown of the various religions practiced and claimed in the United States.
The post A Breakdown of Religions in America appeared first on WeHeartWorld.
via WeHeartWorld http://ift.tt/1gme7rS
Former Muslim Brotherhood Member Gives Interesting Perspective on a Muslim Anti-Christ
As with many of the videos that we post on this site, we are not endorsing the video below as truth. The only authority on the world is the Bible and men are flawed in their ability to interpret this multi-dimensional book. With that said, Walid Shoebat, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, gives an interesting perspective on the premise that the anti-christ will be Muslim, that the “kings of the east” will not be China, and that the perspectives of the European influence on the end times might be overstated.
From the video:
Walid Shoebat is a scholar of both Islamic and Christian religions and he does not believe the Antichrist will rise from Europe. Rather, he teaches in this video that the Antichrist will arise from Turkey in resurgence of the Ottoman Empire.
The post Former Muslim Brotherhood Member Gives Interesting Perspective on a Muslim Anti-Christ appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.
via Judeo Christian Church http://ift.tt/1f14tvU
Friday, February 14, 2014
Facebook Ads Power Editor gets a Facelift
Those of us in the Facebook advertising world were greeted with an amazing new look and feel to Facebook Power Editor today. This is a pretty neat development for those who are new to the tool because it’s much cleaner and more organized than before.
While the changes were mostly cosmetic, it does allow for real-time monitoring of stats rather than constant downloading. That’s all. No big deal otherwise.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/1eUCZbx
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
That's awfully greedy to suck on her face when he appears to already have a man in his mouth.

Thursday, February 6, 2014
The @Klout Website Gets a New Look and Feel, Shifts To Social Sharing
If you’ve been to Klout today, you’re probably in for a surprise. The social influence scoring company is shifting to a cleaner look and feel and going after the crowded (yet somehow underserved) social sharing industry.
Content curating has been a big thing in social media since the early days of Digg and Slashdot. Many companies have tried to enhance the way that people share content by offering suggestions, allowing scheduling, and measuring the impact. Now, Klout is going full force in trying to become the next great content curation engine.
You can still see your social influence score. Giving people endorsements through “+K” is now done on their profile pages by hovering over and clicking their topics of influence. There’s no prompt to do so like there was before.
More about this coming as we explore. In the meantime, here are a couple of screenshots:
Schedule Social Media Updates Through Klout
Good Ol’ Klout Score and Analytics are Still There
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/1fyYWcj
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Stop Ripping on @JCPenney’s. #TweetingWithMittens was brilliant.
It seems like a lot of bloggers and mainstream media publications are talking about JC Penney’s #TweetingWithMittens stunt on Twitter. Most are saying that it was a misstep. As they complain about it, they fall into the trap perfectly. It’s being talked about by journalists, Twitter users, and even other companies trying to get their own clever Tweets into the mix. The jokes on all of them. This campaign worked beautifully. When you consider that they didn’t spend millions of dollars to advertise during the Super Bowl and are being talked about as if they had, the ROI is very apparent.
The biggest complaint I’ve seen is that it’s not like the Oreo brilliance last Super Bowl. That is irrelevant. Lightning didn’t strike twice and it didn’t have to. People are talking about it. Even while a huge chunk of people were embarrassed for their apparent “drunk Tweeting” escapades, they still talked about it. The only real mistake that JC Penney’s made is that they let the secret out of the bag a bit too soon. Oh well. Nobody’s perfect.
The goal of marketing, particularly social media marketing, is to generate buzz. People will talk about it. Some will complain that it was a dumb move. Others will say that it was funny. Even others will say that it didn’t work. Every time they mention that it didn’t work, it’s working. That’s the irony of the whole thing.
The only thing that was better was the Esurance post-Super-Bowl commercial that took advantage of the situation of being the first commercial after the Super Bowl. They saved $1.5 million and then turned to Twitter to give that money away. It was a strong play, but not as good as JC Penney’s simply because they paid millions and JC Penney’s did not. How much would it cost to get other major brands to Tweet about you? For JC Penney’s it cost the time of an employee and a pair of mittens.
Here are some of the Tweets. Notice the number of retweets. Notice the brands that Tweeted them. Remember the cost. Then, try to convince me that it was a failure.
Toughdown Seadawks!! Is sSeattle going toa runaway wit h this???
— JCPenney (@jcpenney) February 3, 2014
Who kkmew theis was ghiong tob e a baweball ghamle. #lowsscorinh 5_0
— JCPenney (@jcpenney) February 2, 2014
Hey @jcpenney need a designated driver?
— Kia Motors America (@Kia) February 3, 2014
Was @JCpenney Twitter hacked or is their tweeter drunk?
— Ad Age (@adage) February 3, 2014
.@JCPenney We know football goes great with Coors Light, but please tweet responsibly.
— Coors Light (@CoorsLight) February 3, 2014
Slow down, @jcpenney. Have some #Doritos.
— Doritos (@Doritos) February 3, 2014
Eat a #SNICKERS, you’re not you when you're hungry RT @JCPenney Who kkmew theis was ghiong tob e a baweball ghamle. #lowsscorinh 5_0
— SNICKERS® (@SNICKERS) February 3, 2014
Oops…Sorry for the typos. We were #TweetingWithMittens. Wasn't it supposed to be colder? Enjoy the game! #GoTeamUSA http://ift.tt/1nG0aIE
— JCPenney (@jcpenney) February 3, 2014
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/MUj2Gh
I just realized how long it's been since I watched television on a regular basis.

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Let’s Call It: #SuperBowl XLVIII Is the Biggest Social Media Event Ever
There’s no need to wait around for the numbers. The race has already been run before the pigskin was kicked off. Super Bowl XLVII in 2014 is the biggest social media event of all time and will likely stay that way for a few years.
It’s bigger than the Oscars. It’s bigger than the presidential election. It’s bigger than the death of Michael Jackson. It’s bigger than last year’s Super Bowl. It’s probably going to be bigger than next year’s Super Bowl (which I’ll explain shortly). More activity will be posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social sites before, during, and after the game than ever before.
This year marks a true tipping point for social media. While it will continue to grow as a venue for communication, one thing will change. Overexposure of event tracking will actually peak today and then gradually level off. Unless next year’s game has a better matchup (and this one is pretty darn stout) with bigger markets like a Cowboys/Jets matchup, we will see a slight drop off next year.
The hype around the quarterbacks, the coaches, the teams, the marijuana coincidence, and the originality of the commercials will taper a bit going into next year’s Super Bowl. This is a strange prediction to be making, I know, but they thought it was strange in 2007 when I said that Facebook would eclipse MySpace. We won’t know for sure for another year but I stand by it.
via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://ift.tt/1aglXmA