Tuesday, February 12, 2013

True Content Marketing for B2B Needs Bigger Budgets

Content Marketing

This really shouldn’t even be a story. It’s one of those obvious statements that shouldn’t require explanation. If you take the title at face value and make it happen, you’re already a step ahead of most of your competitors.

Thankfully for blogs like this one, a story is required. There is a complete lack of understanding, particularly from the C-Suite, when it comes to content marketing that it’s no wonder why blogs like Soshable continue to thrive. You’re likely reading this because you need ammo. You don’t need to be convinced. You need help convincing upper management that there’s value in the hills of content marketing, than just about any portion of the budget spent on it would be worthwhile, that it’s an endless goldmine that goes completely untapped by most, and that it has an upside as every major player from Google to Facebook continues to adore the practices of true content marketing.

“True” is the important word here, but let’s assume that you already have that component down as well. Let’s assume that you realize that low-quality, irrelevant content that once worked well is quickly becoming detrimental to marketing. Let’s assume that you understand that creativity in entertainment and education are the keys and that quality trumps quantity every time.

You already know that the superstars of content creation are harder to find than an honest politician. You are well aware that the vast majority of the promotional tactics used today are ineffective or heading in that direction and that transparent, aggressive, and intuitive promotions are the only way to get a true bang for the buck. You also know the most important part of content marketing and internet marketing in general – that search, social, email, videos, white papers, and everything in between must be handled with a holistic approach rather than treating everything separately.

You know all of this already because you’re a seasoned internet marketing professional. You just need the bullet points to show the big wigs. Thankfully, Marketo has an answer for you in the wonderful infographic below. Aren’t you glad you found this blog post?

Content Marketing Infographic by Marketo

via Soshable | Social Media Blog http://soshable.com/true-content-marketing-for-b2b-needs-bigger-budgets/

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