Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gas Prices are Down. Will SUVs Go Up?

That's the real question, isn't it? The gas price explosion of the last couple of years has made casually buying a sports utility vehicle a thing of the past. People are more aware of gas mileage than ever before, so will the drop in gas prices make it easier to sell them?

I don't think so. Now that people are more conscious of what is going on in the world with the environment, many feel good about their decision to get out of the Expedition and into the Prius. More importantly, many people were caught off guard by the sudden hike and they found themselves making life-changing decisions based upon it.

They won't make the same mistake twice. SUVs will remain a luxury for a while to come.

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Read more about J.D. Rucker on this blog.

Call for Causes on Social Media

A couple of articles that I wrote last week received strong feedback from social media users. The concept: social media sites, with all of their power, should be able to do more in the way of promoting charities and other causes.

This is a topic that I feel strongly about as there are very few things that take up more of my time than social media and charitable events. If there was a way to combine the two, it would personally save me a lot of time.

Then, of course, there's the matter of it being the right thing to do.

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Read more by JD Rucker on this blog.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rugged Laptops: At These Prices, Why Not?

Over at TechScienceReview, we took a look at one of the most innovative creations to come to computers, and I never even knew they existed before.

These technological wonders called rugged laptops absolutely blew my mind. Considering that they are about the same price as many normal laptops, a guy like me who is on a plane 5 times a week really needs one for the go.

This article goes into detail and offers a video that really puts it all into perspective. When it comes to rugged notebooks, there's really only one thing to consider -- how much?

Read more about computers on my blog.

Social News Watch Wants Digg to Give People Another Chance

With all of the recent bannings, it's no wonder that the front page of Digg has decreased in both total number of Diggs as well as quality in content. The front page, already in shambles since the introduction of the Recommendation Engine, has taken a turn for the worse and started focusing on stories that just should not have made it.

Over at Social News Watch, one story points to the heart of the trepidation that has engulfed the top end of the Digg community. They are banning people left and right and the bans are permanent. If they listen, they will realize that they shouldn't make the bans against script users permanent.
It's not rocket science. People made a mistake. Give them a second chance, Digg.

More Digg Ban Stories will be coming to my blog soon.

Automotive Blog Network: TK Carsites Blog on Driving Sales

With so many industries coming to the table across the blogosphere, having the automotive industry start to make a play is a nice change. Over at driving sales, TK Carsites has a blog that has 4 of their top executives leaving posts.

It's actually very refreshing seeing information from a vendor that car dealers can use. Advice, predictions, and trends fill the posts with informative commentary from people who understand the business.

More stories about automotive blogs will be posted to my blog soon.