Thursday, November 22, 2018
Best turkey chef ever. My wife, not me. Trying her mother's recipe this year. Can't wait to dig in!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Headship of a husband must be earned
The Bible is clear about the roles of men and women within a family. The man has headship over the family. He is to be the spiritual leader that drives a family’s spiritual growth.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV)
But there’s a catch. Women are meant to accept the headship of their husband with the understanding that the man is following the headship of Christ. When a man displays tendencies that he isn’t following Christ the way he should be, it negates the woman’s requirement. This may be controversial to some, but throughout 1 Corinthians the theme is give and take, if this then that. Even in this verse alone we see a conjunction of the ideal – God is head over Christ, Christ is head over man, and man is head over woman.
The first of the three cannot be broken as Christ is perfect. The second is where flawed human can break down the relationship. If man is not properly following the headship of Christ, it is not proper for the woman to follow the headship of that man. He is the conduit between Christ and the woman, and if he is not a proper conduit then the connection between woman and Christ is broken.
It’s easy for a man to point to 1 Cointhians 11:3 to demonstrate his headship over his wife, but if he is not fulfilling his role of following the headship of Christ, he should not expect his wife to follow his headship.
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via Judeo Christian Church https://ift.tt/2SJHtsv