Thursday, November 22, 2018
Best turkey chef ever. My wife, not me. Trying her mother's recipe this year. Can't wait to dig in!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Headship of a husband must be earned
The Bible is clear about the roles of men and women within a family. The man has headship over the family. He is to be the spiritual leader that drives a family’s spiritual growth.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV)
But there’s a catch. Women are meant to accept the headship of their husband with the understanding that the man is following the headship of Christ. When a man displays tendencies that he isn’t following Christ the way he should be, it negates the woman’s requirement. This may be controversial to some, but throughout 1 Corinthians the theme is give and take, if this then that. Even in this verse alone we see a conjunction of the ideal – God is head over Christ, Christ is head over man, and man is head over woman.
The first of the three cannot be broken as Christ is perfect. The second is where flawed human can break down the relationship. If man is not properly following the headship of Christ, it is not proper for the woman to follow the headship of that man. He is the conduit between Christ and the woman, and if he is not a proper conduit then the connection between woman and Christ is broken.
It’s easy for a man to point to 1 Cointhians 11:3 to demonstrate his headship over his wife, but if he is not fulfilling his role of following the headship of Christ, he should not expect his wife to follow his headship.
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via Judeo Christian Church https://ift.tt/2SJHtsv
Friday, November 2, 2018
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Never get pulled away from the faith. Trust me, it’s easier than most even know.
For years, I’ve felt very secure that my love for our Lord was so strong, nothing could ever pull me away from Him. In some ways, that has been true, but there’s a catch. Just because one’s love is strong enough to prevent them from being pulled completely away, that doesn’t mean they can’t be drawn away from Him while believing they are doing His Will.
I learned this the hard way. For the past two years, I’ve been engulfed in the world of politics in a way that I thought was beneficial to the faith. I fell into the trap of believing I could give a huge chunk of my life over to political endeavors that would eventually allow me to talk to a wider range of people about the Gospel. It’s the same trap that so many Christian entertainers fall into. They think if they perform songs or take on roles that help them get more popular, that they can circle back around later and reinsert their original calling of spreading the Gospel. How many Christian entertainers have we lost to the secular world?
Something held me back from completely getting immersed in the secular world of politics. Despite increasing reach and educating many people about the benefits of limiting government and bringing personal responsibility back to American government, I found that going any further would pull me too far away from the faith. That’s not to say there is no room for faith in politics, but making political gains that are substantial often requires putting aside the tenets of a Biblical worldview.
I’ve always known that a truly faithful walk in this life requires 100% of our effort. We are weak creatures. Sin surrounds us. It is especially powerful in the world of politics, but it’s present everywhere. That’s the nature of the Earth since the fall.
Piece by piece, the secular world will require us to remove the Armor of God. The deeper we go, the more our armor prevents us from navigating those waters. Inevitably, most if not all will shed all of the armor if they don’t turn back. I came close.
Piece by piece, I’m putting that armor back on.
My life is not my own. I gave it to my Lord and Savior, but attempts at success in the secular world motivated me to pull pieces of my life back to myself. Thankfully, I was awoken before it was too late. A warning to those in similar situations: Don’t go too far. Come back to the faith now. It’s too easy to lose oneself in this world.
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via Judeo Christian Church https://ift.tt/2AvvB60
Proverbs 3:6 – In all thy ways acknowledge him
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
Acknowledgement is a wonderful thing. It comes in many forms. I believe most true believers who understand the Word acknowledge our Lord as the Creator and the one who makes all things possible for us. But acknowledgement means more than being thankful. When we acknowledge our Father in front of others, it can make people think.
It also acts as a note to the world that we’re open and proud of our faith. This is becoming less and less common. It needs to come back.
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via Judeo Christian Church https://ift.tt/2PV6nmR
Getting back in the swing of things
My biggest personal challenge from a personality perspective is allowing myself to get pulled in many directions. It isn’t my perspectives or beliefs that are swayed but how to address them and contribute to the right efforts that often leads me in more directions than I can handle. As a result, this website was allowed to slip away.
It was a tremendous mistake. I misinterpreted the growth of this site and used that as a measure of its importance. Yet, it was growing nicely, but not nearly at the pace as other endeavors. To be more specific, I was reaching more people with a conservative message on my political sites than the Biblical message on this site. What a terrible mistake to make, assuming that bulk was important. Thank the Lord, for I now realize it’s more important to reach one person with a proper Biblical perspective than a million people with a conservative, secular message.
It has taken much time to unravel myself from that world. What most here do not know is that I was working not only on spreading a conservative political message but also in promoting a federalist concept of limited government through the formation of a new political party. It was a mistake and at the end of the day the secular components of the party ended up bringing about its downfall.
I was lost, pulled in a direction that seemed logical and positive but that turned out to be nothing more than a distraction from the things I truly want to do with my time in this world. Spreading the Gospel and working with people through their spiritual challenges have always been my calling, yet I forsook them for a time because it seemed like we were heading in the wrong political direction as a nation. We still are, but I now realize it’s not my place to battle powers and principalities in that regard.
That’s not to say I will no longer be politically active, but it will no longer be my primary focus. My virtual life is here with the Judeo-Christian family we have built. I am so sorry for disregarding it for so long. Over the next few days, weeks, and even months I will attempt to rebuild what we had here and continue the mission from which I allowed myself to get distracted. It was sinful to fall into the secular trap of “get a voice here so you can spread the Gospel later.” I believe I’ve even written about the trap, yet I allowed myself to fall prey to it.
Thank you all for being patient over these past few months. Returning to the primary calling of spreading the Word of God is going to take time and won’t be easy, but I know it’s possible. All things are possible with the Lord.
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via Judeo Christian Church https://ift.tt/2AvvSWA
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
How to Get Ahead In Your Career
When you get out of high school and make the choice as to whether or not you plan to go to college, the whole idea behind it is career advancement. We got away to college to get to travel a specific career path more quickly or we work as hard as we can – without the degree – to the do that as well. No matter which choice you make, the idea is to climb the career ranks and get to a better station in life. The faster we grow in our positions, the more fulfillment we’re able to achieve.
These days, we all take a lot of pride in our career paths and we make a solid effort to advance as honestly as possible. We try to get there without stepping on the backs of our co-workers and without cutting corners. When we get to a certain spot, we want to know that we’ve earned. However, the really unfortunate thing about career advancement is that not many people know how to get there without hurting others or selling themselves out. There are plenty of honest ways to climb the corporate ladder, without sacrificing your integrity.
Top Five Tips
- Be Yourself – If you’re brownnosing, your boss is going to know. Be genuine. If you’re truly interested in an upcoming project, let your boss know, but be real with him. Tell him what characteristics you possess that make you the best candidate for taking point on the newest assignment floating around the office. If you agree with something your boss said, let him know and have at least three comments on hand explaining why you agree. If you disagree and you decide to speak out, make sure you have the same amount of arguments on hand if you intend to publicly do so.
- Work Hard – A lot of people claim to work really hard, but really they’re giving maybe forty percent of their total effort at work. If you want to get ahead, do it by showing your superiors that you’re willing to give a hundred percent, one hundred percent of the time. Come back immediately when your lunch break is over, don’t take excessive drink, smoke, or bathroom breaks, and don’t let the boss catch you surfing the internet for your child’s birthday present. Put some elbow grease into getting ahead.
- Go Above and Beyond – If your boss asks for volunteers to run an errand or work on a special task force, volunteer. Even if it means more time in the office, sign yourself up. Your boss will see the extra work, time, and effort you’re putting into the company and chances are, she’ll remember your name the next time something comes up.
- Be Seen – Make your name something to be remembered around the office, in a genuine way. Smile and be polite to everyone. Participate in happy hours or work events and don’t just slouch in a corner, be seen. At the company Christmas party, take a few spins around the dance floor, sing a few carols, and leave in a similar fashion to which you arrived.
- Be Professional – At said Christmas party, don’t down nine shots at the bar and twerk on your boss. Don’t be the office sourpuss that takes a stand against donations for birthday cakes or baby shower gifts. If you can’t afford to contribute, politely explain that to the person spearheading the collection. Address your boss and superiors respectfully and often. Be recognized for the person who is polite and professional and is willing to do the work, not the person who gets “totally wrecked” at happy hours.
Getting ahead in your career isn’t going to be an easy task. It’s going to be difficult and daunting as almost anything worth having usually is. However, once you get there, you’ll know you truly deserve it and that type of promotion will feel amazing.
The post How to Get Ahead In Your Career appeared first on We Heart World.
via We Heart World http://ift.tt/2FrjxCA
How to Save Money This Christmas
$1000; that’s the amount of added debt people accrue because of Christmas purchases. While that number can change from year to year, it’s still significant debt. When paying the minimum payment on your credit cards, it can take up to ten years to pay off that kind of debt and nearly 50% off families admit they’re concerned about accumulating extensive debt this holiday season. However, most families consider it a necessary evil to accrue debt this time of year as they want to provide a good Christmas for their kids and other family members.
There are ways to keep costs down at Christmas time and none of them involve crafting your own gifts, although that is a viable alternative. If you have a talent, by all means, use it for your Christmas gifts. People love to receive handmade items, especially useful items like hats, scarves, sweaters, and mittens. However, if you don’t have a crafting bone in your body or you don’t have the extra time to create your Christmas gifts, there are still a lot of ways to make sure you’re not breaking your budget to create a great Christmas for your kids.
Tips and Tricks for Christmas Giving
- Black Friday – If you’re a Black Friday shopper, then you already know the deals that are available. One thing that they focus on when listing the items for sale is what people want. They track stuff like that and they discount what people are shopping for. If you want to give the hubby a new TV for Christmas, then Black Friday or Cyber Monday are the days to buy it. Many stores offer incredible deep discounts on electronics of all kinds, so if the kids are begging for a video game system, then this is also the day.
- App Deals – If you use apps to get the best deals on a day to day basis, then keep track of what’s going on around the holidays as many stores, like Target’s Cartwheel app for example, start offering huge discounts on a random array of products. If you’re shopping for your family or simply for yourself, keep an eye on your favorite apps for the best deals. Last year, Target put one toy a day on sale for 50% off between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep your eyes open, your child’s number one request just may end up on that list.
- Shop Around – Look around before you buy something and when you do, find a store that offers price matching. With a price matching program, you can get the items you want for the lowest possible price. Did you find something you want at Walmart, but have a Best Buy credit card? Best Buy is one of the many stores that offer price match benefits, so make sure you look around for the best deal, and when you find it, take notes. By shopping around, you’ll not only ensure that you get the best price, but you’ll also get to see what else is out there.
- Circulars – Look at the circular ads in the local paper each week and jot down the deals on the items you’re look for. Circular deals typically last for a week and the deals tend to be great during this time of year, especially for toys, games, and electronics. Keep an eye out for when your local stores offer stock-up and save deals on things like jammies and winter clothes and shop then for the best deals on necessities.
- Gift Cards – It’s a little too late to start this year, but if you buy a gift card with every paycheck during the year, you’ll have them during the shopping season to go toward your Christmas spending. You’ll notice the loss of money a lot less if you spread it out over the year than if you try to do it all at once. Buy the cards for places you know you’ll be shopping for your Christmas gifts and even if it doesn’t cover the entire cost, at least it will take a good chunk out of it. If you’re a gift card giver during the holiday season, your Christmas shopping is done after just a couple of months.
There are a lot of ways to save money during the holiday season, but the best way is to communicate with your family the reason for the season. Don’t go overboard with gifts and rather celebrate the togetherness of your family and the joy of the holiday itself.
The post How to Save Money This Christmas appeared first on We Heart World.
via We Heart World http://ift.tt/2DL2JpV