Sunday, November 27, 2016

Why the Federalist Party isn’t raising money. Yet.

Ever since buzz started hitting the internet about the new Federalist Party, there have been people reaching out to me consistently asking how to donate. The quick answer is, “don’t, at least not yet.”

There are reasons that I’ll get into shortly about why we’re considering not taking donations at all, but let’s start with the longer answer about how to at least pledge right now. The party set up a pledge page that allows members to promise future donations without having to send money now or give any financial information such as credit card data. It’s important that we get an understanding of how much we’ll be able to collect if and when we do start collecting, so getting semi-committed pledges is the bast way to do it.

One of the important premises behind the Federalist Party is that we believe in the power of the market and the individuals driving it over the power of government which often hampers more than it helps. Solutions for the majority of problems Americans face come best when they’re provided by the private sector. That’s not universal; we wouldn’t want a private military as our primary national defense, for example, but when it comes to most needs, if the government stepped out of the way and allowed people to solve problems in lieu of having their tax dollars wasted through government programs, everyone would be happier.

The challenge is that Americans have been brainwashed into believing that government should be solving the problems directly. This wasn’t always the case. It was less than a century ago when the people believed in their own abilities more than the ability of government to fix their problems. The Great Depression and subsequent solutions started the shift away from this mentality and by the 1960s, the people were much more heavily dependent on the government. The irony is that the problems that initiated this shift were created as a result of the government trying to interfere too much in private affairs, but that’s a conspiracy theory to unpack at another time.

Because we believe that private organizations can outperform public ones, we are strongly considering running the national party essentially as a business. Rather than file it as a tax-exempt entity operating off of funds that weren’t earned but rather begged from the people, we are considering earning our funds at the national level.

As the state level, this isn’t possible, and that’s fine. The strongest tenet of this party is that it should be able to operate with the same mentality that we would run the country once we have our officials in office: separation of powers between the state party organization and the national entity. While the states and individual candidates will still have to follow the rules in order to get on ballots and acquire voter lists, the national organization will be free to operate with the flexibility that comes from not having a dependence on donations or a tax exempt status.

Again, this is all still under consideration, which is why accumulating pledges is so important. If, after looking at the legalities and logistics, we come to the conclusion that a national party structure operating as a corporation will work, we’ll take that path. We would rather earn the party’s revenue rather than beg for it or accept federal funds. We will still maintain all of the mandated transparencies associated with 527 tax exempt organization, but we will pay taxes. Why should we not pay taxes and beg money from people who do pay taxes? That’s not the American way, nor is it the Federalist way, but it’s the way that every other party has chosen. We aren’t like every other party.

via Soshable

Saturday, November 5, 2016

In case you missed it, I’m a Federalist

Of all of the websites I contribute to, this has always and will always be my favorite. It’s the second website I ever personally owned and it represents more of my direct feelings. Yes, there have been a few guest contributors, but for the most part it has been all my writing lately. It’s the way it should be.

For this reason, I sometimes forget to post to it. That’s not a representation of my sentiment towards the site, but things have been really crazy thanks to a combination of necessity and blessing. I often assume that all of the readers of this site know exactly what I’m doing based upon what I do on other sites. In case you don’t here it is…

Most things are as they were a year ago. I’m still learning (and occasionally teaching) the Bible. I’m still enjoying my family. My business is doing well and I’m working on new initiatives within it. Then, there’s the politics. Most of my political efforts were done in the form of daily posts through the primaries, but we lost. Donald Trump was nominated, so my attentions shifted towards seeking an alternative.

We tried many different parties. I contacted pretty much every party running a conservative that I could find, even if they weren’t big enough to make an impact. What I quickly learned was that they weren’t simply victims of low media coverage. They were victims of disorganization and lack of growth plans. I actually nearly lost hope in prospects for the future, but something happened. A wild idea turned into a quick inquiry. That inquiry was met with so much enthusiasm that I expanded the idea to a plan. The plan was working much better than I expected, so I started contacting more people about it, particularly those in the media. By the time all was said and done, I found myself heading into election day with a solid foundation upon which to build a new conservative political party.

After election day, the Federalist Party will be born.

I know what you’re thinking because I thought it myself. Third parties can’t win in the United States. What I know that you don’t is that the reason third parties don’t work is because we accept that they don’t work. More importantly, we’ve never seen a third party with the gumption and strategy to make itself work, to break through the imaginary boundary that protects the two major parties.

Here is not the place to go into details yet and it’s about time to take the family to a movie, so I’ll leave you with this thought: If we can suspend disbelief in the possibility of a viable third party, we can actually make it happen, God willing. That’s what I’ve been working on lately. I’m hopeful that you will join us in this project.

via Soshable

“Conservative” media needs to stop acting like Obama’s journopuppets for Trump

Look, I get it. You want Trump to win. You’re a journalist for a “conservative” media outlet and you want to paint Donald Trump in the best light possible. Stick to the facts. Paint a proper picture. With Hillary Clinton on the other side, you don’t need to paint him as a superhuman, fearless avatar of strength. We’ve already seen eight years of that with Barack Obama’s crony media.

The headline below appears on a Trumpyte publication, Lifezette, operated by Laura Ingraham. For the record, I’m not a Trump supporter. I believe in conservative principles, most of which Mr. Trump fails to appreciate or support. Still, he’s the GOP nominee and the alternative is horrendous, so I can appreciate those who want him to win because he’s a better option. I don’t completely disagree, but this headline is over the top.

Trump Yellow Journalism

No, he didn’t stare down a threat. If you watch the video, he’s looking out into the crowd to see what the commotion is, just as he’s done dozens of times when protesters hit his campaign events. Thankfully, he didn’t say something stupid this time that could have gotten someone in the audience hurt. When the Secret Service agent first came over, Trump did not stare defiantly. He reacted a little slowly, not because he was triumphantly staring down the threat but because he’s a 70-year-old man who’s slow to react to threats. Once he realized he needed to move, he followed his escort appropriately to the pre-determined spot backstage (most likely in an armored vehicle waiting outside for him) and awaited further instructions.

This wasn’t bad. He did exactly as he should whether he’s a candidate or the President. Painting this as anything other than an appropriate response to a potential threat is yellow journalism at it’s finest.

The post “Conservative” media needs to stop acting like Obama’s journopuppets for Trump appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dang Russians.

via Facebook

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


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John Kasich stays true by clowning himself with his vote

On one hand, Ohio Governor and former Presidential candidate John Kasich did the right thing by choosing not to vote for the liberal Republican nominee Donald Trump. Then, he wiped out his credibility by using his protest vote on the liberal Senator from Arizona John McCain.

There are a few options available to Kasich who are not only much more conservative but who are actually running for President. Constitution Party’s Darrell Castle, America’s Party’s Tom Hoeffling, and independent Evan McMullin are all available for Kasich to write in, but he chose the one guy who won’t be getting a substantial number of protest votes.

This is John Kasich being John Kasich at his finest. More from Mediaite:

As other GOP presidential candidates have eventually relented and offered their support to Trump, such as former critics Marco Rubioand Ted Cruz, Kasich has held firm. During the Republican National Convention, Kasich stayed far away, despite it being held in Cleveland.

Read more on Mediaite.

The post John Kasich stays true by clowning himself with his vote appeared first on Conservative Haven.

via Conservative Haven