Thursday, March 31, 2016

No, Mr. Trump, you can’t run on a policy of nuclear proliferation

Donald Trump Nuclear Proliferation

Half the time, I have to scratch my head and wonder if Donald Trump actually knows what he’s saying. The other half of the time I assume that I’m just having a long nightmare. The idea that Trump could be the nominee after saying that he wants Japan and South Korea to arm themselves with nuclear weapons is often too hard to believe.

That’s the GOP frontrunner. He told Anderson Cooper at the CNN town hall that we’re being treated unfairly (isn’t that what he says about everything?) and that they need to either pay us or we’re going to leave them vulnerable to a nuclear North Korea. He even recommended that they should build their own nuclear weapons. Is this real life? Did I just return from the dentist? Or is this all really happening and the possible Republican nominee wants more countries to possess nuclear weapons?

If you support Donald Trump, please stop. If you ARE Donald Trump, definitely stop. You’re making a fool out of the country before you’re even in office. This is getting embarrassing.

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In Case You Ever Wondered Why Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy is so Outrageously Bad

Every great President surrounds himself with great advisers. Throughout history, American Presidents have leaned on the people they pick to be their subject matter experts in order to facilitate them in making the proper decisions. When your advisers are bad, the Presidency itself can be damaging to the country. Jimmy Carter was famously bad at picking advisers and listening to the ones that he picked.

Donald Trump might have it worse. He doesn’t just pick bad people. He doesn’t listen to them, either. His main adviser: himself.

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Why the Drudge Report is Dead to Me Now

For the record, I don’t fault publications or news aggregators for supporting any candidates. It’s their right and in America (for now) everyone is entitled to an opinion. There comes a time, however, when a news site is influential enough within the journalistic world that they should not actively suppress news just because it goes contrary to their agenda. It’s not a long list – Yahoo, CNN, Fox News, Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed fall into this category and even when their agenda is being sacrificed, they report it if it’s big enough news.

Drudge Report falls into this category. As one of the most trafficked 150 websites in the country, it’s a standard go-to site for journalists, pundits, and news hounds. They’ve made no secret of their love affair with Donald Trump, going so far as to bash his competitors with their top news story section that sends hundreds of thousands, even millions of visitors to the story. Unfortunately, they never return the favor if there’s anything bad spoken about Trump even if it’s the biggest story of the day. Case-in-point: Trump’s flip-flop on punishing women for having abortions.. Drudge was completely silent. In fact, their second most populated section, the small links at the top just above the primary headline story, went after Ted Cruz while Trump was floundering.

Drudge Trump

I get it. Matt Drudge loves Trump. He doesn’t want anyone to know about Trump’s weaknesses and he wants to point a spotlight on anything that can help him get the GOP nomination. However, he and his publication have a responsibility to not hide the truth. They can highlight all they want, spin it in whatever direction they choose, and be the biggest Trump cheerleaders in the world, but when their boy messes up as badly as he has this week, one would expect honor to kick in even if it’s a simple message. Nothing. Drudge is no longer a news source. It’s simply another variation of the free publicity Trump has grown accustomed to from mainstream media during this election cycle.



Dead to me now.

H/T Politistick

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Donald Trump’s Plan to Make Japan and South Korea Pay or ‘Nuke Up’ is Ludicrous

To truly do this story justice, one would need a long and well-researched investigative report on the history of the treaties that have maintained America’s interests around the world. We’d need to dive into the geopolitical atmosphere that surrounds the pros and cons of maintaining a strong presence in east Asia as it pertains to defense, trade, and influence.

Or, we could read a single quote from a former Ambassador to both Iraq and Korea, Christopher Hill.

Ambassador Christopher Hill on Donald Trump's Plan for Japan and South Korea

In one sentence, Ambassador Hill, who served three Presidents and is currently the dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, breaks down the problem that Donald Trump has with foreign affairs. In a nutshell, he doesn’t get it. This isn’t a learning gap that he can magically study for like a 70-year-old college freshman. The world is facing turmoil on literally hundreds of fronts and the idea that on-the-job-training combined with his successes in real estate and entertainment (while ignoring his gloriously long string of failures every time he ventures outside of real estate and entertainment) will somehow make him qualified to make these decisions is insane.

I would prefer it if he just said, “I don’t know but I will listen to my advisers.” I could almost buy that. What I cannot buy is the idea that he believes he has all the answers already.

Of course, Japan and South Korea aren’t happy with the potential next President of the United States.

His supporters will say that the relationships are “unfair” (as a constant victim, it’s Trump’s favorite word) and that it makes sense for the President of the United States to promote the idea of nuclear proliferation. For the rest of us who recognize his plan as the disaster that it is, all we can do is hope that he’s never given the opportunity to fulfill his campaign promises.

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I know I promised to stay away from politics on Facebook, but I cannot see actions like these and not speak out. For the love of pizza and America, put the fork down!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Never Eat Pizza with a Fork. It’s Embarrassing.

Recent revelations that John Kasich eats his pizza with a fork align him ideologically (from a culinary perspective) with Donald Trump. This cannot be allowed to stand. We’re talking about pizza. We’re talking about tradition. We’re talking about decorum.

We’re talking about America.

Is this a petty and frivolous post? Absolutely. Still, I stand by my assertion. You cannot be the President of the United States if you eat pizza in this obtuse manner.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

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Cruz Has Big Lead in Wisconsin. He Needs it to Get Bigger.

This stage of the GOP Presidential nomination process comes down to a single component: delegates. This is no longer a race to see who can get the majority. We’re in a plurality race with Donald Trump in the driver’s seat but with Ted Cruz seeing a path to having as much if not more delegates than Trump when the primaries are done.

Wisconsin may be the most pivotal state to date. Not only is it a stand-alone that could represent the first primary day when Trump doesn’t notch a victory. It’s also conceivable that Trump can walk away without a single additional delegate. If that happens, if Cruz can take all of the delegates, it will set the momentum leading into the home stretch of this race.

The winner of the state contest is guaranteed delegates, but each district has its own individual delegates that are given to the candidate with the most votes in each. This methodology means that Cruz and his large lead will almost certainly win the state and the most delegates, but he could really use the psychological boost of winning all of the districts as well.

Cruz supporters must remain very focused. Now is not the time for complacency. The fact that Cruz is winning in the state isn’t enough. It’s time to send a message by delivering every delegate to the only conservative left in the race.

The post Cruz Has Big Lead in Wisconsin. He Needs it to Get Bigger. appeared first on Conservative Haven.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Air cooled. Spiked. Bug.

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Top 3 Reasons a Cruz-Trump Debate Would Help the Republicans Win in November

As a Ted Cruz supporter, I’m obviously motivated to see my chosen candidate head-to-head with the frontrunner. It offers the best opportunity for him to differentiate himself in a positive manner and to highlight Donald Trump’s many flaws. It would also give him the opportunity to address up front the accusations and innuendos that Trump so casually throws out to the press when Cruz is not around.

For this exercise, I wanted to take my personal bias out of the equation and denounce the three biggest reasons that there probably won’t be a head-to-head debate. Then, we’ll get into the reasons that it needs to happen.

  1. John Kasich – I am sorry to have to tell the Ohio Governor and his supporters this, but his continued presence in the nominating process is detrimental to the party, his own state, and the country. He’ll want to be in a debate and that would be a very bad thing. He’s a distraction and his presence after winning only one state out of dozens is starting to get awkward.
  2. Donald Trump – As frontrunner, conventional wisdom dictates that he can only be hurt in a debate. Of course, he firmly believes that he’s won every single debate so this should be debunked instantly. As we’ll learn below, conventional wisdom can be thrown out the door. Trump would benefit from a debate.
  3. Democratic Ammunition – This is the most outrageously wrong reason to not have have a debate. “They” (not sure who “they” are, but they’re wrong) believe that when the two frontrunners attack each other on stage, it will give the Democrats ammunition for the general election. Apparently, “they” have not been watching all of the tidbits of ammunition being posted when Cruz and Trump aren’t debating, so this is a ridiculous notion.

With those out of the way, let’s look at the three top reasons why a head-to-head debate would be beneficial to both candidates and therefore beneficial to the Republican party’s chances of winning in November regardless of which one gets the nomination.

Head-to-Head Debates can Focus on Substance

We’ve seen a debate or two that didn’t devolve into a food fight. I firmly believe that we could see this again if the two sides came together with the moderators and told them they want it to focus on the issues at hand. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be attacks, but the attacks should be about substance and not about wives or campaign managers or Tweets or stupid hashtags. Give the American people the information they need on a substantive level and both candidates should be able to sway undecided, Independent, and even Democratic voters to be more firmly on their side.

Trump can Demonstrate Courage

At this point, Trump’s unwillingness to debate anymore is a clear indicator that he’s scared. He would never admit it and he’s fond of pointing to “on-line” polls about how well he does in debates, but the reality is that he hates them. He’s dodging. He doesn’t like the exposure he faces when he’s not in a controlled media environment. His inability to hit the curve is the reason that he hasn’t been able to demonstrate he’s a major league hitter at this point. With a head-to-head debate, either he makes contact with some of the curve balls or he swings and misses, but at least he won’t have the stigma of cowardice hanging over him. Step up to the plate, Mr. Trump.

Preparation for Hillary

Whoever the nominee is, they’ll have to face Hillary Clinton at least three times in head-to-head debates. Trump has never been in a head-to-head debate. In fact, in seven decades, he’s never been in a debate in front of people that didn’t have at least three opponents. The dynamic in a head-to-head debate is completely different. It’s point/counter-point/counter-counter-point. The focus of every single question is on both candidates. Trump (and for that matter, Cruz) needs this to prepare to be in front of tens of millions of viewers with the spotlight on them 50% of the time. Clinton has already had head-to-head debates throughout her career and a few with Sanders this campaign cycle. It’s not her strength, but she’s also no slouch and her experience gives her an edge over Trump for sure and possibly over Cruz who is experienced but potentially rusty. The GOP would be very foolish to not make this happen.

Both Trump and Cruz would benefit from the exposure on a national scale that can only be accomplished with a head-to-head debate. Regardless of which one you support, it behooves the Republican party to make this happen before the convention to prepare the winner to take on Hillary Clinton in the general election.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Trump is Peddling Sweets When the Country Needs a Diet of Conservatism

In my junior year in high school, there was a candidate running against me for student council who promised truly amazing things. He wanted to give seniors a free period on Wednesdays so we could “catch up on work” (wink, wink). He wanted the last period of the day on Fridays eliminated. He promised to improve lunches by having fast food joints set up carts at the school.

None of it was achievable, but his message resonated. It’s the same thing that’s happening today in Presidential campaigning. Donald Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall. He’ll threaten tariffs on China so they’ll be forced to send jobs back to the United States. He’ll make nationalism a tenable proposition because Americans only want to deal with other Americans. He’ll renegotiate the foundation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

On the surface, these sugary tidbits of policy proposals sound enticing. We’ll do whatever we want because: ‘Murica. What candidate Trump believes compared to what President Trump can do presents such a wide divide that it’s a wonder why the media persists in allowing him to make these proposals virtually unchecked. We know that they want him to be the nominee so their darling on the Democratic side can win the general election, but surely they should be getting scared about the effect it’s having on the country, right? Well, no. Not really. Some are waking up to the monster they created, but most are simply allowing it and hoping for the best in the end.

The allure of Pleasure Island in Pinocchio was strong for those who didn’t want the status quo, who wanted to abolish the rules and play by their own. The boys followed their pitchman to the promised land that they knew deep down was impossible but that they were willing to attempt in hopes that it would all work out. They were skeptical of the promises at first, but they embraced them to the point that logic and common sense were abolished.

Donald Trump is doing the same thing. He’s making bold promises that he knows with absolute certainty he won’t be able to fulfill, but at this point in the game it’s all about getting voters. Soon, he’ll start walking back his proposals, especially when he feels like he has the nomination locked up. He’s already doing it with his proposed Mexican-funded wall by easing up his price tag. First, it was free because Mexico would foot the bill. Then, it was $4 billion. Then $8 billion. Then $10 billion. The last numbers he has quoted are $10-$12 billion.

Why is he easing up his numbers? Because he knows two things. First, the wall will likely cost close to $25 billion to build and several billion per year to maintain. Second, he knows that there is no way to make a country pay for something that they don’t want in the first place, particularly when they own some of our debt, not the other way around. He claims that the trade deficit is the reason they’ll pay for it, but the two concepts are completely unrelated.

The Mexican government has no accountability to the trade deficit. It’s Mexican and American businesses interacting that influences the trade deficit. Even if Trump uses tariffs to raise the cost of imports from Mexico (which would increase the prices of those goods for American citizens), he couldn’t raise it enough to force the Mexican government to fork over 1/10th of their entire GDP.

America has real problems. Those problems require real solutions. Most of what Ted Cruz is proposing to fix those problems is not sexy. They’re not the sweet sound bite candy that Trump proposes because unlike Trump, Cruz plans on fulfilling the campaign promises he’s made just as he did when he ran for Senate. Cruz is a unique politician because he keeps his promises which is arguably the biggest reason that his less-honorable cohorts in the Senate despise him. They used conservatism as a selling point to get elected, only to abandon most of it once in office. Cruz kept his promises. That makes him a threat to them.

We need the boring but responsible solutions that Cruz is proposing. We need a wall, but one that is realistic and not tainted by false expectations of stealing money from Mexico to built it. We need regulations lifted on free trade, not tariffs designed to isolate us and raise consumer costs dramatically. That combined with a flat tax will bring jobs back from China. Nationalism without the filter of conservatism and common sense is untenable. Lastly, we need to work with our allies, not continue to degrade the relationships as President Obama has done and as Trump has proposed.

If Trump is nominated, we will watch many in the Republican party suffer the same fate as the anti-establishment boys on Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island. It sounds great in principle, but in they end they’ll all be turned into donkeys.

via Soshable

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Donald Trump, Who Has Never Uttered the Name ‘Jesus Christ’ in Public, Failed Again on Easter


There are plenty of people who support Donald Trump because they think he’s the right man for the job. They want to secure the border. They want to lean on his business prowess to fix the economy. All of that makes sense. However, if true faith in a President is of any importance to a voter, Donald Trump has continuously and conspicuously avoided any discussion of our Lord and Savior to the point that he’s never said His name in public.

Never. Not once.

He did mention Him in one of his books once, but it was not a positive quote.

When asked on ABC’s The Week about Easter, his response was, once again, very devoid of anything related to the actual meaning that the day holds for millions of Christians.

“And it’s just a very special time for me. And it really represents family and get-together and — and something, you know, if you’re a — a Christian, it’s just a very important day,” Trump said.

I understand that faith is not important to everybody. I have also heard the arguments from professing Christians that they don’t want a “pastor-in-chief” or that they believe he’s “Christian enough” to protect our religious liberties. I would contend that Trump takes it to the extreme. I would contend that, regardless of how much he truly values his faith, that a man who has openly admitted to never asking for forgiveness from his Creator and who has never uttered the name of Jesus Christ in public is not a man who holds religious liberties in high regard.

I’ll leave it there before I get on a pulpit myself.

Donald Trump is many things to many people. He’s often whatever his supporters want him to be in their own minds. If Christian faith is not important to a voter, so be it. Trump’s your guy. If it has any place in the White House (and I contend that it does), then you owe it to your faith to research this man before giving him your support.

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Only Logical Reason that Newt Gingrich is Sort of Supporting Donald Trump

As of the writing of this article, former Speaker of the House and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has not officially endorsed Donald Trump. With that said, pretty much everything he’s saying and doing indicates that he is 100% on board the Trump Train. Why would a known conservative be supporting someone so clearly moderate, even liberal?

There have been many speculations posted as to why this is the case. The most common one is that he’s been promised a role in a Trump administration. As appealing of a reason as this is and considering that it’s likely the case for endorsements from Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, and others, this is not the case for Gingrich. It’s not that he hasn’t been offered a spot. It’s that he very likely hasn’t accepted one because he’s way too smart to taint himself at this point. Keep in mind that this is because he supports Trump even more than he claims publicly. By not officially endorsing him, Gingrich is afforded more credibility when he speaks to the power brokers in DC.

As far as a role, there’s one waiting for him. He may or may not accept it in the future, but the only one that would be truly appealing to him is the one that very few are discussing: Vice President. If Trump gets the nomination and Gingrich is tapped for VP, I will have been completely wrong because it’s the type of deal that Trump would have made and that Gingrich would have already accepted. However, anything short of VP will be an afterthought. In other words, whatever Trump offered, if anything, Gingrich told him to hold off on serious discussions until after he had his run through the GOP ranks.

The second most popular scenario is that Gingrich knows more about Trump than the rest of us. He has talked to him, advised him, and has come to the conclusion that at the end of the day Trump is more conservative than his history or campaign actions would lead us to believe. Again, this is unlikely for two reasons. First, Gingrich isn’t stupid. Second, Trump isn’t conservative. It’s highly unlikely that Gingrich would have been swayed based upon Trump’s sales pitch.

After a limited amount of thought (not much was necessary), I’ve come to the conclusion that the most likely scenario is that Gingrich simply isn’t as conservative as most of us once believed. His actions in Congress didn’t always match his rhetoric, but many of us chose to ignore this in 2012 when he was running against moderate Mitt Romney and pseudo-conservative Rick Santorum.

With what we know now, it seems like it was potentially a good thing that Gingrich didn’t get the nomination in 2012. He probably would have beaten Barack Obama and could have prevented us from having the opportunity to nomination Ted Cruz today. That can only happen if Gingrich doesn’t get his way once again.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Of Course the National Enquirer Story is False and Donald Trump is Almost Certainly Behind It

The National Enquirer has had a history of breaking political sex scandals. That’s the only reason that there’s any shred of doubt about Senator Ted Cruz and fidelity with his wife, Heidi. Otherwise, the tabloid would be laughed off by nearly everyone, even the lowest of the low-information voters. The fact that it’s been right in the past is compelling, but it’s simply not true for Ted Cruz.

In the age of smartphones and political scrutiny, it’s extremely difficult for any politician to have an affair that goes unnoticed. It’s almost impossible for a Presidential candidate to do so. It’s beyond the realm of lunacy to believe that with all of the attacks and hard feelings that have been going on in this current Presidential primary season that now, after all but three GOP candidates have dropped out, that Cruz has been able to hide five affairs. Logically, it’s impossible.

However, we’re in the world of Donald Trump, now. It’s conspicuous that all of this is coming out now. It’s even more conspicuous that the number five was used. It’s a power number, a legitimizing force in the psychology of American politics that goes beyond the Biblical word of two witnesses. Five is a justification number. It validates. It’s designed to shred doubts. It’s exactly what Donald Trump would do to smear his mortal enemy.

Trump has maintained an extremely friendly relationship with the Enquirer for years. He has been known to both influence them and to be protected from their rumor-mongering shtick. They don’t mess with him and he helps them whenever he can. That’s how the Donald controls the media. It’s why he’s protected.

If anything in the reports turns out to be true, I’ll shave my head or some other gimmicky punishment that readers want. I know in my heart that it cannot be true, not just because I know and support Ted Cruz but because I know and loathe Donald Trump and tabloid journalism in general. This is the type of move that he would make because it goes after his bread-and-butter supporters: low-information voters. The people who can be swayed in the checkout line to buy gossip magazines are the same people that vote for Trump in droves.

There’s a silver lining. Once it’s determined that Cruz did not have five extra-marital affairs, hopefully the media (with the help of his supporters) will spread the righteous word that this was just another Donald Trump smear.

If, against all odds and logic, this turns out out to be even partially true, I would drop my support for Cruz. Knowing what I know while we wait for the facts to come out, I’m not worried in the least bit. Trump can manipulate the weak-minded into believing garbage, but the rest of us must remain stalwart in our discernment.

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An Intriguing Story of a Stork

The stork has been a symbol of beauty in flight as these birds can fly for great distances with only a few flaps of their wings.  To watch a stork in flight is to witness sheer beauty and grace, giving us an art form in the air.  What does the stork have to do with the automotive world; how about a little history?

Prior to World War I the Hispano-Suiza company made Spanish vehicles and was well-known as an automotive and engineering firm that was commissioned to begin making plane engines during the war.  The Hispano 8A V8 was an engine that gained massive popularity and was one that was cast from a single block of aluminum.  These engines were put in the SPAD S.VII which was a fighter plane which was used by many countries including the Escadrille 3 Les Cigognes (The Storks) which was a squad of talented pilots led by their ace George Guynemere.

This nickname was first earned by the squad because the French citizens regarded the skill and form of the flying by this squad as being similar to a stork.  This name stuck and was adopted by the squadron and when the French Air Force chose to merge the squadron with other squadrons to form the Groupe de Combat 12 all of the squadron adopted the stork emblem in honor of the success of this squadron.

While all three squadrons had a stork on their planes, they had to be discernable from each other and each one had the wings in a different position.  One had wings up, another has the wings spread and Escadrille 3 had the wings turned downward.  In a tribute to the success of the ace, Guynemere, and the success of the engine and the engineering success that it had been, Hispano-Suiza adopted this symbol, the stork with the wings downward, as its official hood ornament.  French sculptor Frederick Bazin designed the ornament and gave us an elegant look at what had been painted on the sides of the planes of Escadrille 3.

So far we can understand how the Spanish automaker adopted the stork emblem, but what about the other company that used the stork?  The design of the Bucciali TAV 8-32 also depicted a stork on the side of the vehicle, even if it wasn’t nearly as ornate as the hood ornament design, but where did this stork symbol come from for the vehicles made by Bucciali?

As it turns out one of the members of Escadrille 26 which was one of the squadrons which was collapsed when put together into Groupe de Combat.  He also decided to use the stork hood ornament when he made his own cars, but his stork was not nearly as striking and showed the wings spread out even with the body of the stork, which may have been the symbol of his squadron.

Unfortunately you can’t find cars from either Hispano-Suiza or  Bucciali today unless they are kept in a car museum setting or in a barn as a long forgotten item.  As for the Groupe de Combat it is now known as the EC 1 / 2, and still uses the stork as their insignia on the bombers and jets they now have in their command, carrying on this nearly century old tradition.

via Soshable

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Here’s the 1999 Headline We Want to See Again Very Soon

Most people following politics know John Kasich as the guy who still thinks he can somehow defy the laws of mathematics and earn the Republican nomination for President. What some don’t remember is that it’s not his first rodeo. Governor Kasich has been down this road before, only the last time he did it he was much quicker in his realization of the truth.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that this isn’t about winning the nomination or preventing Donald Trump from getting it. John Kasich is in this race for John Kasich at the detriment of America, Ohio, and the Republican Party. He simply wants to make John Kasich great again.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mark Twain (or somebody) Nailed the Trump/Obama Phenomenons

It’s ironic that one of the most oft-quoted brilliant sayings of Mark Twain was probably not said by him. It’s even more ironic when you read the quote itself: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”

Regardless of who actually said it, this is exactly what we’re seeing today. Donald Trump has fooled millions of people into believing his every word. His own lies are too numerous to list in any-sized blog post, yet he’s made the “lyin’ Ted” moniker for Ted Cruz stick. He’s changed his opinions faster than most people change their oil, yet with every new iteration of a policy proposal his followers embrace them as gospel. He has truly fooled the masses… just like Barack Obama did for six years. Even today, in the wake of his failed Presidency, he still has millions of fans who adore him. Hopefully, we won’t see the same trend drive American politics with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton at the helm.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Some ‘Conservatives’ are Pledging Fealty to their Emperor and Must be Held to Account

Political expediency is a tough game to play. The decisions that politicians make to promote or extend their careers are often wrong and can yield the opposite result. Gang of Eight ruined Marco Rubio. Excessive deal-making ousted Eric Cantor. As some Republicans line up to kiss Donald Trump’s ring, they must be held to account for their treachery against every conservative ideal that could return America to prominence if ever it were given the chance.

William Wallace BetrayedIn the movie Braveheart, William Wallace had pledged to follow Robert the Bruce if he were allowed to be King of Scotland. It was a powerful scene because it was Robert who admired Wallace and to hear the man who was fighting for the future of his country declare that he would follow him was telling. Later, when it was revealed that Robert had betrayed Wallace for the sake of political expediency, the sadness on Wallace’s face was devastating enough that Robert would later lead the fight against their oppressors. I hate comparing life to movies, but that look, that feeling of betrayal, encapsulates the feelings of conservatives as we watch people like Jeff Sessions, Newt Gingrich, and Tom Cotton pledge allegiance to their dictator. It’s not that they want to do it, but for their own sake and to some extent for what they believe to be the sake of the country, they’ve made their decision.

Since we’re using entertainment analogies today, I’ll point to another. There’s a question in Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here that comes to mind when seeing these people that we once supported succumb to the pressures they perceive.

Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

The unholy alliance that’s forming between the Republican Establishment and the Trump Establishment is going to force most of us to ask the same question. This isn’t just about an election. This is existential. This is the once-in-a-lifetime choice that is no longer black and white because of the haze that’s forming around Trump and his supporters. While many conservative pundits and politicians are resisting and throwing their support behind Ted Cruz, more crumble under the weight of perceived inevitability every day. As of today, we can count on only a handful in the media such as Mark Levin, Erick Erickson, Amanda Carpenter, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Leon Wolf, Dana Loesch, David Limbaugh, Joseph Farah, L. Brent Bozell III, and a few others to stay firm in their belief that Ted Cruz is the conservative champion we absolutely need. Many of the rest are either already on board with Trump or they’re going to be pressured in that direction in the future.

They must all stay firm. We must all stay firm. Now is not the time for making deals. It’s not the time to push a Republican agenda for the sake of expediency when that agenda includes the destructive forces of Trump. If pundits are promoting Trump, we have to stop listening to or reading them. As more politicians pledge fealty, we must remember who they are and help to remove them when the time comes.

Everyone makes mistakes, but this is the type of decision that one must make with absolute certainty. We must not yield. Ted Cruz is the right man for the job and we cannot allow pressures or bullying to sway our proper judgment. The Republican party is burning and the only way to put out the fire is through Cruz. Supporting Donald Trump is throwing gasoline on it, allowing the fire to spread to the whole nation.

via Soshable

Sunday, March 20, 2016

After Romney Backed Cruz, Kasich Attempted Damage Control By Releasing Romney ‘Endorsement’

In the world of political spin, we’ve seen some of the masters at work this election season. From Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, we’re seeing masterful uses of media to get the message out regardless of how false they might be. Two days ago, we saw an amateur make an attempt at the same and the results are humorous.

Just as the demonstrable liar Trump has painted Ted Cruz as a liar and the racially illiterate Clinton has painted Bernie Sanders as a racist, now Kasich is trying to paint Mitt Romney as having endorsed the Ohio Governor. This is strange, of course, since earlier in the day that the Kasich campaign released the video, Romney asked Utah voters to support Cruz and specifically told them NOT to waste their vote on Kasich.

Some might say that the timing was simply off, but this is a YouTube video. It’s a 15-second spot. In today’s digital world, a quick ad could have been put up to replace it if indeed there was simply inconvenient timing and a pre-existing ad buy in play, but that’s not what they’re trying to do. They’re literally lying, trying to steal Cruz’s thunder by pretending like Romney never declared that he was voting for Cruz.

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders, but it may be possible that John Kasich is either dirtier or stupider (or both) than any of the three liberals running for the Presidency.

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Brunch and selfies. #Sundays and #daughters.

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Four Democrats and a Republican

We all know about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, but it may surprise voters to learn that based upon their proposed policies, both Donald Trump and John Kasich are more aligned with the Democratic party than the Republican party. Outside of his immigration policy, Donald Trump is closer to Hillary Clinton than to Ted Cruz. As for John Kasich, he doesn’t even argue that he’s not liberal. From Obamacare to Common Core to his willingness to nominate President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, he is barely able to call himself a Republican.

Ted Cruz is the Republican. The rest of the field on both sides have policies that are aligned with the Democratic party regardless of whether they put a [D] or [R] after their name.

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True Conservative Leadership Coming Soon to the White House

It’s been nearly three decades since true conservatism has exuded from the Oval Office. We’ve had a pair of Bush Presidencies mingled in with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, but their policies were often far from conservative. Now, America has the opportunity to give conservatism a shot once again.

Ronald Reagan did so much for this country while he was in office. For the first time since he left, America has a legitimate candidate that practices the same type of conservatism that brought prosperity and strength to the country. Now is not the time for experimenting. We have a sure thing ready to take the lead.

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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trump Stopped Pretending to be Conservative in January but His Supporters Didn’t Notice

For the first few months of his campaign, Donald Trump espoused many conservative ideals. Once his policy proposals started coming out and the need to push certain liberal perspectives hit, he switched gears. Now, he’s basically attacking all truly conservative ideas other than his border plan which is mostly conservative (other than touchback amnesty).

It was brilliant. He’s picking up the moderates, but he’s not losing the conservatives who seem to be oblivious to his policy stances. It’s either a testament to brilliant campaigning that allows for manipulation in all the right directions or it points to the fallacy of the conservative movement, much of which has fallen for his Pied Piper call and is now beyond reproach.

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Even David Brooks sees the demagogy of Donald Trump

Donald Trump Demagogue

The notion that the New York Times would have a token conservative on their political opinion staff has always been a humorous thing. It’s not that they shouldn’t have one. It’s that they selected a “conservative” in David Brooks that made Mitch McConnell seem like a far-right wacko bird. For the first time in a while, he wrote something that made perfect sense.

Not Trump. Not ever.

What’s also noteworthy is that Brooks actually pulled out the Bible to demonstrate how much of a demagogue Trump truly is.

Donald Trump is a menace to more than just the Republican party. Whether his nomination allows Hillary Clinton to become President or he’s able to win it himself, the end result is disastrous for America. For once, I agree wholeheartedly with David Brooks. Trump must be stopped immediately.

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Did the Obama administration already walk back their ‘genocide’ designation on the Islamic State?

All of the kudos being given to the Obama administration for labeling the atrocities committed by the Islamic State as “genocide” are premature. There is no indication that anything will come from this harshly worded condemnation. Words are words. Extreme actions are the only things that can possibly make a difference in the lives of those suffering today and the first step by the administration following the designation was to declare that they’re under no obligation to do anything about it.

While most news outlets are still focused on the declaration, very few are pointing out the lack of tangible action.

Fox News reports:

The designation affirms that the definition of “genocide” under U.S. law has been met. Because the U.S. has ratified the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, it must now seek enforcement of the Convention.

Obama Administration officials have already asserted that “Kerry’s finding will not obligate the United States to take additional action against ISIS militants . . . .” The United States must lead the world in defending Christians from genocide, not merely pay lip service to their plight as they are slaughtered. And the United Nations needs to do its part on the world’s stage.

The irony here is that they’re declaring that there’s no obligation to take “additional action” in a situation where many conservatives have criticized them for taking no action. The upgraded air strikes against the Islamic State have yet to yield substantial fruit and the attempt to arm the “rebels” in Syria proved to be a complete waste of time, energy, and taxpayer dollars.

This administration is absolutely obligated to do something rather than waiting for the next President. It’s conspicuous that Secretary of State John Kerry and not President Obama made the declaration. He cannot be allowed to punt this terrible situation down the road. He must act now.

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Friday, March 18, 2016

The Last Conservative Standing Must No Longer Stand Alone

For the first time in three decades, a true conservative has an opportunity to return values and prudence to the White House. Not since Ronald Reagan has a defender of the Constitution been so close to sitting in the Oval Office and renewing the promises that made America exceptional. This country has suffered through over a quarter century of poor leadership and destructive policies and the only man that can change this disastrous trend is Ted Cruz.

When the election season started last year, I found myself filled with hope. The field of candidates included strong conservatives and it seemed like the only real Establishment threat was Jeb Bush. The sentiment around the country following the disappointment of a Congress that remained liberal despite being controlled by Republicans favored the conservative cause. It was clear that this would be an anti-Establishment election year until the ultimate Establishment mole worked his way into the conversation. Donald Trump, the most experienced manipulator of crony politics that has ever run for President, was able to spin the narrative in his direction and steal the thunder from the proven anti-Establishment candidate. While Trump was playing the Establishment game, Cruz was making enemies in all the right places, but that reality was lost in the media’s salivating obsession with the false anti-Establishment candidate.

Since earlier this year when Trump denial turned to Trump regrets, we’ve seen many patriotic conservatives stand to be counted. Erick Erickson, Ben Shapiro, Brent Bozell III, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin used their status as real pundits to share the truth about Trump while shedding light on the qualities of Ted Cruz, but it hasn’t been enough. There’s a strong delusion sweeping the country, one that is so powerful that I haven’t discounted it’s possible Biblical implications. However, there’s a difference between acknowledging the powers and principalities and fearing them. I do not fear them and unless stopping Trump and promoting Cruz becomes impossible, I will continue to fight. I ask all true conservatives to do the same.

Now is not the time to stand on the sidelines and wonder at the Trump phenomenon. Now is not the time to accept Trump as an inevitability or to lose hope in Cruz’s chances to defeat him. Just as Trump’s supporters have shielded themselves against the facts, so too must Cruz supporters shield themselves from the lies.

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Ronald Reagan on the Rule of Law Under God

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Mark Levin on a Cruz vs Clinton Matchup

When we post these images for the sake of social media, we usually accompany them with an explanation or analysis. This needs none. As usual, Mark Levin is simply right.

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Why does it take so long to buy a new car?

Why Does Car Buying Take So Long

Buying a brand new car from the dealership is never a short process.  Don’t count on the paperwork taking a short period of time and don’t make plans for immediately after you walk through the doors.  Get comfortable, because you’re going to be there for quite a while.  But why is this?  What happens between choosing the car and walking out the door that makes the process take so long, and is there any way to speed it up?  Is it all part of the sales pitch to wear us down?

Short answer, no.  It isn’t an effort to wear us down and just make us sign any slip of paper that they put in front of us out of sheer frustration.  There is a combination of several factors that go into the car buying process that we aren’t privy to, and each one of these processes requires time.  While we may see one or two people during the entire process, there are several people behind the scenes making our exit in a new vehicle, possible.  However, there are also instances where the process takes so long because you’re being raked across the coals.  It’s up to you to make the difference.

First of all, there is a chance that the dealership is beleaguering the process in order to make more money on the deal.  If you’re a skilled haggler, and managed to get their bottom line down further than they expected to go, they’re not making a lot of money on your deal.  Not to mention, a salesperson doesn’t make a great deal of commission on the car itself.  It’s typically the after-market products that lead to high commission paychecks.  So, if your process is taking an inordinately long amount of time to complete your sale, there may be something sinister going on behind the scenes.

In this case, they’re looking to tear down your patience, and hope that you’ll agree to whatever to get out of there.  If you sit there for long enough, doubting that you’re going to get the car, and there are people whispering and passing paperwork in front of you, you get antsy.  At this point, you’re probably hungry, tired from work, or ready to continue with your weekend ritual, and you’re sick of being there.  This is the best opportunity to offer you additional services, because you just want to leave.  To combat this phenomenon, go into the dealership well-armed in advance.  Eat before you go, wear comfortable clothing, and get your errands done beforehand.  Know what you will and won’t pay for, and be prepared to say no.

The aforementioned situation is a rarity, however, as many dealerships try to remain as reputable as possible.  Sometimes you’re sitting because of, well, you.  It doesn’t matter what measure of preparation and research when into the process for you, if you’re not pre-approved or honest about your credit history, there can be a number of complications that will extend the sales process.  Sure, you’ve picked your car ahead of time, but did you make sure that the Discover card you got in college and didn’t pay off isn’t negatively impacting your credit score?

Okay, so your score on two reports is average, or even high, but if these aren’t the reports your dealership is using, they might as well be terrible.  To rid yourself of the potential for this situation, check your credit score across the board.  Check all three of the major reports and call ahead to see which report they’re going to use.  Apply for financing beforehand and see what you qualify for, as this will shorten the process of the F&I person finagling to get you out the door in the car you want.

Another reason for the extended process is the inexperience of the salesperson, or the dealership itself, or both.  By ensuring that you shop for a car from a battle-tested dealership with thousands of sales under its belt, you’re automatically making sure that you’re eliminating the potential for an inexperienced dealership.  Finding a reputable salesperson in a particular dealership and sticking with that member of the sales staff is the best way to streamline the process.  If you’re unsure of what salesperson has the most experience, call the dealership and ask.  Schedule an appointment with that person, even if it means having to wait.  Have your bottom line price in mind though, because the more experience he is, the best he will be at the sales process.

The process of buying a car doesn’t have to be painful.  There are efforts you can make to streamline the process, and there are some small safeguards to ensure that you’re not wasting your time or that of the dealership.  Know what you can afford, what your credit score is, and what are must-haves in your vehicle before you even walk out the door.  Sure, part of the process is deciding which vehicle you want, but other parts can be so much more time consuming.   Keep things simple, and make the process work for you.

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Espresso before school. No DNA test required.

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Brokered Convention Lie: John Kasich is Helping Donald Trump and Must Be Stopped

There was a time when I thought that John Kasich must be an idiot. As it turned out, he’s probably the third smartest of the 16 original major GOP candidates and is working towards solidifying his political future.

I thought he was a campaigning idiot for putting all of his eggs in the New Hampshire basket. Then, I thought he was an egotistical idiot for staying in to win his home state when he knew he had no path to the White House. Recently, I realized that he had made the right moves if his intention was to get the VP tap from whoever the nominee ended up being. With everything finally in focus, it’s clear that he has had one intention all along: being Donald Trump’s VP pick. All of the talk that’s buzzing, including from Kasich himself, about the plan for a brokered convention is a lie. Based upon the math and the path to the convention, Kasich’s best bet for a brokered convention was to be the last “sane” candidate standing before dropping out and allowing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to split the remaining delegates. By staying in, Kasich is attempting to ensure that Trump gets enough delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot.

It wasn’t the type of conspiracy theory that I wanted to point out alone, but surprisingly there were very few mentions. One mention did stick out from a strange source: former Clinton adviser Dick Morris.

“I suspect there may be a quiet, secret, behind-the-scenes understanding reached between Trump and Kasich, where Kasich stays in the race, siphons off enough votes, and Trump is the nominee. People were talking about Kasich being in the race to cause a brokered convention. That’s the exact opposite of the truth. If he stays in the race, he will make a brokered convention very unlikely because Trump will win those delegates.

“Where everybody gets it wrong is they don’t understand that in the Republican primaries, you have a few states that are winner-take-all, but most of the states that remain are winner-take-most, which means Trump would walk away with the vast bulk of the delegates were it a three-way race.”

It’s a very astute, albeit brief analysis of the situation. Kasich’s supporters lean approximately 60/40 in favor of Cruz if Kasich drops out. In most of the winner-takes-all states left on the schedule, that would be enough to tip the scale in favor of Cruz. New Jersey and Maryland are probably out of reach, but the remainder of the winner-takes-all states leading up to the June 7 finale would go to Cruz, setting up what could be the most epic battle in recent primary history: California. If Kasich were to drop out soon, it’s very likely that whoever wins California will have the 1,237 delegates necessary for the nomination.

On the other hand, Kasich’s lingering presence may be enough to prevent Cruz from even being viable by the time California rolls around.

Despite his massive failures with education in Ohio, John Kasich can do math. There is no brokered convention that yields his nomination. The only brokering being done is between Kasich and Donald Trump to ensure the worst ticket in the modern era: Trump/Kasich.

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

It’s the Senate that should be Apologizing to Ted Cruz

In these strange political times, one would expect the United States Senate to be the last remaining vestige of civility and stability within a government body that has deteriorated over the last eight years. It should be the Senate that’s doing what they can with their rules and precious decorum to stand up against Donald Trump with a unified voice that says, “No, that’s not acceptable.”

Instead, it’s the Senate that is doing more to enable and even promote Donald Trump than any other entity in Washington DC. Their stubborn refusal to acknowledge their own weaknesses and disgraceful activities for the past decade is giving Trump the ammunition he needs to take down Cruz. Now, they want Cruz to apologize for his “mistakes” and kiss the ring of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a man that Cruz famously called a liar after it was revealed that he (gasp!) lied.

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are the only men with honor in the entire Senate. They are the ones who kept their promise to uphold the Constitution and defend the rights of Americans by fulfilling what they said they would do when they were running for office in the first place. It’s Ted Cruz who stood alone against Obamacare when his colleagues were busy cutting deals. Only Ted Cruz has remained faithful to his constituents and brought a resolute stance in an attempt to deliver the changes the Republican Party promised in order to get the majority in the Senate in the first place.

Every Senator other than Cruz and Lee have failed. They have betrayed Americans to one extent or another and they are constantly lying in order to save their special interests and maintain their status. Even some of the “honorable” Senators like Rand Paul and Jeff Sessions have bowed down to the Republican Establishment leaders in the Senate as well as the dictator-in-waiting, Donald Trump.

Now, it appears that the Senate is preparing to hear from President Obama’s Supreme Court Justice nominee despite promises that they would wait for the next President to nominate someone. As Steve Berman at The Resurgent put it:

This is just another in a long string of betrayals from our Republican congress. Ted Cruz shouldn’t apologize. The GOP-controlled senate would rather have Donald Trump lose in a landslide to Hillary than put Cruz in the White House. It is they who should apologize to voters, and when Trump destroys the GOP and they’re at home lamenting their losses, they’ll learn.

If the Senate would do its job as an entity and if Senators were held accountable as individuals, we wouldn’t see anyone asking Ted Cruz to apologize to them. In fact, they would be following Cruz’s lead on many issues and President Obama would not be free-spending on every issue that tickles his fancy.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

When Marco Rubio loses tomorrow, he will halt his campaign

Marco Rubio was the chosen one. He was the candidate that was going to represent conservatism while bringing pragmatists over to the right wing of the party. He was the face, the voice, and the future of the Republican party. There was really nothing that could have stopped him once he demonstrated domination over his mentor Jeb Bush in the fall of 2015.

Then, Marco Rubio happened. He proved to be a lazy campaigner and an ineffective fundraiser. He received a good number of endorsements from important people, but not really because of his ability to convince them. They fell in line for the most part because he wasn’t Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. His history has been called into question and he had a penchant for missing votes in the Senate. Marco Rubio lost because of Marco Rubio.

Tomorrow is his last stand. Barring some tremendous miracle, he will end his campaign and will reluctantly support Ted Cruz for President. Chances are that he won’t outright endorse Cruz immediately. He’s finished in the Senate and his future is now in doubt. He doesn’t have a ton of money sitting in the bank so it’s not like he can pick and choose where he’s going to spend the next four to eight years plotting his comeback. He needs to work and if there’s a place in a Cruz administration for him, he’ll take it.

Rubio’s not done. He is too young and ambitious to take this as anything other than the same types of pains that past nominees like Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have had to endure in losing primaries. If the Republicans lose this winter, he’ll be back in four years. If they win, he’ll be back in eight to twelve. Regardless of what happens, he’ll take what he’s learned and come back stronger.

This has been such a disappointing campaign for both the Establishment’s golden boy and his supporters, but it’s not the end of Marco Rubio.

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Ted Cruz on Being a Conservative

There have been too many candidates over the years that claim to be conservatives. They trumpet some conservative talking points and proclaim their belief in the Constitution, but their actions and histories never seem to match. Case in point: Donald Trump. The funny part is that he’s abandoned the idea of promoting his conservatism over the last few months and now readily admits that he’s not one. In fact, he is now blaming conservatives for many of the problems in this country.

With Ted Cruz, there’s no doubt. He’s walked the walk and made certain that his conservative principles are maintained even if it prevents him from making friends. Thankfully, as President, he won’t need friends. Congress will lean towards conservatism based upon their nature to meld to the will of the President and the Supreme Court will be made more conservative over time.

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The Republican Establishment wants Ted Cruz to bow to them

Ted Cruz hasn’t made many friends in the Senate. As of now, he has one endorsement, albeit a powerful one in Utah Senator Mike Lee. His willingness to attack his colleagues and defend the American people by fulfilling his campaign promises and staying true to the conservatism that he represents has thus far prevented him from becoming a Republican Establishment stooge. Despite the pressure, he continues to stay true to his mission.

They want an apology, but it isn’t going to happen.

In case there was any doubt, Cruz has already stated that he’s not going to do it just for the sake of a handful of endorsements and the votes that they would bring.

Is it politically expedient to stick to his guns? Of course not. He could probably win the nomination outright by gathering the support of the Republican Establishment in this manner, but he’s not going to do it. It’s not that he doesn’t want their support. However, making himself beholden to their whims in exchange for the nomination is not worth it to any true conservative. This country needs real strength, not the false strongman tactics of Donald Trump. Would Trump bow if it meant an endorsement? Yes he would.

If there was any doubt that Cruz is willing to fight the Establishment, this should put all of that to rest. Cruz is fighting for the people against the Establishment. He always has. He always will.

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Cruz’s Unwillingness to Apologize to McConnell is Exactly Why He Needs to be the Next President

The support of the Republican Establishment is within reach for Ted Cruz. All he has to do is apologize to Mitch McConnell for calling him a liar. That’s it. All will be forgiven and he’ll receive tons of endorsements from his powerful colleagues in the Senate. Of course, Ted Cruz is unwilling to do that which is why he deserves every single bit of support, particularly from those who support Donald Trump because they think that he’s anti-Establishment.

First and foremost, Donald Trump is no anti-Establishment. He IS the Establishment. He represents the cronyism that has made Washington DC the cesspool of disastrous deal-making that it has become since Ronald Reagan left office. Those who believe that Reagan was the great deal-maker can point to a couple of great deals that he made, but they were not in the same league as the corruption that has become so commonplace since the 1990’s in Congress. In fact, Reagan was much more like Calvin Coolidge (and Cruz, for that matter) as an obstructionist to “progress” that didn’t make sense.

Here’s what the Establishment wants:

Here’s what Cruz had to say about that:

Finally, here’s the proper response that every Republican should embrace:

The type of business as usual that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton represent is exactly what we don’t need in the White House. We need someone strong who’s willing to fight for Americans, not the elites in DC. It’s time for people to wake up and smell the stalwart conservatism that can save the country, the type of conservatism that’s only represented by Ted Cruz.

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Shirley Temples never go out of style.

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The Fight for the Survival of the Country Comes Down to John Kasich’s Ego

Despite every effort to do otherwise, I’ve grown to like John Kasich. I really do. He’s proven that he truly cares for America and has some good ideas about how to make it better. Unfortunately, now he’s also proving that his love for America falls just shy of his love for his own political career. At this point, John Kasich is enemy #1 in my book.

If Kasich has his way, the country will fall. That’s only an outrageous statement if you don’t assume three things:

  • A Hillary Clinton Presidency would be worse than the last eight years we’ve suffered under Barack Obama
  • A Donald Trump nomination will harm the Republican party and will ensure a Hillary Clinton Presidency (and if it doesn’t, a Trump Presidency could be even worse)
  • A brokered convention that does not yield the frontrunner as the nominee will destroy the Republican party and ensure a Hillary Clinton Presidency

Those are the options. They’re assumptions that should be very clearly understood by all but the most loyal Trump supporters or Democrats. If you’re a conservative or moderate Republican, the writing is on the wall. We are being weighed in the balance and at this point we’re being found wanting. This is bad. John Kasich can fix it.

It comes down to ego. If Kasich wants to help the country, the best way he can do that is to join Ted Cruz’s campaign and earn a spot in the administration. Personally, I’d like to see him as the VP choice (yes, even over Carly Fiorina or Marco Rubio, both of whom I like). He would make a great VP, a very good Secretary of State, and is uniquely qualified to fill just about any major cabinet position based upon an exceptional level of knowledge across the board.

The problem is his ego. That’s the only possible reason that a man of his intelligence can come to the conclusion that a nomination through a brokered convention could somehow yield a positive result. There’s the conspiracy theory that he’s the pawn of a nebulous Republican Establishment, but I’m not buying into that yet. We’ll see, but I believe it’s more likely he’s being manipulated into bringing about a Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan nomination through convention, but I don’t believe he’s doing it willfully. I could be wrong, but I’m hopeful that it really is just ego. At least with ego there’s a chance he’ll come to his senses before it’s too late.

John Kasich has no mathematical path to the nomination and a brokered convention will destroy the party and sink the country into Clinton hell. If he can be made to get over himself and think with the country’s best interests in mind, there’ still hope.

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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Donald Trump, Alpha Victim

Donald Trump’s supporters like to think of him as an alpha male. He represents strength and confidence, two of the traits that are often associated with the informal characterizations of the alpha wolf among men. While he definitely possesses some of those traits, they’re completely wiped away once one digs beneath the surface to reveal the extreme level of insecurity that make him lash out less like a “man’s man” and more like the weak person at his core.

Inside, Donald Trump is a victim. He’s carefully crafted a facade of strength to cover up intense neediness and the weaknesses that point to what he would have been had he not been born into a real estate empire. This is why he plays the “victim card” at nearly every turn. It’s why he points at every criticism and cries out that people are being unfair to him. It’s why those who give him compliments are A-okay in his book even if those people are corrupt Russian dictators or hateful bigots.

Frank Bruni at the New York Times wrote a piece that everyone should read. It details the neediness that many of us have been seeing for a while but that nobody until now has had the guts to point out. Like Bruni, I never looked at his choice to ask his supporters to raise their right hand and pledge allegiance to him as akin to Adolf Hitler or Nazism. To the Nazis, the gesture was an affirmation of their domination and a sign designed to strike fear into their foes. For Trump, the gesture embodied his desperate need and insatiable appetite for positive affirmation.

He needs to be liked. He craves recognition. It grinds at him when anyone is critical of him and he’s completely unwilling to acknowledge mistakes. This last part is the only thing that gives me hope that he’s actually a Christian; it might just be a weakness in his psyche that prevents him from asking God for forgiveness and not a willful disobedience to the Bible. I doubt it, but there’s at least a chance he might just be a very weak person and not an atheist or agnostic as his actions imply.

There’s another story I read tonight that inadvertently calls out Trump as anything but an alpha male. It comes from Ask Men, a publication I would normally never read but it popped up first in Google while I was researching this topic.

While their intention was not to call out Trump, they do so within their 10 points very nicely. Here are some of the highlights that point to the idea that Trump is absolutely not an alpha male:

  • 9. You’re not an alpha male if you never apologize, even when you’re wrong
  • 8. You’re not an alpha male if you suck up to leaders and seek their approval (Putin)
  • 7. You’re not an alpha male if you gossip
  • 5. You’re not an alpha male if you act before you think
  • 4. You’re not an alpha male if you blame others
  • 3. You’re not an alpha male if you lie
  • 2. You’re not an alpha male if you betray others to get ahead
  • 1. You’re not an alpha male if you bully people

Trump only passes two points in their top ten list. I’m not insinuating that Ask Men is a realm of political punditry, but they do spend an awful lot of time writing about men’s issues and when it comes to Trump, they seem to be pointing to my assertion that he’s less of an alpha male and more of an alpha victim. To an alpha victim, everyone else is wrong, strength should be wielded to point out fallacies in others, and at no point will they ever take responsibility for their actions. An alpha victim cries foul whenever they’re called out and believes that they can accomplish things by putting everyone else down. This is an extremely effective tactic in business. It’s the destruction of our nation if used by a President.

A man that craves adoration, bullies others, tries so hard to be the strongman even if his ideas are weak, and calls everyone who criticizes him “unfair” is not the alpha male that he pretends to be. Voters who see him as strong need to realize that this insecure man has no core and would be nothing today if he wasn’t born into a life of privilege.

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Ted Cruz: Conservative Fighter

There’s only one candidate who has consistently fought to defend the American people from the evils of Washington DC. There’s only one candidate who fights for the Constitution. There’s only one candidate who has the ideology and skill to bring this country back from the brink.

Ted Cruz has always and will always fight for the people. No other candidate, particularly the three liberals – Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders – can possibly fathom what it will truly take to empower the people to save this country.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Pray for Discernment for Those Trapped in Trump’s Angry Echo Chamber

Over the last several months, I’ve been very critical of Donald Trump’s supporters. It seemed that the majority of them were unable to describe what it was about his policies or principles that made them want to vote for him. Any questions I asked of them were answered with a combination of stump speech sound bites, nationalistic fervor, or poorly designed memes. That was a representation of the initial base, but things have changed. There are people who clearly have a brain but who are starting to follow Trump. It took a while, but I finally understand the appeal.

The key to understanding how Trump supporters think is to realize that they’re not truly thinking. That’s NOT an insult of their intelligence. We all get that way from time to time. We latch onto an idea so tightly that we start protecting it from every attack angle. Even if the attacks are righteous, we cling so hard that we won’t allow it to breath, to truly roam the intellectual pastures in the critical thinking areas of our minds.

Trump hasn’t just tapped into that portion through his Saul Alinsky methodologies for campaigning. He’s done so through exceptionally well-calculated manipulations of both the media and his opponents to generate an echo chamber of anger. This insulates them. It immerses them in his rhetoric in a way that prevents them from thinking for themselves about the issues important to them. Again, this sounds like an insult to their intelligence but I must reiterate that it has nothing to do with whether or not they’re smart, patriotic, or versed on the issues. Again, some of the smartest, most conservative people I know are trapped and it’s been very challenging to get some of them to see the truth.

By understanding this, we can learn two very discouraging things. First, it means that standard arguments will have zero effect. For example, it’s difficult to take a staunch conservative and convince them that Trump is liberal because the rhetoric they’re focused on within the echo chamber is immigration, bringing back jobs, and stopping radical Islamic terrorism. Under normal circumstances, this staunch conservative wouldn’t stand for a candidate that wanted to increase the size of government more than even President Obama has been able to do, nor would they accept that tariff-based “fair” trade could do anything other than raise prices for purchased goods without the potential for bringing more manufacturing jobs back to America, nor would they want a tax and spend plan that will raise the national debt by $9.4 trillion IF he’s able to grow the economy as hoped.

The second and arguably more discouraging thing we now know is that their passion is contagious. They are so addicted to the noise in the echo chamber that they can draw their friends and relatives into it. The good news is that the majority of Americans will hear the cacophony once they enter and realize that it’s a combination of nonsense and propaganda, but not everyone. Those who believe that Trump’s support has reached its cap are like Luke Skywalker who had to be constantly reminded that he doesn’t “know the power of the dark side.”

This is the biggest reason why there is no time to wait for John Kasich and Marco Rubio to decide that their campaigns have run their course. Now, today, immediately, those who do not want Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee MUST accept that Ted Cruz is the only viable alternative. Every vote for Kasich and Rubio (outside of their home states) is a vote for Trump. EVERY vote.

Only God can Change Their Hearts

I realize that not everyone who reads these articles is a Christian, but I’m asking you pray regardless of your perspectives on religion. The time has past for education or campaigning to Trump’s supporters. They’re locked in hard and reasoning with them is futile. Trump is the man they want him to be regardless of who he actually is because they’ve already chosen to exist intellectually within his echo chamber. If we could sit down with them one by one and show them the facts, there’s a chance that some could be freed from their Pied Piper’s call, but at this point there’s simply not enough time.

Pray for them. Pray for discernment. Pray for them to be released from the lies that are holding them captive. Pray humbly and with the meekness of a servant for those that you know to see the light. Pray that they’ll hear some bit of truth that breaks them free. Pray that they’ll see the reality of Trump’s campaign and the existential destruction of America that he represents. Pray that they will be granted discernment.

This isn’t just about keeping him from winning the nomination. In reality, if Kasich and Rubio drop out on Wednesday, it’s likely that Cruz will accumulate more delegates by the time the convention rolls around. This is about keeping the party together and not allowing Trump to destroy it from within. The more Trump supporters that we can reach now, the easier it will be for Cruz to defeat the Democrats in November.

via Soshable

Mark Levin on Voting for Ted Cruz

Mark Levin’s unprecedented endorsement of Ted Cruz is meaningful. We’re talking about a true conservative, a Reaganite who has spent his life promoting the ideals of the Constitution and fighting in its defense. He doesn’t endorse Presidential candidates during the primaries, but he made an important exception.

Ted Cruz is the embodiment of the type of leader America needs right now. Just as the country needed Ronald Reagan to fix the mess left by Jimmy Carter, so too does the country need Ted Cruz to leave the bigger mess left by Barack Obama. No other candidate can do this.

The visual nature of social media means that from time to time we will be sharing messages that should resonate for our audience. To see more of them, which are great for sharing on social media, simply click on the Messages category.

via Soshable

When You’re Too Busy to Pray, You Need Prayer the Most

Many of us operate in hectic worlds. I often find it difficult to give as much time to this ministry as I once did, let alone for me to spend time alone with God. This is a mistake that I strive to correct, something that we all go through from time to time. When it seems like there isn’t enough time, that’s exactly when we need to make the time.

As Exodus points out, there are times when it is simply out place to be still.

The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.Exodus 14:14

This video helped me to remember that when I don’t think I have enough time to devote to the Father, that’s the point when I should be giving even more time.

The post When You’re Too Busy to Pray, You Need Prayer the Most appeared first on Judeo Christian Church.

via Judeo Christian Church

Friday, March 11, 2016

Only Ted Cruz can Beat Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

There seems to be a lot of confusion still floating around the Republican party. It surrounds the questions of how to beat Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. At this stage, there’s only one viable solution: voting for Ted Cruz. A vote for any other candidate is a vote for Trump and therefore a vote for Clinton.

Much of the confusion surrounds the likelihood of a contested convention. Unless John Kasich and Marco Rubio drop out on Wednesday and endorse Ted Cruz after winning their states, there is going to be a contested convention. However, the notion that a contested convention would yield anyone other than Trump or Cruz as the nominee is a falsehood. The Republican Establishment is powerful and the different factions are still deciding who is the lesser of their two evils, but they won’t alienate their base and fracture the party irreparably by pushing Rubio, Kasich, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, or whoever their chosen savior is at the time. In a contested convention, Trump or Cruz is still the nominee.

To prevent the destruction of the party and the coronation of Hillary Clinton as President, there’s only one realistic solution. Cruz must either win the nomination outright (yes, it’s still very possible) or he must end up with the same or more delegates at the convention. For this to be possible, voters and even those reluctant power brokers in the party must realize two important truths: only Cruz can beat Trump and therefore only Cruz can defeat Clinton.

Only Cruz can Defeat Trump

The math is easy. Cruz is within striking distance of Trump in delegates. That’s fine and still favors Trump, but there’s a catch. In head-to-head polls, Cruz crushes Trump. When Rubio and Kasich drop out, the majority of their support goes to Cruz. That will shift the remainder of the primary races heavily in Cruz’s favor and would give him either the lead or an outright nomination victory by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz One on One with Trump

The key to this is Rubio and Kasich dropping out soon. There’s evidence that an arrangement has already been struck. Could it mean that one of them will be the Vice President and the other will be the Secretary of State, similar to the deals Barack Obama cut in 2008?

For voters, it comes down to one thing: vote Cruz or Trump. Voting for either Kasich or Rubio outside of Ohio and Florida is a vote for Trump, period. They cannot mount enough delegates to overtake the frontrunners. They won’t be gifted the nomination at a contested convention.

If they drop out and their supporters generally go to Cruz whether as their second choice or as their not-Trump choice, Cruz will get what he needs to be the nominee.

Anyone But Trump Would Defeat Clinton

When pundits were saying in June and July that Trump was a joke, I was skeptical. By August, I was completely convinced that nearly every “expert” was absolutely wrong about Trump fading away. It wasn’t prescience or insight but rather a gut feeling that told me Trump was going to stay in and had a chance of pulling it off. That gut feeling that told me he could win the nomination is the same gut feeling (this time backed up by facts) that tells me he would be utterly obliterated by the media in the weeks leading up to the general election if he gets the nomination. They’ve taken it easy on him so far by not diving into investigative reports (as they’ve done with every GOP nominee since Richard Nixon), but if he locks up the nomination, they’ll unleash hell.

Currently, Trump is the only candidate that generally loses to Clinton. Every other candidate defeats her in the vast majority of the last couple of months of polling. Trump hasn’t been close in a while and is losing ground with every new poll:

Trump vs Clinton Head-to-Head

Cruz, on the other hand, has been surging against her and recently overtook her:

Cruz vs Clinton Head-to-Head

Overconfidence hurt Republicans in 2012 when a decent GOP candidate, Mitt Romney, should have easily defeated Barack Obama. That mistake won’t happen this year because with the stakes as high as they are, it’s completely unfathomable that any GOP candidate other than Trump and possibly Chris Christie could fail to defeat Hillary Clinton. While there’s still a chance that Bernie Sanders could beat her, it seems as if the Democratic Establishment made up their minds long ago.

Republicans MUST Choose One or the Other

There are two choices in the nomination race. Assuming that the Republican Establishment will get their wish for a contested convention, it’s still almost certain that they would nominate one of the two frontrunners. If it’s not close, the leader would likely win. If it’s close, then it’s all up to the power brokers within the party. Either way, Cruz or Trump will be the nominee.

At this point, a vote for John Kasich or Marco Rubio (outside of their home states) would be a vote for Trump. His base is strong, but it’s smaller than most realize. Assuming he can get 35%-40% of the vote, we know that there are enough people against him to be able to defeat him if the votes are unified behind Cruz. Votes for either of the two other candidates will do nothing but prevent Cruz from beating Trump.

If you read the rhetoric and untruthful memes posted by Trump supporters on social media, you might get discouraged. If you look at the facts, it’s clear that the path for a Cruz nomination and Presidency is realistic as long as discerning Republicans vote against Hillary Clinton. That vote in the primary is manifested in one man: Ted Cruz.

via Soshable